Research & summaries discussion question

  1. Identify and address the distinctive traits of the main character.

    1. Begin by describing the setting, the historical context, and the main themes covered by the book. (Make sure you introduce apartheid and explain what it meant, also explain why the book is titled Kaffir Boy and explain what the term “Kaffir” meant in the context of apartheid South Africa).

  1. In what ways was the author and the black people of South Africa in general impacted by apartheid laws (explain with specific examples from the book and my article. Provide at least three instances/examples from both sources. At least two from the book and one from the article).

  1. In what ways does living under apartheid rule in South Africa compare with the historical experiences of black people in the United States? Why did the world allow apartheid regime to survive for so long?

  1. What have you learnt (if anything) from reading Kaffir Boy? Does the book teach any life lesson? If it does what is the lesson.

  1. Conclude by stating your opinion about the book.

NOTE: The review should be written in a narrative essay form. The essay should be 3-4 pages long. The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced, and paginated. There should be at least, two (2) direct quotes from the novel, integrated in the body of the essay. Your quotes should come from different parts of the book. The book is divided into three main parts: Part 1-“The Road to Alexandra” (pg. 1-120), Part 2 – “Passport to Knowledge” (pg.121-212), and Part 3-“Passport to Freedom” (pg. 213-350). Make sure you derive your quotes from at least 2 of the 3 parts of the book. In addition you should have at least one quote from the article. Quotes should be cited accordingly. This is an example of how to quote and cite:

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