Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food

  1. Use the image of the overall equation of photosynthesis on page 109 of your textbook to answer the following questions:

  2. A) Why are there multiple arrows in the equation?


  1. B) Where are the carbon atoms in glucose coming from?


  1. C) What provides the energy to drive photosynthesis?


  1. The main point of photosynthesis is the production of _________.

  2. True or false: During photosynthesis, CO2 is split to release oxygen gas. If false, make it a correct statement.

  1. Complete the following table regarding photosynthesis.

Location within the cell

Basic inputs

Basic outputs

  1. In Latin, Stoma means mouth. Briefly explain why the use of stomata is a good term for this particular leaf structure.

  1. A toxin is found to inhibit the uptake of CO2 into plant leaves. This toxin would most directly affect the _______________________.

  2. A) light reactions

  3. B) splitting of H2O

  4. C) Calvin cycle

  5. D) absorption of solar energy

  6. The Calvin cycle is also referred to as the light-independent reactions. Briefly explain why referring to the chemical reactions of the Calvin cycle as the light-independent reaction is only partially accurate.

  1. Complete the following table regarding the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.




Light reactions



Calvin cycle





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