Category Archives: Research Papers

Business question

Assignment #2 – Visit the Steelcase website at: (Links to an external site.)

And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).



When preparing a memo, you

May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters

May be asked to use a special memo form

Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left

At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as





If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).

The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.

For the body of the memo:

Start on the fourth line below heading.

Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).

Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.

Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.

Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.

Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.


Swift Question

[Problem 1] Ktor REST Server

You will create a Ktor REST server. The server listens to port 8888 and implements a service that will perform a mathematical addition operation on two input numbers (sent with the POST method). It adds two numbers and returns the sum via the response message.

The specification of the service is summarized in the following table.

Service Name

HTTP Request

HTTP Response










Two operands (of Float type)

Plain Text

The sum of two operands

[Problem 2] Fuel REST Client

You will implement an ios application to test the Service created in Problem 1. Please following the following steps for your implementation.

  1. Implement a Kotlin class named MathService where you define

    • A property named result (of Float type)

    • A method named add which takes two Float numbers as input parameters

  1. The add(…) method will perform the following logic:

    • Use Fuel API to submit a REST /MathService/add request

    • Convert the data returned from the service to a Float object and assign it to the result property


Case Study – Accounting



Part 1:  (30 points)

  1. A) Smart Cookie wants to understand their basic starting financial data. What is their monthly fixed cost, variable cost per box, and contribution margin per box? Show your calculations for each.

  2. B) Prepare a one-month Contribution Margin Income Statement for the company using the given financial data at their normal factory volume. Include line items for each type of cost as well as subtotals for the variable and fixed costs.

  3. C) What is the break-even point in units? (Show your calculations.)

  4. D) What is the break-even point in sales dollars? (Show your calculations.)

  5. E) Using a one-month Contribution Margin Income Statement, verify that your calculated break-even volume results in Operating Income of Zero. (Prepare the entire Contribution Margin statement at the break-even level.)

Part 2:  (24 points)

Smart is thinking of increasing sales by offering nutrient-fortified sugar cookies. The investment needed for changing between flavors in their manufacturing process would increase fixed overhead costs by $2,000 per month. The variable materials cost (only variable material costs – not all variable costs) would increase by $0.20 per box. Market research indicates that sugar cookies are current popular for decorating, and estimates that the sugar cookies would still sell for $4 per box, and volume would increase 20%.

  1. A) Prepare a revised monthly Contribution Margin Income Statement to include the revenues, detailed costs and income if Smart chooses to manufacture and sell sugar cookies instead of their normal chocolate chip cookies.

  2. B) What is the new break-even point in units for the sugar cookies?

  3. C) What is the new break-even point in sales dollars for the sugar cookies?



English Question

  1. Research alternative energy sources; then make an argument for the three most desirable ones to introduce in South Florida. Here is a link with a list of renewable energy resources to get you started:

  2. Research the status of sea-level rise in South Florida today and the ways in which it is being addressed through State processes. Make an argument that the solutions today are or are not sufficient. Here is a link to a web page that will help you get started with your research:

  3. Research the effects of the environment on human health. Does the health of the environment affect the health of the human beings within it? Make an argument that supports your answer. Start your research by reading this article:

  4. Should access to drinking water be privatized? Start your thinking about this topic by watching this short video:

  5. Where does recycled plastic end up? What solutions to “plastic pollution” are most feasible? Start your thinking on this topic by watching the videos on this page:

  6. How is biodiversity important to a thriving planet? What are the dangers of the high rate of species extinction that the planet is facing? What are the proposed solutions to this problem and how effective will they be? Start your research by reading this article:

  7. Are electric vehicles better for the environment? Start your research by reading this article from Forbes magazine:

  8. What are the effects of consumerism on the environment? What must be done to address the problem? Start your research by reading this article from Science Daily:

  9. The government makes the claim that using public transportation has positive effects on the environment

    (See:; however, in South Florida, efforts to develop more efficient public transportation has been less than successful. Research the reasons for the failure of public transportation in South Florida.

