What is Human Computer Interaction (HCI)?

  1. What is Human Computer Interaction (HCI)?

  1. Name three professionals whose knowledge and methods are associated with HCI?

  1. What is done to ensure reliability of a system?

  1. Give an example of a Life-critical system and describe what it does?

  1. What is Universal Usability?

  1. Name a cultural and international difference that needs to be considered in a program and describe why? For example: characters, numbers and special characters on a keyboard?

  1. Name three concerns the ANSI/HFES100-2007 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations (2007) lists?

  2. Name 4 design ways that help getting a user’s attention?

  1. Give an example of a system that needs supervisory control and describe what it is used for?

  1. Name 3 interaction styles?

  1. List the 8 Golden Rules of Interface Design

  1. List Norman’s seven stages of action?

  1. List the scenario-based design characterization from Rosson and Caroll?

  1. In the design process name 3 design frameworks?

  1. List 3 sample guidelines that are listed in the IOS Human Interface Guidelines?

  1. Research a Design Case Study that was done by using Big Data and explain?

In Chapter 6 you were introduced to design case studies, in this discussion we will try to understand a user satisfaction of their cell phone.

: Case study about your personal cell phone, answer the following example case study questions?

  1. What model cell phone do you have and how did you first hear about it?

  2. What feature of our product was most appealing?

  3. What made this cell phone stand out over others that you researched?

  4. What have you been most impressed with?

  5. What challenges did you have with your phone?

  6. What would you change about it?


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