Astronomy Question

The first astronomers used stone circles to (a) determine times for religious festivals and planting dates (b) gather and smoke funny cigarettes (c) as tombstones in their cemeteries (d) determine true north.

——- 2. When we observe a solar eclipse we (a) are in the Earth’s shadow (b) the Moon’s shadow (c) know that it is near midnight (d) that we are near the Earth’s equator.

——- 3.The Milky Way is composed of (a) distant galaxies (b) stars (c) planetary nebulae (d) mostly chocolate.

——- 4. Newton’s orbital cannon concept was a device to (a) conduct war against the French (b) send objects to the moon (c) argue that both a cannon ball’s trajectory and the moon’s orbit about the earth are governed by his law of gravity (d) none of the above.

——- 5. The Zodiac consists of (a) Egyptian symbols (b) 12 constellations that lie within the solar ecliptic plane (c) a serial killer in California (d) the daily horoscope.

——- 6. Astronomers can observe black holes by (a) viewing the light emitted from them (b) viewing the x-ray radiation emitted from them (c) viewing gamma ray radiation emitted from them (d) both b and c

——- 7. Hubble’s telescope is (a) a reflecting telescope (b) as long as a football field (c) an instrument used by Edwin Hubble (d) a Cassegrain telescope.

——- 8. The meteor that blew up over Russia in 2013 was (a) a low-yield nuclear weapon (b) a Saturn Aura (c) an asteroid (d) a moon-rock

——- 9. Kepler proposed that the sun is (a) very old (b) at the center of the circular   orbits of planets (c) at one foci of the elliptical orbit of every planet (d) also a planet.

——- 10. Space telescopes are necessary for some astronomical observations because (a) some stars are too distant to be seen from earth-based telescopes (b) clouds prevent clear images (c) the Earth’s atmosphere is opaque to gamma rays, x rays and the infrared (heat) spectrum (d) light beams are warped by gravity.

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