Category Archives: Discussions

Genetics Question

I have a 34 question multiple choice genetics test today (4/8/21) at 5:30pm to 6:30pm ET. The questions are on DNA replication, recombination, and gene conversion. mutation of DNA, relation to gene function, transcription, translation, and genetic code. Recombinant DNA technology and genome analysis and variation among genomes. Attached below are sample questions that will prepare you for the test. if you are familiar with the sample questions then you can do the test. Please don’t place a bid if you are not 100% familiar with the material.


Macroeconomics, partial 2 exam, BE202.01

Macroeconomics, partial 2 exam, BE202.01

Problem 1 (4 x 5 = 20 points)

For each of the next cases, does the AD or AS curve shift, and in what direction? Explain briefly.

  1. The economy of the European Union has entered a recession. The European Union is the US’ largest exports market.

  2. Productivity increases (without a change in nominal salaries)

  3. Sharp increase in investments in Medicare (health care spending by the Federal government)

  4. An increase in personal income taxes (no change in corporate profit taxes)


AD or AS

Left or Right









Problem 2 (2 x 10 = 20 points)

Assume that the economy from fictitious country Haringland has a Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) of 0.85, and experiences high economic growth, with historically low unemployment, and rapidly increasing price levels. Assume that prices are flexible, both upward and downward.

  1. How large a change in taxes is needed to shift the aggregate demand curve leftward by $50 billion? Should the taxes increase or decrease?

  2. Explain step-by-step how the change in taxes in a) is going to influence prices and real output.



Is development primarily a question of structure or agency?

  1. Is development primarily a question of structure or agency?

  2. How is the rhetoric of abolition connected to the rhetoric of development? Is there a throughline from the period of Transatlantic slavery, to colonialism to finally the era of development?


Python multi-part question

  • Problem 2.2 page 47

2.2 In a two-class one-dimensional problem the pdf’s are the Gaussians N(0,a2)and
,V(1. c 2 )for the two classes, respectively. Show that the threshold xu minimizing
the average risk is equal to

where h 11 = A22 = 0 has been assumed

  • Problem 2.5 page 47

Consider a two (equiprobable) class one-dimensional problem with samples distrihuted according to the Rayleigh pdf in each class, that is,

Compute the decision boundary point g ( x ) = 0

  • Problem 2.7 page 48

2.7 In a three-class two-dimensional problem the feature vectors in each class are
normally distributed with covariance matrix

The mean vectors foreachclass are [O. 1,O.1IT, [2.1, 1.9IT, [- 1.5, 2.OlT. Assuming
that the classes are equiprobable, (a) classify the feature vector [1.6, 1S I T according
to the Bayes minimum error probability classifier; (b) draw the curves of equal
Mahalanobis distance from [2.1, 1.9IT



Sanitary Sewers calculations

  1. What is the wetted perimeter of a 760-mm (30-in) pipe flowing full?

  2. What is the hydraulic radius of a 910-mm (36-in) pipe flowing half full?

  3. Find the velocity of flow in a 460-mm (18-in) pipe flowing full at a slope of 2 percent. Manning’s is 0.010.


Urban planning question

  1. Is development primarily a question of structure or agency?

  2. How is the rhetoric of abolition connected to the rhetoric of development? Is there a through line from the period of Transatlantic slavery, to colonialism to finally the era of development?


Management Question


  1. Why Companies adopted Lean Thinking and JIT model? (1.5 Mark)

  2. Discuss major types of Waste, companies has to keep in mind during production. (1.5 Mark)

  3. Due to pandemic COVID 19 emergency, do you think agile supply chain is the right concept in this kind of situation? Give reason with example. (1.5 Mark)

  4. Reference (0.5 Mark)



Chemistry Question

Hi. This assignment requires you to go to an account and complete the assignment and lab with a passcode. Majority of the assignment is done. I need an A on this assignment. I currently have a C. Please get me to an A. The information will be given later.


