CRIJ-3304-93L Research methods

Writing Assignment: As noted in the syllabus, this course requires one (1) writing assignment. For this assignment you will need to find five (5) articles from academic, peer-reviewed journals on a topic of your choice, read the articles, briefly summarize the articles, develop a hypothesis (with one independent and one dependent variable) and null hypothesis on the same topic as the articles you read.

For example, if you read and summarized five (5) articles on violence within prisons, your hypothesis should be related to violence in prisons (e.g., Inmates in prison gangs are more likely to use violence against other inmates than inmates not involved with prison gangs).

Attached (in the “To-Do List”) are two copies of instructions: a short version and a long version. They provide the same basic instructions, but the long version provides greater detail. If you are comfortable completing this assignment using just the basic (short) instructions, there is no need for you to read the long version. If you want detailed instructions on how to complete the assignment, then please see the full instructions.

Also attached is an example of what your paper should look like. There are two (2) copies of all of the aforementioned documents (one copy in MS Word and one PDF copy, you may open and read whichever file format you prefer).

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