Category Archives: Research Papers

Management question


The MGT599 Session Long Project is designed to work in parallel with the Case Assignments, which build on each other module by module.

After completing the Module 1 Case Assignment, where you critically evaluated the vision, values, mission statement, and goals/objectives of PepsiCo, and wrote a 6- to 7-page paper addressing the five steps outlined in the Case Assignment instructions, complete the following SLP assignment.

Assignment Instructions:

Write a 3- to 4-page paper comparing Pepsico as you characterized it in your Case Assignment to an organization you are a part of, or an organization you know well. You have broad flexibility for this assignment. You can write about an organization you work in now or worked in previously, an organization you are familiar with, or an organization you are interested in. Military units are excellent examples of organizations, and are perfectly acceptable for this assignment, as well.

Assignment Components:

  1. Compare and apply Pepsico’s vision, mission, values, and goals (based on Step 1 in the Module 1 Case Assignment) to the organization you chose for this assignment.

  2. Based on your critical evaluation of Pepsico’s mission, vision, values, and goals (Step 2 in the Module 1 Case Assignment), compare and apply your conclusions to the organization you chose for this assignment, writing specifically about how your organization, in your opinion, compares with Pepsico.

  3. Based on your consideration of changes and needed improvements (from Step 4 in the Module 1 Case Assignment), perform a similar analysis of your chosen organization, comparing the two organizations and determining which one needs more changes.

  4. To round out this assignment, write a section that explores the key differences in the vision, mission, values, and goals of Pepsico and the organization you chose for this assignment, discussing what each organization can learn from the other.


Answer discussion question

Chapter 3 focuses a good deal of time on the legal issues facing employment especially when it comes to discrimination. One of the main issues within discrimination is affirmative action. After reviewing the chapter and information, discuss whether you believe affirmative action is still needed and why or why not.

Chapter 4 discusses how employers recruit and interview potential candidates. A popular method of recruitment is employee referral. After reviewing the chapter, discuss the pros/cons of utilizing employee referrals for vacant positions.


csci142: java program

Directions In this assignment,

you will answer various questions about specific instances of tree ADTs. You will record your answers into a single .csv file (comma-separate-values text file), named results.csv. See the Example below for the format. See the Submission section for details on submitting your assignment.


All of your answers will be entered into a single .csv file named, results.csv. Once finished, you will submit your single results.csv to Blackboard by the due date. Your file must meet the format shown in the Example below. This is important for grading purposes. Failure to follow these directions will result in a loss of points.



Astronomy Question

The first astronomers used stone circles to (a) determine times for religious festivals and planting dates (b) gather and smoke funny cigarettes (c) as tombstones in their cemeteries (d) determine true north.

——- 2. When we observe a solar eclipse we (a) are in the Earth’s shadow (b) the Moon’s shadow (c) know that it is near midnight (d) that we are near the Earth’s equator.

——- 3.The Milky Way is composed of (a) distant galaxies (b) stars (c) planetary nebulae (d) mostly chocolate.

——- 4. Newton’s orbital cannon concept was a device to (a) conduct war against the French (b) send objects to the moon (c) argue that both a cannon ball’s trajectory and the moon’s orbit about the earth are governed by his law of gravity (d) none of the above.

——- 5. The Zodiac consists of (a) Egyptian symbols (b) 12 constellations that lie within the solar ecliptic plane (c) a serial killer in California (d) the daily horoscope.

——- 6. Astronomers can observe black holes by (a) viewing the light emitted from them (b) viewing the x-ray radiation emitted from them (c) viewing gamma ray radiation emitted from them (d) both b and c

——- 7. Hubble’s telescope is (a) a reflecting telescope (b) as long as a football field (c) an instrument used by Edwin Hubble (d) a Cassegrain telescope.

