Category Archives: Research Papers

Physics 196 VirtuLab 5: Capacitance

Examine the behavior of capacitors in series and parallel arrangements. See how charge,
electric field and energy storage are related.
Mathematical Models and Assumptions
Charge can be related to an electric field and the change in potential can be related to an electric field. So, potential and charge can be related. The proportionality constant between electric charge and electric potential in a system is capacitance. It depends solely on system geometry and materials. The capacitance of a parallel plate system is given by C= ϵ 0 A d
, where
A is the surface area of the parallel plates and d is the separation distance.



Writing question

Write a short, objective summary of 250-500 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection. Your summary should include no direct quotations from any author. Instead, summarize in your own words, and include a citation to the original. Format your Reading Summary assignment according to either MLA or APA formatting standards, and attach as either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf filetype. Other filetypes, or assignments that are merely copy/pasted into the box will be returned ungraded


Research & Summaries question

  1. You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts ACT means (act94) for schools. Complete the necessary steps to examine univariate grouped data in order to respond to the questions below. Although deletions and/or transformations may be implied from your examination, all steps will examine original variables.

    1. How many participants have missing values for medloinc and act94?

    2. Is there a severe split in frequencies between groups?

    3. What are the cutoff values for outliers in each group?

    4. Which outlying cases should be deleted for each group?

    5. Analyzing histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and tests of normality, what is your conclusion regarding normality? If a transformation is necessary, which one would you use?

    6. Do the results from Levene’s test for equal variances indicate homogeneity of variance? Explain.

  2. You are interested in studying predictors (math94meloinc93, and read94me) of the percentage graduating in 1994 (grad1994).

  1. Examine univariate normality for each variable. What are your conclusions about distributions? What transformation should be conducted?

  2. After making the necessary transformations, examine multivariate outliers using Mahalanobis distance. What cases should be deleted?

  3. After deleting the multivariate outliers, examine multivariate normality and linearity by creating a Scatterplot Matrix.

  4. Examine the variables for homoscedasticity by creating a residuals plot (standardized vs. predicted values). What are your conclusions about homoscedasticity?


Hydrodynamic and Diffusive Conductance through a cylindrical pipe

Consider a pipe of length L and radius R. In class we argued that it’s diffusive conductance should
scale like g
dif f ∼ DR2/L while its hydrodynamic conductance should scale like g
hydro ∼ R4/ηL with
D the diffusion constant and η the diffusive conductance. Here we will calculate the prefactors more
carefully, and compare the two more mathematically. For this problem consider z to parameterize the
length of the pipe (0 < z < L) while r, θ parametrize the interior of the pipe (r < R).
In class we argued that both the hydrostatic pressure P and the particle density ρ obey Laplace’s
equation. Thus for diffusive dynamics in steady state ∇2ρ = 0 while for hydrodynamics ∇2P = 0.
Diffusive dynamics are defined by J~ = −D∇ρ while hydrodynamics are defined by ∇2V~ = (1/η)∇P
(a) To calculate the diffusive conductance we consider ρ(z = 0) = ρo while ρ(z = L) = ρ1. What
Boundary conditions are appropriate at the edge of the cylinder, that is when r = R?
(b) To calculate the hydrodynamic conductance we consider P(z = 0) = Po while P(z = L) = P1. What
boundary conditions are appropriate at the edge of the cylinder, that is when r = R?
(c) Boundary conditions on all of these surfaces uniquely specify the value of P and ρ in the interior.
What satisfy these boundary conditions?
(d) For the case of diffusion, if your answer to the previous question is correct, you should be able to
easily solve for the current density J~ and resulting conductance.
(e) For the case of hydrodynamics, you still have a complicated equation to solve! You should have
something of the form ∇2V~ = (1/η)∇P where P is taken from your solution above. In cylindrical
coordinates, this equation must be supplemented by boundary conditions for V~ at r = 0 and at
r = R. What are they?
(f) You can look up (or derive!) the formula for a vector Laplacian in cylindrical coordinates. Use this
to solve for the velocity field V~ (r, θ, z) in the pipe.
(g) Integrate this over r, θ to find the conductance g
hydro. (here I =
Vz(r, θ, z = 0)rdrdθ over the



Psychology course

Many people receive their first introduction to the scientific method in their early school years. The first experiments which students undertake typically involve plants, chemicals, or small animals in a tightly controlled experimental environment. These experiments enable students to establish a relatively clear cause-and-effect relationship between the outcome of the experiment and the manipulation of the variables.

As soon as a researcher introduces a human element, proving a cause and effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended interventions outside of social workers’ direct observation. Yet, evidence-based research calls for social workers to establish cause-and-effect relations between selected interventions and client outcomes as much possible. To meet this challenge, social workers must understand the study designs available to them and all of the variations of that design that can increase the rigor of the experiment and improve the likelihood of verifying a cause-and-effect relationship.

In this week’s case study, you decide whether the social worker in the case study has appropriately chosen a single-system (subject) design and implemented it in such a way that it can be considered an appropriate example of evidence-based research.

