Category Archives: Discussions

Financial Accounting Homewrok.

please find attached the assignments details and the related chapters. It consists of two parts, Part A is preparing accounting transactions and preparing balance sheet and income statements ( please make sure you use Part A template attached for answering this part).

In addition, Part B is two essay questions assessment ( 900 words in total) on ethical aspects in a case provided. Please refer to the details of the assessment attached (file name: details of assignment). PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO USE REFERENCE AND CITE IT IN HARVARD METHOD as requested in the details of the assignment.

Please read the details of the assignment carefully and get back to me if you have any questions.


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Political Science Question

You are permitted to use any current event issue that you want (however, see note below.) Below are five ideas you can use if you wish. There is plenty of information via the internet for all of these issues.

  • Immigration – Should the Federal government restrict foreign immigration into the U.S. more than it currently does, less than it currently does, or keep about the same and how is it, or should it, implement this policy? How does/should the government address undocumented immigrates?

  • Short term rental law in the City of San Diego. This has been far more complex, different and interesting than what we saw in Carlsbad, and has changed several times already.

  • Covid 19 Federal Government Response – how well or how poorly has been the Federal Government’s response to the Covid 19 crisis and why? There is certainly significant information and differing opinions on this topic.

  • County of San Diego Contracting Animal Control Services – very recent issue. If you choose this topic, don’t get confused between the role of the County of San Diego vs the City of San Diego in the information you read.

  • City of Encinitas Housing Element – the City had failed for years to meet the State’s requirements for housing and low income housing planning. Hint – the overall issue involves a process called the Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA). Recent (past year) changes in this important issue.


Criminal justice homework

Answer each question separately and provide the source after each question. So each question should have its source and write it after the answer immediately. Answer all the question parts ( some of them have more than one parts) so make sure to answer all of them. Use APA format.

1. What is the cycle-of-violence hypothesis? (10 points)

2. Why would a terrorist volunteer for a suicide mission? (10 points)

3. Describe three of the rape myths (10 points)

4. Differentiate between acquaintance and date rape (10 points)

5. List and describe briefly the characteristics of lone wolf terrorists. Provide an example. (10 points)

6. Design a program that could be offered in schools to address school violence. Include details about what research tells us about the perpetrators of these attacks (30 points)

7. Discuss four ways juveniles are able to access guns (10 points)

8. Explain the following crime scene classifications organized, disorganized, and mixed crime scene classification. (10 points)


Process Recording

Assignment 2: Process Recordings

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to clarify the purpose of interviews and interventions, identify personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, and improve self-awareness. The process recording is also a useful tool in exploring the interpersonal dynamics and values operating between you and the client system through an analysis of filtering the process used in recording a session.

For this Assignment, you will submit a process recording of your field education experiences specific to this week.

The Assignment: (2–4 pages)

  • Provide a transcript of what happened during your field education experience, including a dialogue of interaction with a client.

  • Explain your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social work practice or theories, and explain how it might relate to intervention covered this week.

  • Describe your reactions and/or any issues related to your interaction with a client during your field education experience.

  • Explain how you applied social work practice skills when performing the activities during your process recording.

Template is provided along with a previous recording I did to give an idea of what I am looking for.


Social Science Question

Research Proposal

This assignment involves drafting a research proposal.  This assignment is particularly important for students considering graduate education.  The assignment is meant to be a proposal only and involves no direct data collection although an informal “pre-test” may be appropriate.

The final proposal should demonstrate your ability to define a researchable question, to develop working hypotheses or propositions, to develop a relevant literature review on the question, to draft a methodology to answer the research question, and to report and evaluate your “findings”.

The final proposal should cover the following areas:

  1. Statement of the Problem

– clearly identify the research problem and the purpose of the research.

– state the research question in the form of a question.

– develop appropriate hypotheses or research propositions (what you expect to find).

  1. Review of the Literature

– summarize the literature that was reviewed in relation to the research problem.

– identify and summarize conclusions of other research studies focusing on the problem you are studying.

– highlight any issues pertaining to methodology.

  1. Research Design and Methods

– describe the design selected.

– methodological considerations may include:

  1. Sampling

– what is the total population under study.

– what type of sample will be selected and how.

– can the results be generalized to the larger population.

  1. Instrumentation

– provide any operational definitions of variables.

– method of collecting data (interviews, questionnaires, secondary data, etc.).

– if using an interview schedule or questionnaire include a draft in the appendix.

– how will you pre-test.

  1. Data Analysis and Conclusions

– summarize the major findings you expect to find.

– relate these to the research question and hypotheses or propositions.

– you may wish to include hypothetical/expected findings in the appendix.

  1. Limitations and Ethical Considerations

– discuss the limitations and ethical considerations that you have identified in your proposal.

– how would you do it differently.

– what impact do you expect the limitations have on the findings.

  1. Timeline and Budget

– give an estimate timeline for completion.

– provide an estimate of expected costs.

Length of Assignment: 10-15 pages (not including Appendix – eg. Survey instrument, etc), typed and double-spaced, 12pt


Writing Essay

In Bettina Love’s (2019) conversation on methods of liberation, she highlights Michael Hames-Garcia’s notion that freedom “is ultimately a practice, rather than a possession or a state of being.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain why or why not. She then adds, “To want freedom is to welcome struggle” (p. 9). What do you think she means by this statement? How does this relate to critical issues in education? Please provide at least one example that supports your position.


Fruitvale Station Movie Question

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please watch the movie “Fruitvale Station” and write an essay on it. If you’ve already watched it, you can just answer the question!


Construction Risks

Construction Risks
This is a list of 30 risks that impact Construction projects. This is not an exhaustive list but is a good
starting point for your risk register. It doesn’t include risks associated with particular areas of
construction for example right of way risks or environmental risks.
List of 30 Construction risks
• Aerially deposited lead (ADL) from historic use of leaded petrol/gasoline is discovered late.
• Changes require additional resources or different resources than predicted causing resourcing
• Choice of plant or cranes is found to be unsuitable during construction.
• Construction staging (storage) areas are not large enough.
• Contractual disputes between client and contractor or contractor and subcontractor.
• Deep excavations needed in bad ground leading to risk of collapse, falling materials etc.
• Designs for temporary excavation and shoring system are not correct
• Errors in method statements lead to delays.
• Errors in the quantity surveys.
• Failure to achieve the quality required and/or functional requirements of the build.
• Falsework design is not sufficient for example it is not complete or accurate.


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Environmental science writing question

To understand just how complex the Clean Air Act is and how effective it has been at improving air quality in the United States, watch the short video about the CAA here: The Clean Air Act (Links to an external site.)

2. Then, read a short article about recent research confirming the health impacts of the Clean Air Act here: How the Clean Air Act Has Saved $22 Trillion in Health-Care Costs (Links to an external site.)

Summary: Your local Congressional representative has sponsored a bill to repeal the Clean Air Act. She has stated that the legislation is too cumbersome for industries and claims that the costs to comply with the CAA are not worth the benefits.

Action: After reviewing Chapter 19 and the materials above, write a minimum 500-word speech to be presented to your local representative in Congress, during a town hall meeting, about the benefits of the Clean Air Act. Be sure to use details from the materials above in your statement supporting the legislation and why it should be kept intact.


Management discussion question

Discuss the specific facets do employees consider when evaluating their job satisfaction.

Discuss the steps can organizations take to manage employee stress.

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