Writing Question

Microbe term paper must be no less than 5 pages (Including a title and reference page).  You must have at least 3 pages of material/information on your microbe.  The paper needs to be double spaced, times roman numeral, 12-point font. 3-5 references and APA format.

Microbe power point with voice over must be no less than 10 slides. (including title and reference slide.  You must have at least 8 slides with material/information on your microbe.  Power point voice-over needs to be no less than 5 minutes long. 3-5 references APA format.

Pick 8-10 topics from the lists below to include in your power point and paper.


1.) Content-Description of the pathogenic microorganism and description of the disease

  1. morphological characteristics

  2. type of metabolism

  3. environmental conditions required for growth

  4. genetics/pathogenic mechanism(s)

  5. brief history

  6. clinical symptoms/virulence/progression of the disease state

  7. diagnostic procedures (Be sure to include how the pathogen is identified in the clinical laboratory.)

2.) Epidemiology of the disease  

  1. individuals at risk of the disease

  2. transmission mechanism(s) of the disease

  3. human behaviors involved in its spread

3.) Control of the pathogen and/or disease

  1. methods of disease prevention

  2. clinical treatment of disease process

  3. infection control of the microorganism (preventing the spread infection)

  4. education

  5. research

4.)  Writing style (grammar, spelling, organization, etc.)

5.)  Style format and references

To obtain a grade of C you must complete the entire assignment as outlined, quoting referenced works. To obtain a grade of B you must demonstrate an understanding of the main topics and concepts by describing the referenced works in your own words. To obtain a grade of A you must critically analyze the referenced works and apply what you learn about the relationships between microbes, humans, and disease.

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