To prepare for this Discussion, read the case study Social Work Research: Single Subject and criteria for using single-system (subject) designs as evidence of effective practices in this week’s resources. Consider whether the study design described in the case study will serve the purpose of evaluating the program’s practice approach (case management with solution-focused and task-centered approaches). Consider whether these approaches are well suited to evaluation by the types of measurement used in the study. Consider to what objective measurement the numerical scales used to measure problem-change and task completion corresponds. Consider what new knowledge and evidence for the efficacy of the treatment approaches Chris has generated with her study.


Post an evaluation of the proposed study design described in the case study file. Explain whether the outcome of Chris’ study with her client George would lead you to adopt the model of case management with solution-focused and task-centered approaches, and substantiate your choice. Provide recommendations for improvements should Chris and her colleagues wish to submit the study to the evidence-based practice registry. Include a rationale for your recommendations.


Criminal Justice Question


LBS 3001: Discussion Board

Discuss each question in 1-2 paragraphs. Answer the questions in “answer and question format”, that is, when you are posting, include both the questions and your answers. Be sure to reply to at least one student’s post.

  1. Housing costs pose the greatest obstacle for low-wage workers. Why does our society seem to resist rectifying this situation? Do you believe that there are realistic solutions to the lack of affordable housing?

  2. Ehrenreich is white and middle class. She asserts that her experience would have been radically different had she been a person of color or a single parent. Do you think discrimination shaped Ehrenreich’s story? In what ways?

  3. Ehrenreich found that she could not survive on $7.00 per hour—not if she wanted to live indoors. Consider how her experiment would have played out in your community: limiting yourself to $7.00 per hour earnings, create a hypothetical monthly budget for your part of the country and post to discussion board.

  4. Why do you think low-wage workers are reluctant to form labor organizations as Ehrenreich discovered at Wal-Mart? How do you think employees should lobby to improve working conditions?




LEDs are small, energy efficient sources of light found extensively in electrical circuitry. As with any circuit component, it is crucial to understand the operating specifications of the LED to have it function both safely and properly. If not enough current is supplied, then the LED may not shine as bright as intended. On the opposite hand, too much current can cause the LED to burn out. Let’s say that we have a certain LED with an ideal operating current of 20mA and a tolerance range of ±5%. We would like to see if we can incorporate the LED into either of the two circuits shown below. For this problem, treat the LED as if it has no influence on the current or voltage in the circuit (i.e. treat it like a section of plain wire). Would either of these circuits provide a suitable current to power the LED? If not, suggest a change that would move the current to within tolerance. (Hint: Make use of the percent error in your analysis. How does this compare to the tolerance?)


English question

Purpose: Practice analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing sources in preparation for your Final Project Researched Essay, which will entail taking one of your essays from Units 2, 3, or 4 and revising it to become a researched essay incorporating one of the theories of literary criticism we studied in Unit 1 (excluding Reader Response). You will start this process by creating an annotated bibliography with one well-chosen source.


  • Locate a scholarly source that would help you with your Unit 2 Essay. The source can be on one of the literary criticism theories we studied in Unit 1, or a scholarly article about your chosen poem. Seek help (from one of the embedded librarians or your professor) with locating sources, particularly if you are struggling to locate a scholarly source.

  • Now, you will write an individual annotated bibliographic entry for this source. Complete the following:

    • Begin with the MLA works cited entry for the text. Note that EbscoHost (in Galileo) will provide you with the MLA citation if you click “Cite” on the right-hand panel [and, scroll to the MLA entry]. And, also note that the works cited entry for the “Student-Selected Scholarly Articles” has been provided, in the “description” section (below the article’s title). If you use a “Cite” button-generated citation, be sure to double-check the citation to ensure it is correctly formatted. This link shows you what a correct MLA 8th edition entry for a journal article found in a database should look like:

    • Then, write one well-developed paragraph that summarizes, synthesizes, and reflects on the source, using the outline below. Make sure that the paragraph contains specific information (not general observations that could apply to any source). Note that a single quote may be included—but the quote must be no more than one (fully) typed line.

      • Write 2-3 sentences that summarize the source’s main argument and claims; be specific when summarizing the text and include parenthetical citations when appropriate.

      • Write 2-3 sentences that evaluate what evidence and examples the source uses to support its main focus/claims. Briefly explain the source’s merits—and/or deficiencies—in terms of logic, persuasion, credibility, etc. Consider whether the author(s) effectively presented her/his/their claims—and how. Keep in mind that your evaluation does not need to be only positive or negative; the source may be adept in certain areas, but not in others.

      • Write 2-3 sentences that reflect on how you might use the article/source in your researched essay. Consider what new information you learned—and how the source “added” to the ongoing conversation about your topic. It may be helpful to imagine the author as a participant in an online discussion on the poem—what would she/he “say”?


Health & Medical question.

Based on your answer to the Unit 4 DB, complete Part 2 of this assignment: As the facility manager, you have taken a few steps to streamline the process to provide patients with their health care information. Even with these changes, the medical records department remains a large cost expenditure for the health care facility because of breakdowns in the chart retrieval machinery, personnel costs, supplies, and maintenance of equipment that is associated with creating hard copies of the original charts. In 2–3 pages, address the following:

How could this department be incorporated into the Health Level Seven (HL7) electronic system in terms of application, collection, warehousing, and evaluation regarding the storing and retrieval of patient charts?

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