  10. What are the environmental effects of our agricultural practices? What are some solutions to these problems? Start your research by looking at this web page from the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota:

    and this article about the threat to food resources:

  11. Overpopulation is among the top environmental problems facing the world today. What is the connection between educating women, supporting family planning, and reducing the risks of overpopulation? Should educating women be a priority on the world stage? Start your research by reading this editorial:

  12. What are the effects of urban sprawl on the environment? Should the government institute strong regulations to curb urban sprawl? Start your research by reading the information here:

  13. What are the environmental effects of deforestation? What should be done to solve the problem of deforestation? Start your research by reading this article from National Geographic:

  14. How does our overreliance on fossil fuels damage the environment? What are the advantages of ending our reliance on fossil fuels? Make a capitalist argument against the fossil fuel industry. Start by reading the following opinion article:

  15. Despite the disasters at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants, some still make the argument that nuclear power is a more feasible alternative to fossil fuels than other alternative energies. Make an argument for or against the feasibility of nuclear power. Here are the arguments made by the World Nuclear Association:


Management question

The purpose of this project is to introduce you to the planning process and to complete a SWOT analysis to determine a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Using the information gathered to complete the SWOT, you will begin to build a Strategic Plan identifying and discussing the company’s goals and objectives.



Computer Science question

Information Governance and Legal Functions: According to the authors, Smallwood, Kahn, and Murphy, IG is perhaps one of the functional areas that impact legal functions most. Failure to meet them could be literally put an organization out of business or land executives in prison. Privacy, security, records management, information technology (IT), and business management functions are very important. However, the most significant aspect of all of these functions relates to legality and regulatory compliance from a critical perspective.

For this discussion, identify the industry you will be writing about in your final paper and discuss the regulatory compliance requirements that the company has to meet and the corresponding security, privacy, and records management functions that would need to be enabled for that organization.


Writing Question

Microbe term paper must be no less than 5 pages (Including a title and reference page).  You must have at least 3 pages of material/information on your microbe.  The paper needs to be double spaced, times roman numeral, 12-point font. 3-5 references and APA format.

Microbe power point with voice over must be no less than 10 slides. (including title and reference slide.  You must have at least 8 slides with material/information on your microbe.  Power point voice-over needs to be no less than 5 minutes long. 3-5 references APA format.

Pick 8-10 topics from the lists below to include in your power point and paper.


1.) Content-Description of the pathogenic microorganism and description of the disease

  1. morphological characteristics

  2. type of metabolism

  3. environmental conditions required for growth

  4. genetics/pathogenic mechanism(s)

  5. brief history

  6. clinical symptoms/virulence/progression of the disease state

  7. diagnostic procedures (Be sure to include how the pathogen is identified in the clinical laboratory.)

2.) Epidemiology of the disease  

  1. individuals at risk of the disease

  2. transmission mechanism(s) of the disease

  3. human behaviors involved in its spread

3.) Control of the pathogen and/or disease

  1. methods of disease prevention

  2. clinical treatment of disease process

  3. infection control of the microorganism (preventing the spread infection)

  4. education

  5. research

4.)  Writing style (grammar, spelling, organization, etc.)

5.)  Style format and references

To obtain a grade of C you must complete the entire assignment as outlined, quoting referenced works. To obtain a grade of B you must demonstrate an understanding of the main topics and concepts by describing the referenced works in your own words. To obtain a grade of A you must critically analyze the referenced works and apply what you learn about the relationships between microbes, humans, and disease.


Finance Week 5 Discussion

1) Organizations do not operate in a vacuum and are subject to governmental regulation. This is particularly true with publicly traded organizations. Based on business here in the United States – who can name a few regulatory bodies that directly relate to financial management?

2) What exactly is risk aversion and can it relate to cultural differences? Even if you have never been overseas – can you give an example of this here in the United States?

3) I believe that we all know what currency is – think about having a United States dollar in hand. From a financial management standpoint, why is it important to understand currency fluctuations? What are some of the key factors that cause fluctuation?


Natural Science

Writing a 300-500 word essay on why you think animals should or should not be used as test subjects.

please take a look at the provided links and watch the videos

Feel free to ask me for more materials or instructions

1- l

2- l


English Question

On the text analysis you will need too fill out a text organizer.

then on the essay you will need the chat to write a multi paragraph response that explains similarity and differences between the text.

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