Political Science Question

Discussion #1- Money In Elections – Due Friday

In this forum, share your research findings from the Open Secrets Center for Responsive Politics (Links to an external site.) assignment with your classmates. Be certain to include why you selected the topic you researched.

Read through and comment on the summary/analysis provided by your classmates (you must reply to at least two classmates).

You should include your sources and analysis. Remember that Wikipedia is not a college level source.!!

One post is DUE by Wednesday NIGHT at 11:59 pm (can be initial or reply to classmates). At least two additional post(s) that include interactions with at least two other students are due by Friday NIGHT at 11:55pm. Minimum of 3 substantive posts for the week and please check and reply to classmates throughout the week.

You must use classmates first names in all replies when you address them at the beginning of your reply.


Discussion #2- Media – Due Friday

Explore and evaluate the evolution of the mass media in the United States and its impact on our political system and the public. You should include all of the following in your discussion:

What your expectations about media are and what you believe the public’s expectations are?

Where you get your campaign and election results as well as political news?

How do you know the political and election information you receive is/was reliable?

Explain the charges behind media being liberal or conservative and if you believe the media skews one direction. You need to have examples and identify your position.

One post is DUE by Wednesday NIGHT at 11:59 pm (can be initial or reply to classmates). At least two additional post(s) that include interactions with at least two other students are due by Friday NIGHT at 11:55pm. Minimum of 3 substantive posts for the week and please check and reply to classmates throughout the week.

You must use classmates first names in all replies when you address them at the beginning of your reply.


Assignment- Research Money In Politics – Due Saturday

Explore the Center for Responsive Politics (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)website. The Center for Responsive Politics tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. The center provides data and analytical reports on a number of topics (presidential elections, super pacs, political parties, 527 groups, etc.)

Research an area that interests you on the site. Submit a minimum one page summary and analysis of your findings on the topic. Include links to the pages you consulted for your assignment.

Each response should be paragraph should be a minimum of one full page written in full sentences (minimum of 10 sentences)

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