Category Archives: Discussions

Event production and design floor plan design project

I’m working on a other project and need guidance to help me study.

Based on the following client profiles and develop a floor plan that includes the following components:

– Creative layout of the space

– Indicate guest flow within the space

– Include design elements such as dancefloor, stage, bar areas, lounge areas, cocktailstations, backdrops, lighting, table setting, etc.

– Showcases understanding of seating capacity for the number of guests attending

– Outlines key elements within client profiles

Client profiles: Makeup product launch for up to 250 attendees that includes hair and makeup stations, food displays, and product displays with purchasing capability

For the purpose of this assignment you need to use Merri, or Socialtables.comYou must submit a PDF version of the floor plan along with a written + visual summary outlining which client you choose and what you are showcasing within your floor plan. Include your name and assignment number. If it is not in PDF format, points will be deducted.

Include dimensions**. – Creativity within defining the space based on the guest count. – Floor plans should include key components for an event such as a guest entry/check-in,food stations, bar area, seating, staging, dancefloor (when necessary), entertainment, etc.


Economics multi-part question

Hey guys, I really need help with these 7 macro assignments. They are super easy to do and the only reason I need help is because I work so much. I will give you my info so you can go do it yourself which will make it easier for both of us. I will also give you a good amount of time to do them. Sometimes when I get tutors on here, they wait until last minute to complete it and end up needing more time. I am begging that you please not do that. My grade is greatly depending on it. Please help me out!


Strategic Management MGT 401

Strategic Management MGT 401

Assignment Questions                                               (5 Marks)


Consider the same company ‘X’ that you have already used in assignments 1& 2 and answer the following questions.


  1. Evaluate the performance of the main activities of your selected company. What type(s) of criteria do you use to evaluate this performance? (5 marks)

  2. What type(s) of control of employees and production processes is/are used by your selected company? Justify(1 mark)

  3. How does the corporation manage the environmental risks? (1 mark)

  4. Evaluate the competitive advantage of the corporation. Suggest some recommendations in order to to improve it. (5 marks)


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Environmental science question

please write a summary about a video called “Circular Carbon Economy”. The length of the video is 1hour and 17minutes. please watch the video completely and write a 2 pages minimum summary. it must be in an essay form not bullet points. please use easy language. the spacing is 1.5 and the font size is 12.

link to the video : 


Apply: Case Study Analysis

Read “Case 6: Fixer Upper: Expanding the Magnolia Brand” in your Connect textbook.

Evaluate Magnolia Brands’ sustainable competitive advantage by analyzing the case study and answering the following questions in 350 to 525 words:

  • How will the components of the external environment impact Magnolia Brands’ ability to realize their vision?

  • Who are Magnolia Brands’ major competitors?

  • What other factors are affecting the growth of Magnolia Brands?

  • What internal factors must be considered for Magnolia Brands to achieve its vision and mission?

  • What are some of Magnolia Brands’ strengths and weaknesses?

  • How does the new show represent an opportunity in the home remodeling industry?

  • What challenges or threats might Magnolia Brand face?

  • What measurements can be used to determine if the new show is successful?

  • What is the feasibility of the ability of Magnolia Brands to continue to be successful? Why?


Cost accounting ACCT 301

Cost accounting ACCT 301

Q1  What are support departments, and why are their costs allocated to other departments?  What process is used to allocate support department costs?

(1.5 Marks, week 10 materials)

            Q2 How are joint costs allocated? Explain and analyze using numerical example.

             (1.5 Marks, week 11 materials)


            Q 3 How are budget variances calculated and used as performance measures? Provide numerical example?

(2 Marks, week 12 materials)



Management discussion question

Write and submit a preliminary draft of your Term Project. Your submission should focus on topics we’ve covered in class readings and discussions thus far. You will use this draft as the foundation for your final project, expanding and revising the content as you uncover new material throughout the course. The draft is a touchpoint on the way to the final, much like how a project manager will meet with a project sponsor throughout a project.

Your project should include the following for the draft:

  • Project Charter elements:

    • Project team (including functional managers)

    • Statement of Work (including goal, scope of work, location, period of performance, deliverables schedule, standards, acceptance criteria, special requirements, type of contract)

  • Gantt chart

  • Supplier identification methods and results (how did you find the suppliers?)

  • Vendor selection matrix

Students have the option to submit using elements from a project charter template if they have one from a prior Project Management course. The other PM courses in the program go in-depth into creating a charter etc, while this course is designed to help students understand the procurement process and manage contracts effectively so that the project can be completed successfully. The purpose of this and any assignment in BUSN 5300 is to demonstrate understanding and show practical use of the course content.

Your submission should be clearly presented in a project charter style with all of the required elements. Please reference your resources, such as professional journals and the like at the end of the project.

For more details about the term project, see Term Project. Note you will only be able to submit one document for this submission due to limitations of the system, unfortunately. I recommend submitting a complete PDF with all of the components required for the draft project. For reference, submissions are generally 5-6 pages in length + Gantt chart. Take as much space as you need to complete the requirements.


Chemistry Question

There are 20 questions include multiple-choice questions and True/False questions and fill in the blank. The e xam start at 2:00pm today, time limit 75 minutes. You must have time at 2:00-3:15pm April 9 (Eastern Time)!!!

Study guide:

14.5, 14.6 Polyprotic Acids, Buffers

14.7 Titrations

15.1 Precipitation and Dissolution

15.2 Lewis Acids and Bases

16.1, 16.2, 16.3 Spontaneity, Entropy, Laws of Thermodynamics

16.3, 16.4 Laws of Thermodynamics, Free Energy

16.4 Free Energy


Programming project

Generate 100,000 integers using random method. Measure the required time to sort
these number using:
1. bubble sort
2. insertion sort
3. selection sort
4. merge sort
5. default sorting algorithm (if it is different than the provided above)
To better measurement, repeat each of the experiments at least 20 times and take
the average time spent in sorting.
Analyze the required time in sorting using each of these algorithms and write a
one-page report along with their best-case and worst-case time complexities of
these algorithms.
Submit your report along with the source code of your program. You can use the
sorting algorithm implementations from other resources as long as the reference is


Public Health Question

  • Your response should be a minimum of 250 words but should not exceed 500 words (Excluding references).

  • Support your answer with examples.

  • Font size should be 12

  • Font type should be Times New Roman

  • Heading should be Bold

  • Colour should be Black

  • The paragraph must be justified.

  • Double line spacing.

  • Use proper references in APA style


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