Science Question

  1. A microwave heats up a cold piece of pizza. What type of heat transfer is this?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction

  1. A pot of water boils. What type of heat transfer occurs within the pot?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction

  1. A piece of ice is placed on a hot surface and begins to melt, but its temperature does not increase. What type of heat transfer is this?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction


  1. A piece of tin sitting on a stove top becomes very hot. What type of heat transfer was involved?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction


  1. On a cold day, the temperature often feels colder due to a wind chill. This is an example of what type of phenomenon?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction

  1. A piece of bread is burned on one side and uncooked on the other after being heated in a toaster. What was the most likely form of heat transfer to cause the burn?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. We need to know more information to reach a conclusion




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