Category Archives: Discussions

Wildlife Ecology ESPM 114

Wildlife Ecology ESPM 114

3. INDEX (indirect sampling)
Choose an appropriate index that indirectly represents the population (pellet groups, road
kills, scent stations, tracks, nests, etc.) and use the data to find trends in population (i.e. more
dense populations in some areas compared to others, decreasing or increasing population
over time). If you use this method, you must have some information, like a previous study,
about how the index translates into numbers of individuals, and then make the conversion
from numbers of indices to numbers of animals. For example, you may have evidence that
there is an extremely high correlation between the number of nests and the number of feral
pigs, and that each nest is associated with 4 pigs in a given area. Rather than counting each of
the pigs (which may be difficult to detect), you can simply count the number of nests (the
index), multiply by 4, and have a reasonably accurate estimate of the number of pigs in the
sampled area with much less effort.



PSMJ 3 – Create a Personal Stress Management Plan (SP21)

6 . Give a brief summary of the plan you create including…

    1. Identify and describe specific things you will do to reduce the amount of stress you experience. Be specific as you can (S.M.A.R.T. goals).

    2. Identify and describe how you will implement at least one coping skill you will practice.

  • Identify at least one behavior you plan to change and how you plan to change it. (Remember Chapter 10 on Behavior Modification).

  1. Describe the change you expect. Describe your expectations for results.

  2. Discuss your rationale for the plan. Remember to cite and reference the research part you have completed in the workbook and textbook, etc.


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Introduction to Statistics (102 – 103 )

Q1- Consider the probability distribution shown here. X is a discrete random variable.









  1. a) Find p(x=6).

  1. b) Calculate µ.

  2. d) p(x=9)



Q2- If x is a binomial random variable, compute p(x) for the following

case: n= 6, p = .5 Find the following probabilities:

  1. a) p(x=4)

 b) p(x<3)


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Organization Design & Development MGT404

Organization Design & Development MGT404

Assignment Question(s):


Please read the case study “TQM at the Ritz-Carlton” in Chapter 13, p.391 available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change” (10th ed.) by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the following questions:

  • 1 Based on your understanding of the case, discuss and evaluate employee involvement as practiced by the Ritz-Carlton in terms of the following key elements:

-Power (0.5 mark)

-Information (0.5 mark)

-Knowledge and skills (0.5 mark)

-Rewards (0.5 mark)

  • 2 Do you think the Ritz-Carlton’s experience with TQM could be provided as a benchmark to other organizations? Explain your answer in light of the stages for TQM application. (1.5 marks)

Q.3 Discuss which features are evident in the practices of the Ritz-Carlton that would enable the Hotel Company to meet the criteria of high involvement organizations. (1.5 marks)



Project Management

Assignment Question:                                                             ( Marks 5)

Please read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.”  from Chapter 8 “Scheduling Resources and Costs given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 304-307 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the questions given below taken from the case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements. Answers to all 3 Questions should be within 500 Words limit.

  1. How did the physical environment of the cave affect the rescue plan? (2 Marks)

  1. How did the rescue team respond to the risks of the project? (2 Marks)

  1. Some have called the rescue a miracle and that luck was the decisive factor. Do you agree? Explain. (1 Mark)



Writing Question

In addition to your draft assignment that you post below, please post two questions/issues/themes that you want feedback on. Do your pictures make sense with the text? Does your data support your conclusions? Are you using the concept correctly? Does a certain paragraph ‘make sense’?

Prompt 1

Climate change is an issue facing the entire planet, although it has different impacts in different places. In future weeks you will have the option of writing about the environmental impacts of climate change, but for this week, consider the political aspects of negotiating an international climate treaty. How do the states n your region approach climate change? What are the political motivations for joining an international agreement and what is the opposition (opposition does exist outside the U.S. Put this in the context of the issues surrounding transboundary agreements and state sovereignty. What are the arguments for and against joining an international climate agreement?

Prompt 2

Nationalist movements are present throughout the world as the tension between national identities and state boundaries often conflict. What are some examples in your region of minority groups that exist within dominant state culture that reflect different national identity? How do the groups get along, or not? Keep in mind that it is not a given that a national group that does not identify with the dominant culture has tension. If there isn’t any real tension between groups, why not (consider histories, laws, etc.)? Any tensions might be manifest as political instability, repression of minorities, insurrection or rebellion, or more. If there are tensions, explain the causes and keep in mind the role of power and history.

