1)         In the Hughes et al. (2014) paper, what was the observed difference between acoustic and chemical cues? What environmental conditions might affect the chemical cues? (4 pts)

2)         In Hughes et al. (2014), what explanation do the authors give for the black drum and catfish acoustic cues having a greater effect on crab foraging behavior than the toadfish or snapping shrimp? (4 pts)

3)         What physiological mechanisms within crabs allowed them to detect acoustic cues from marine fish? (2 pt)

4)         What are non-consumptive effects? From your reading of Hughes et al. (2014), what aspects of prey can we measure to understand if non-consumptive effects are influencing prey populations? What would we need to measure to understand consumptive effects? (6 pts)

5)         Define “trophic cascades” and explain an example of these effects from Hughes et al. (2014). (2pts)

6)         Write out the citation for the journal article of Hughes et al. (2014) using Journal of Ecology formatting. (2 pts)

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