CSCE 3600: Systems Programming

CSCE 3600: Systems Programming

Minor Assignment 4 – Threads, Mutexes, and Condition Variables

Due: 11:59 PM on Thursday, April 8, 2021


In this assignment, you will be given a functioning program, called minor4.c, that

simply reads user input digits (a string, separated into individual characters) and

compares each pair and displays the result of the comparison two digits at time using

the producer-consumer paradigm. The single producer thread reads user input

characters in pairs, makes sure they are single digits and places them into a pair of

buffers (A and B) while two consumer threads read the pairs of values and compares

them displaying the result of the comparison to the screen. To complicate matters, each

pair of digits (i.e., character) is read and compared by exactly one consumer thread. A

shared variable, called shared_count, keeps track of the number of items in the

shared buffer.

While this program does work (thanks to the mutex locks and unlocks already provided),

it is unfortunately very inefficient. To see just how inefficient this program is, compile the

original minor4.c program (using the pthread library) and execute the program. You

should type in some keys and see them echoed back on the screen in their correct

order. To see the inefficiency, though, run the top command from another shell (don’t

just run the minor4.c program in the background and then run top, but actually open

up another shell/window). Then check out the %CPU column in the top command and

you should see your original minor4.c program using up a significant percentage of

the CPU, which is not good.

Your goal for this assignment is to modify this program to use condition variables that

will drastically reduce its CPU percentage usage. Here are the details:

  • You will modify the original minor4.c file to add two condition variables, but not

change the “spirit” of the program other than necessary changes that are needed

for how conditional variables work, including handling of “spurious wakeup”

discussed in class.

  • You will add two global pthread condition variables – one to handle when the

shared buffer is full (and therefore, nothing else can be added to the buffer until a

key is removed from the buffer) and one to handle when the shared buffer is

empty (and therefore, nothing can be read/echoed back to the screen until a key

is added to the buffer).

  • In the main function, you will initialize and destroy both of the condition variables.

  • You will modify the code in the producer function to wait on and signal the

appropriate condition variable(s) based on what is happening with the shared

variables (i.e., the shared buffer and shared counter) Note that this will require some small changes in logic to accomplish, but you should not change the lines

that work with the prod_index variable.

  • You will modify the code in the consumer function to wait on and signal the

appropriate condition variable(s) based on what is happening with the shared

variables (i.e., the shared buffer and shared counter). Note that this will require

some small changes in logic to accomplish, but you should not change the lines

that work with the cons_index variable.

Be sure to run your solution along with the top command to verify that the program is

more efficient (i.e., does not use nearly as much percentage of the CPU). It is required

that you implement and utilize the condition variables effectively in a manner that

significantly reduces the CPU utilization of this program and not gain the reduction in

another way. Note that the grading rubric requires that the condition variables be

implemented “logically correct”, which includes accounting for “spurious wakeup”, not

just reducing the CPU utilization.



Cyber Security Question


Objective: Perform various exploitation and post-exploitation techniques on the target system (Metasploitable) and make a summary report from this PenTest

Due: 03/25/2021 (Thr) 11:59 pm (submit your file in pdf format)

Point: 40pt

Exploitation #1 [25]

  1. Based on the (Nessus) report you created from the Scanning phase, use the Metasploit Framework to exploitthe system.

    Perform two exploits using the lecture note. Prove that you got into the target system.

    1. Use “unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor” with “CVE 2010‐2075” (from the lecture note)

    2. Use “Bind Shell Backdoor Detection” (from the lecture note)

    3. Summarize the exploitation process & results

    4. Please add images for every step you performed

  2. Try to explain the vulnerability you exploited and what to do to protect the system

Exploitation #2 [7]

  1. Use Armitage to exploit Metasploitable and provide snapshots for every stage you’ve done

  2. Try to explain the vulnerabilities you’ve exploited

Post-exploitation [8]

  1. Use NetCat to upload Nmap executable file to Metasploitable

    1. In Kali, executable files (Nmap) go into /usr/bin, resources into /usr/share, config files into /etc, and logs into /var/logs

    2. Find the Nmap executable file from your Kali, and upload the file to Metasploitable using the Netcat.

      *The uploaded Nmap executable file can be used for further scanning of the local network (which is not a part of the task)

      *Executable file in Linux doesn’t have *.exe like Windows. If you can see -rwxr-xr-x file permission from ls -l, that is an executable file.

    3. Show the process you’ve done by the screenshots



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