——- 8. The meteor that blew up over Russia in 2013 was (a) a low-yield nuclear weapon (b) a Saturn Aura (c) an asteroid (d) a moon-rock

——- 9. Kepler proposed that the sun is (a) very old (b) at the center of the circular   orbits of planets (c) at one foci of the elliptical orbit of every planet (d) also a planet.

——- 10. Space telescopes are necessary for some astronomical observations because (a) some stars are too distant to be seen from earth-based telescopes (b) clouds prevent clear images (c) the Earth’s atmosphere is opaque to gamma rays, x rays and the infrared (heat) spectrum (d) light beams are warped by gravity.


Writing Question

Watch the entirety of all of the three videos.
In 250 words or more answer the following questions: “How would you compare and contrast Maya Angelou, Malcolm X, and Black atheists’ views and values, particularly on topics like identity, language, country, race, religion, culture, and politics? Do you think that one or more of them make any compelling arguments? If so, which ones and why?”


Boeing 787 Dreamliner Logistics

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner construction project began in earnest in the early 2000’s, with an initial completion date around 2008. However, the project was rife with problems, delays, issues, and mistakes related to logistics and planning. Use the Hunt Library to research related articles. Study the articles and complete a case study analysis. Begin with a summary overview outlining the main logistics issues facing Boeing as the Dreamliner project progressed. Then, add detail and analysis by responding to the following topics and questions.

  • Assess the extent to which Boeing used modern technology to help control and manage the 787 project. Justify your answer with an appropriate example or illustration, and cite a reliable source to support your comments.

  • Describe any quality methods used by Boeing during the 787 project. Evaluate the effectiveness of those methods if used.

  • Identify the most valuable logistics lessons learned from the Boeing 787 construction experience, and suggest ways for present logistics managers to avoid making similar errors. Comment on why such management errors are made considering that best practices have been taught about logistics and project management for several decades. Why do you think well-educated professionals fall into ineffective practices leading to such cases as with Boeing?


Computer Science course

Share with us a data representation that you completed recently. Post the actual visual so that your classmates are able to see your product.

You have to post the actual data representation or visual that you created. Your discussion will not be accepted without your data representation or visual.

REMEMBER: This discussion should have a “graphic, that you created” and ” addressing the questions below”.

Address each of the questions about the data representation or visual that you posted:

What does the visual represent?

What was its purpose?

Why did you compose the visual this way?

Who was your audience?


COM 126 Graphs and Visuals

Overview: This assignment is geared directly toward preparing your presentation for Final Project Two. The purpose is to locate more visuals than you will need
and to determine from that pool which ones you will use in your final presentation. Of course, you could also use all five visuals if you incorporate them properly.
Prompt: Submit a Word document containing five visual elements (images and graphs) that will best support your research topic of interest. For each image,
graph, or visual you locate, be sure to answer the following questions:
 Why did you choose this graphic or visual? What would it lend to your presentation, and what do you hope your audience will get from it?
 How does the graphic or visual relate to your topic?


Writing discussion question

In a 700-word short essay

DESCRIBE 4 ways you can make an impact on your community and make it a better place. Provide specific examples, that are unique to your own experience(s) in the United States (CA will be best); do not give vague answers.

To make it less confusing: answer the following:

Identify 4 ways you will/can make a difference?
a) For each of the 4 ways – <em “=””>How will you accomplish this?
b) What kind of <em “=””>impact could you anticipate?
c) How does this<em “=””> tie into what you heard/ or learned in this class?


LIT2330 Children’s Literature- Creative Project

This assignment requires you to be creative and apply the literary knowledge you have gained thus far. Students will have to create their own fable, parable, poem, or fairy tale. You must give serious attention to or focus on including elements of plot (i.e characters, setting, conflicts, resolution). You must also include irony, one symbol, theme, and various figures of speech ( i.e metaphors, simile, etc.). Your story can be as imaginative as you like. Remember, your audience are children. Therefore, make sure your story is lively and appeals to children. Your project must be at least 1-2 pages. You may use MLA or APA style.

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