Prompt 3

International migration exists throughout the planet, even if we normally only hear about it in places like the U.S. or Europe. What are migration streams in your region? Are people migrating between countries? Leaving? Entering? Why? It’s likely that there are several migration streams. What are push and pull factors for various patterns of migration you see in your region? What are the responses by individual countries to these migration flows, whether people are coming or going?


Organization Design & Development- • Analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development

Assignment 3


Marks: 5


Course Learning Outcomes:


  • Analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development (2.4)

  • Be sure to cite at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed references in support of two of your answers and also incorporate the key concepts from the course.


Assignment Instructions:



Assignment Question(s):



Please read the case study “TQM at the Ritz-Carlton” in Chapter 13, p.391 available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change” (10th ed.) by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the following questions:


  • Q.1 Based on your understanding of the case, discuss and evaluate employee involvement as practiced by the Ritz-Carlton in terms of the following key elements:

  • Q.2 Do you think the Ritz-Carlton’s experience with TQM could be provided as a benchmark to other organizations? Explain your answer in light of the stages for TQM application. (1.5 marks)

  • Q.3 Discuss which features are evident in the practices of the Ritz-Carlton that would enable the Hotel Company to meet the criteria of high involvement organizations. (1.5 marks)


-Power (0.5 mark)


-Information (0.5 mark)


-Knowledge and skills (0.5 mark)


-Rewards (0.5 mark)


How poetry has influenced the view of history

Write an essay comparing and contrasting two poems written about a historical or current event (for example, any war, the Civil Rights Movement, the women’s rights movement, 9/11, global warming, mass shootings, etc.). The goal is to consider not only how poets have responded to historical events but also how our reading of poetry might influence our view of history and/or our own historical moment.

each essay must include at least one reliable secondary source and clearly indicate how it supports, provides context for, or contrasts with your analysis.

This paper should be 3-4 pages long. Give your paper an interesting, descriptive title and use MLA formatting throughout


Psychology question

NOTàIn Article Title by Authors….

According to Baumeister and Darley (1982), when the defendant is attractive and there is vague information, participants were more likely to judge based on their level of attractiveness.

When the character/defendant was attractive, he had less years in jail (Baumeister & Darley, 1982).

Baumeister and Darley (1982) found that when the defendant was attractive, they had significantly less years in jail, implying that people tend to judge others based on what type of person they are as opposed to their actions of the time. This result shifts when the data was more concise and less vague, indicating _____. These results are related to our current study because of how we are looking at variability in judgement based on personality, which is synonymous to the attractiveness variable in Baumeister and Darley’s (1982) study.


How does the driver’s personality AND mental health affect the level of punishment/judgement the driver will receive?

  • Personality (pos and neg)

    • Pos personality à punishment/ judgement

    • Neg personality à punishment/ judgement

  • Mental health diagnosis (anxiety and no anxiety)

    • Anxiety àpunishment/judgement

    • No anxiety à punishment/judgement



Architecture project

part 1

this part is all about data and project statistics. You are given site plan designs with design proposals that require planning and policy analyses that your team will summarize in a Planning and Policy Report for each site. At minimum, your team must determine if the project proposals meet the intent of the Official and Secondary Plans, Zoning By-Laws, and any other applicable regulations or guidelines.

Deliverables: Your report shall include both a written summation (not cut and paste) and a Zoning Matrix (chart) for each site. Your summation must include move-forward and potential design recommendations after determining whether the proposal meets planning ordinances, and if not, what form of amendment would be required.

Part 2

This part of the project is about applying findings from Part 1 in the development of fully resolved and dimensioned site plans and site sections, using AutoCAD, as well as 3D massing diagrams, using Revit.

Deliverables: Site Plan, Site Section, 3D Axo Diagram, 3D Streetscape Diagram

Note: the 3D diagrams are not developed architectural designs or renderings – they are massing models. You are to include 3 digital images (max) that define architectural intentions.



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