Music question

Please follow these instructions to prepare for your world musician presentations. Note that the assigned pieces of music may be in the module as audio files.

You have been assigned, two musicians. Conduct some research, listen to their music, and watch performances.

Who are they? Where are they from? (country, ethnicity). Do they sing? Play instruments? Are they part of a band? What has their musical career been like? Why are they considered “iconic”? Have they been successful commercially? Why are they categorized as “world music” and not “pop” or “rock” or “classical”? Have they won awards? Sold recordings? What distinguishing characteristics/qualities do they have? How can you help listeners recognize their individual vocal and/or instrumental styles? What else is important? For instance, have they been part of collaborations? Have they been presented at festivals? etc.

Have some pictures to show, and a video performance of the music/song listed on the assignment handout.

You will share your screen for the presentation. About 5 minutes for each. If you want to put together a ppt or google slides that is fine.

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