Category Archives: Research Papers

Nursing Question

United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF)

Following the guidelines of the United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF), discuss and describe the screening recommendations for the following:

  • Cervical cancer

  • Breast cancer

  • Osteoporosis

  • Colorectal cancer

  • Lung cancer

  • Ovarian cancer

  • Intimate partner violence (IPV).

Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

  • The paper is to be no shorter than 3-4 pages in length, excluding the title and references page.

  • Your paper should be formatted per APA.

  • Incorporate current practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment and a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).


Deliverable 7 – Reorganization



This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability and skill as a consultant and use your analysis of NoJax’s structure and organizational behavior to provide a plan for reorganization.




You have been asked by NoJax to come in as a consultant and analyze the business for factors that impact the organizational behavior of the company. NoJax would like to ensure that their company design is current and that their employees are as efficient as possible. You have been analyzing several elements of the organization structure and behaviors using the NoJax Company Background document to identify areas of improvement. You will use that information to provide NoJax a new reorganization plan to continue their success, to be more efficient, and to stay ahead of their competition.


In your reorganization report, address the following questions:


  • Using your behavior analysis from module 01, provide a detailed plan to positively change current employee behavior. Include at least three aspects of diversity that will have a positive impact on the behavior of the organization. What new processes and continued training plans can NoJax implement to ensure successful assimilation of new employees?

  • Utilizing the Big-Five personality traits you identified in module 02, relate them to how management can affect organization culture. How can the culture be altered in a positive manner to improve relationships with management and employees? What plan will you put in place to continue the positive relationships?

  • Include the key elements you identified in module 03 that go into creating an organization as you describe NoJax’s company structure. How can the basic structure of NoJax be improved to better align business goals and employee objectives? Include at least five elements to improve the structure.

  • Using the barriers in communication you identified in module 04, propose at least one change for each of NoJax’s barriers, so they are able to change their communication process. How will a more effective and supportive communication process have the most impact and build better relationships and a stronger culture within the company?

  • Utilizing what you identified in module 05 as the process of decision-making NoJax currently uses, how can they become more efficient and better use the negotiation process? Make sure you identify each step of the decision-making process NoJax currently uses. Then you will need to add any elements of the decision-making process that are missing. If any current step is not working or is weak, you will need to describe how NoJax can improve each of those steps to be more efficient.

  • In your proposed change for NoJax from module 06, how should each management person best use their management style to have the greatest positive impact on employees? How can management maintain a balance between the current culture and making new and improved relationships to minimize resistance to change? Include at least six elements in your plan.


Website Development Question

I have a quiz starting soon on this tutorial.…

The quiz is 20 mins, asking questions about the Tutorial in the link.


Enhanced my personal portfolio microsite


i)DevelopRWD (Responsive Web Design) for your microsite and use the bootstrap framework to implement it.

ii)Applythe Easel canvas library to implement a suitable interactive application/game in one of the subpages.

iii)All webpages except item (ii) must respond to the following screen sizes a.<768pxb.≥768px <992pxc.≥992pxiv)

Ensure the crossbrowser compatibility for Firefox (>32.0) and Google Chrome (>37) and comparebriefly the responsiveness of the two different platforms.

v)Ensure the microsite consist of a home page and 3 other subpages.

2) Edit my report for better changes.


MKTG 3378 Marketing Research

  • A research question statement. This is a statement identifying what you are trying to learn through your research. This could mean checking assumptions, collecting usage data, verifying pain points, etc.

  • A 10 question survey following the best practices. This survey should be a direct extension of your research question. The questions should be formatted so that they can be collected using an online survey tool.

  • An interview guide that has five key open-ended questions, with at least two prompts for each question. This should also be an extension of your research question and collect different information than what you include in your survey.

  • Include a short paragraph on how you would actually collect this information so that your sample is as representative as possible. I’ll be looking for a reasonable best fit. E.g. if your target population is elderly men, you can’t say your collect your data at the local dance club.

  • This will be three pages max. If you find you need more space, your questions are too wordy.

  • A successful project will be structured so that you can give it to someone who isn’t very familiar with your business concept and they will still be able to collect good data for you. Think of this deliverable like a recipe or the building instructions that you get with a piece of Ikea furniture. Simple, to the point, but still clear enough that anyone can follow along and end up with the same outcome.



Science Question

  1. A microwave heats up a cold piece of pizza. What type of heat transfer is this?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction

  1. A pot of water boils. What type of heat transfer occurs within the pot?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction

  1. A piece of ice is placed on a hot surface and begins to melt, but its temperature does not increase. What type of heat transfer is this?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction


  1. A piece of tin sitting on a stove top becomes very hot. What type of heat transfer was involved?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction


  1. On a cold day, the temperature often feels colder due to a wind chill. This is an example of what type of phenomenon?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. There is no heat transfer

  6. Conduction

  1. A piece of bread is burned on one side and uncooked on the other after being heated in a toaster. What was the most likely form of heat transfer to cause the burn?

  2. Convection

  3. Radiation

  4. Induction

  5. We need to know more information to reach a conclusion




Communications Question

1.You can observe people interacting directly through conversation, playing sports, working together.and provide your analysis regarding what you thought to be significant about the communication that took place, in the form of a term paper

2.To aid you in your writing you will need to choose three specific course conceptsor theories that relates to your observations. Examples include: Selection – what forms of stimuli were present in the situation and how did the communicators respond or negotiate those stimuli? Social Roles – what social roles did you pick up on and what was it about the interaction that communicated those roles? Nonverbal Communication – Repeating: did you notice any particular gestures that the communicators used to reinforce what they were saying verbally?

3. our ability to support your analysis through the use of relevant examples. Your ability to connect classroom learning to your observations. The application of appropriate communication concepts and/or terminology. The demonstrated ability to think critically about what you observed (quality of your writing/insights)5. Proper grammar, spelling, and overall format

4.Apply interpersonal communication concepts to real-world scenarios and personal observations. Organize information and facts into a cohesive, coherent essay. Improve your critical thinking and writing skills.


IDS-100-R4021 Perspectives in Liberal Arts 21EW4

Submit Project 1: Lenses Chart. Complete your lenses chart based on your collaboration with your peers in the discussions, the notes that you made in your lenses chart, and the resources in the course so far. In the chart, be sure to identify and note additional similarities and differences between the lenses.


Chemistry question

The statistical information is significant in determining the value error in the linear trend line. Each temperature, based on the linear trend equation, shows the outcome of the conductivity which was calculated as per the four concentrations in line and their temperatures. The percent error equation was used to determine the percent of error performed.%Error = [(Experimental – Theoretical)/ Theoretical] * 100. Where theoretical found on the trend line equation and the experimental values is the measured experimental. Based on the statistical analysis, the highest percentage error is only 1%. Therefore, this shows that there is a significant correlation between the concentration of [OH-] and the conductivity.


Uniform Cost Search Method in C++

Implement the Uniform Cost Search Method in C++ using the algorithm given below. Use the traveling salesperson example as the domain for the search problem.

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