Category Archives: Discussions

Statement of the Problem

Required format: [Condition X leads to adverse consequence(s) a, b and c. Source, year).]

Key Factors that Directly Influence the Problem

Required format: A one-sentence statement indicating what factors directly relate to the problem, and from what source(s) this information was obtained. Include a citation.

Required format: Use a table format to clearly identify factors and their associated units of measurement.

Factor that Directly Relates to the Problem

Precise Unit of Measurement

(Days, Dollars, %, etc.)

Authoritative Source(s) for Factor and Unit of Measurement




Value Proposition to the Organization


Value Proposition/Contribution to My Professional Interests/Goals

Required format: One sentence that explains the value or benefit of the project to your professional interests/career goals.



Cost accounting ACCT 301

Q1  What are support departments, and why are their costs allocated to other departments?  What process is used to allocate support department costs?

(1.5 Marks, week 10 materials)

            Q2 How are joint costs allocated? Explain and analyze using numerical example.

             (1.5 Marks, week 11 materials)


            Q 3 How are budget variances calculated and used as performance measures? Provide numerical example?

(2 Marks, week 12 materials)



Health & medical project

I need help with an assessment that is a total of 5 parts, I did the first one but need the rest this will be the second assignment that I attach all parts with go together. I will show you assessment one to let you know what the topic is and that it will be the topic of assessments. for this assessment make sure you understand balance scorecard, pie charts and graphs etc… as well as follow the template style once excepted I will attach my first assesment for review so you can see what the topic is about


Writing Discussion

Propose and defend a topic for your final project. Write 500 words or more explaining why this topic is important for your peers to understand. Be focused and specific. Look into the general topic provided in the list below to find something new and interesting to write about. You should do a deep dive into a topic.

Use at least five sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources.

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like). Your goal is to help your colleagues write better.

  1. Database security compliance with anti-money laundering statutes

  2. Risks of overly privileged users

  3. Auditing v. monitoring

  4. Maintaining data integrity with hash functions

  5. Security risks in database migration

  6. Quantitative risk assessment methodologies

  7. Qualitative risk assessment methodologies

  8. Reducing costs with tiered storage

  9. Physical protections for your database

  10. IOT threats to database security

  11. TDE

  12. Tokenization

  13. Global data Integrity violation examples

  14. Efficient disaster recovery

  15. How to effect litigation holds

  16. Data as evidence: what is chain of custody?

  17. Data as evidence: The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

  18. GDPR Compliance

  19. HIPAA Compliance

  20. SOX Compliance

  21. Database STIGs

  22. ISO Database Security Framework

  23. NIST Database Security Framework

  24. Patch management and the medical device

  25. Strict Liability v. Ordinary Negligence for the DBA

  26. How Oracle 12c advances the security discussion

  27. How Stuxnet exposed the exceptional importance of data integrity

  28. Are Data integrity violations worse than confidentiality breaches?

  29. How the tsunami of data expansion increases security concerns

  30. Mobile users and data security

  31. Why is vulnerability assessment critical for data security?

  32. Legitimate privilege abuse ad how to prevent it

  33. Monitoring your most highly privileged users – what the regulations say.

  34. Creating a database security culture

  35. Vulnerable storage media?

  36. Patching – To automate or not?

  37. What do you have – inventorying your legacy data.

  38. The human factor – how to keep your DBA up-to-date

  39. Monitoring database use patterns to detect anomalies

  40. Quantitative v. Qualitative security risk assessment

  41. Safe Harbor under HIPAA


Business discussion question

In sociology, we can examine groups of people and their ways of interacting to learn more about how we share identity with others. Different types of groups have different purposes and can vary widely in their influence on our lives.


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:


  • How do you define primary group and secondary group? Which primary and secondary groups have affected your socialization process? What values, beliefs, or norms from each group have influenced you?

  • In your opinion, which group in the United States is the most important or influential to the most people? (For example, Congress is a group that makes decisions with far-reaching consequences that affect macro-level issues, as well as everyday lives.) Explain your response. How is this group functional or dysfunctional?


Java Question

I’m working on a java project and need support to help me study.

Here is a video from the TA. I would like to hire someone to do my project 



EE453 electrical engineering writing question

EE453 electrical engineering writing question

1. Consider the impulse response h[n] = 0.25δ[n − 1] + 0.5δ[n] + 0.25δ[n + 1]
(a) Determine the magnitude respnose |H(e
(b) What is the phase response of this filter? How can you obtain a linear-phase filter from this h[n]?
(c) Obtain a length three linear-phase highpass filter by suitably modifying the coefficients of the
linear-phase version of h[n].
2. Consider a stable, causal IIR transfer function with squared-magnitude response given by
2 =
9(1.09 + 0.6 cos ω)(1.25 − cos ω))
(1.36 + 1.2 cos ω)(1.16 + 0.8 cos ω)
2 = H(z)H(z
jω HINT: cos ω 7→ 1
(z + z
(a) Determine a stable transfer function H(z) such that H(z)H(z
jω satisfies the above squaredmagnitude response
(b) How many stable, distinct transfer functions Hi(z) are there such that:
jω = H2(z)H2(z
jω = … = Hn(z)Hn(z

(c) Among the different transfer functions Hi(z), identify the minimum-phase, mixed-phase, and maximumphase systems.
(d) Plot the different pole-zero diagrams for each different transfer function, again identifying minimum/maximum/mixed phase
(e) Calculate the all-pass filter which transforms the minimum-phase filter into the maximum-phase


HSC Substance Abuse

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me understand better.

write at least two paragraphs on on the correlation between substance abuse and birth defects.


English Question

Paper needs to have an introduction with background information and a thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs supporting your thesis statement, and a conclusion. Feel free to refer directly to the text as you are writing your essay. You also need a total of six or more sources for this essay.

In advocating for herself to work on the Mercury capsule launch, Katherine says to her bosses, “Tell me where you want the man to land, and I’ll tell you where to send him up.” How are the women in Hidden Figures able to express confidence in their work and abilities? In what ways is that confidence validated by their coworkers? Why is this emotional experience such an important part of their story?


Accounting discussion question

The course is graduated course named “Financial Concepts”. You can have some references but they should be APA formate and you need to cite them.

In 2017, a health worker in Massachusetts won the Powerball jackpot for $759 million. She was given a choice of how to take the money: as an annuity or as a lump sum. Choosing the annuity option distributes the jackpot over 30 payments, which increases by 5% each year to keep up with the cost of living. To see an example of how this annuity works, please go to: Powerball Annuity Cashflow Calculator.

The lump sum method means taking the entire cash value at once, but there’s a catch: The lump sum is less than the value of the total jackpot. For the winner, the lump sum meant she would receive $480 million or $336 million after taxes.

The health care worker, Ms. Mavis L. Wanczyk, age 53, quit her job, came forward immediately and without consulting with a financial advisor or counsel chose the lump sum method of collecting her winnings.

Would you have done anything different than Ms. Wanczyk? Would you rather have preferred a structured payout (annuity) per year for the next 30 years or accept the money upfront and pay all the taxes in the year you won? What factors would you consider in making your decision? Would you have quit your job? Would you have consulted with a financial advisor or tax or legal counsel? Does your age matter (if you died, the annuity payments would continue to be paid to your estate)? Please discuss.

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