Category Archives: Discussions

Sanitary Sewers calculations

  1. What is the wetted perimeter of a 760-mm (30-in) pipe flowing full?

  2. What is the hydraulic radius of a 910-mm (36-in) pipe flowing half full?

  3. Find the velocity of flow in a 460-mm (18-in) pipe flowing full at a slope of 2 percent. Manning’s is 0.010.


Writing Question

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me understand better.

There is the short paper for you. You need to write 250 words reflection on my four post. I will upload my posts later and provide my peer’s work, which can help you to write your reflection. Notice that our blog post revolve around the rhythm of place as the theme, so you reflection must talk about the rhythm of place.


GBA334/Saint Leo

Many project managers use critical path analysis to minimize slack time in projects and ensure tasks are completed in a timely manner. Briefly discuss what is meant by critical path analysis. What are critical path activities and why are they important?


Principles of Management MGT101

Principles of Management MGT101

Assignment Question(s):                                                        (Marks 5)

  1. What is the underlying problem in this case from Fast Food industry’s perspective? (1mark)

  2. What are the causes of this problem? (1 mark)

  3. What are the major motivational issues at play in the fast food industry according to the major needs- based theories of motivation (Maslow’s hierarchy, McClellands’s acquired needs) (1.5 marks)

  4. What would Herzberg’s theory say about the hygiene and motivational factors present in fast food industry jobs? (1.5 marks)



Writing exercise

it is 12 definitions, I need 5 sentences for each one at least.

I will send you a screenshot of the definitions and the book( I don’t have the book). I have one source, but defiantly you are not allowed to use any different source( my professor is strict AF).


the definitions( just the highlighted words ):

the source:


Care of Populations Guidelines

This is a Power point. 2-3 slides should be sufficient with speaker notes. My project is about the Koreans in Duluth, GA who deal with the disparities of Lung Cancer. This is a group project & my portion is to do community Resources which can be in or the surrounding areas of Duluth, GA. A rubric will be attached.



The role of financial statements

Deliverable Length:

3-4 pages not including title page and reference page

As a health care manager, daily management tasks include financial management. Financial management includes items such as labor cost, equipment cost, and a budget that controls the operations. Proper operations requires planning and control. The budget is created using the basic financial information and accounting principles that an organization uses in its monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports.

After learning the basics of financial statements, it is very important for a health care manager to understand the basic five areas of performance that set the financial plan for the organization. Define and provide an example of what the following mean:

  • Short-term solvency

  • Activity

  • Financial leverage

  • Profitability

  • Value

Define the following terms, and explain why they are important in a health care organization:

  • Current ratio

  • Total asset turnover

  • Debt ratio

  • Profit margins


Economics question

I’m working on a economics question and need a sample draft to help me study.

This is a final assignment of engineering economics with 15 marks out of 100. I need the solution of this assignment. there are instructions in the PDF which will help to now the requirements of the assignment. please I need the detailed solution with the formulas written. Note that the assignment has two questions. If needed the book name is Fundamentals of Engineering Economics Third Edition by Chan S. Park. For more information please contact me.



English writing question

you should identify 2 objects or things that you find really interesting or novel in some way, i.e. a couple of things you’d like to spend some time thinking and writing about.

2- Next describe each object or thing in as precise a sensory detail as you can. Really LOOK at the object, say what you see (or hear or smell or whatever is appropriate to that thing).

3- Once you’ve observed the object closely, carefully, you may want to let that “looking” lead you to reflect on the object or thing. For example, what comes to mind as you consider this object, are there, for example, memories or pressing personal or social questions that the object prompts you to consider?

4- Note that these observations should be prose paragraphs, NOT poems. Each of the observations should be at least 150 – 200 words in length.


Understanding criminal behavior

1. What is the cycle-of-violence hypothesis? (10 points)

2. Why would a terrorist volunteer for a suicide mission? (10 points)

3. Describe three of the rape myths (10 points)

4. Differentiate between acquaintance and date rape (10 points)

5. List and describe briefly the characteristics of lone wolf terrorists. Provide an example. (10 points)

6. Design a program that could be offered in schools to address school violence. Include details about what research tells us about the perpetrators of these attacks (30 points)

7. Discuss four ways juveniles are able to access guns (10 points)

8. Explain the following crime scene classifications organized, disorganized, and mixed crime scene classification. (10 points)

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