Category Archives: Research Papers

Music question

Please follow these instructions to prepare for your world musician presentations. Note that the assigned pieces of music may be in the module as audio files.

You have been assigned, two musicians. Conduct some research, listen to their music, and watch performances.

Who are they? Where are they from? (country, ethnicity). Do they sing? Play instruments? Are they part of a band? What has their musical career been like? Why are they considered “iconic”? Have they been successful commercially? Why are they categorized as “world music” and not “pop” or “rock” or “classical”? Have they won awards? Sold recordings? What distinguishing characteristics/qualities do they have? How can you help listeners recognize their individual vocal and/or instrumental styles? What else is important? For instance, have they been part of collaborations? Have they been presented at festivals? etc.

Have some pictures to show, and a video performance of the music/song listed on the assignment handout.

You will share your screen for the presentation. About 5 minutes for each. If you want to put together a ppt or google slides that is fine.



  1. The nurse is caring for a 10-year-old child with growth hormone deficiency which therapy would you anticipate to be prescribed for the child?

  2. Short-term aldosterone provocation

  3. Injections of growth hormone

  4. Oral administration of somatotropin

  5. Long-term blocking of beta cells

  6. Which statement by the nurse is most likely to gain the cooperation of a young child?

  7. Do you want to take your medicine now?

  8. It is time for you to drink your medicine now

  9. If you take this medicine, I can get you a popsicle

  10. If you don’t drink this medicine, you will need to get a shot

  11. A parent of school-aged child is distressed to learn of the child is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The parent asks the nurse how this could happen because no one in the family has diabetes. Which response is most accurate?

  12. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is caused by the pancreas not making enough insulin

  13. This is disorder usually occurs when inadequate calories are ingested on a regular basis.

  14. Because this disorder is genetic, someone in the family will eventually develop the illness

  15. This disorder is associated with metabolic disturbances that result in insulin resistance

  16. This disorder is associated with overweight and eating a diet high in in fats and carbohydrate.

  17. A terminally ill child is awake at 2 AM and continues to put on the call light. What should the nurse do regarding this child’s behavior?

  18. Provide with a sleeping aid

  19. Encourage the child to sleep

  20. Sit with the child until sleep comes

  21. Put on the television and dim the light

  • A young child is brought to the emergency department with severe dehydration secondary to acute diarrhea and vomiting. Therapeutic management of this child will begin with which nursing intervention?

  1. Intravenous fluid

  2. Oral rehydration solution (ORS)

  3. Clear liquids, 1 to 2 ounces at a time

  4. Administration of antidiarrheal medication

  • The parent of a child with acute glomerulonephritis ask the nurse to explain the cause of the disease. What organism should the nurse instruct the parents as being the cause for the disorder?

  1. Group B streptococci

  2. One of the rhinoviruses

  3. Staphylococcus viridans

  4. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci



Coronavirus assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to get you to “think like an economist” about the economic logic of policy interventions related to the novel coronavirus. Your task is to use the tools of the course to answer the questions below. For each prompt, there is a specified word limit that you may not exceed. You will be evaluated on the quality of your reasoning and the degree to which you faithfully apply relevant concepts of the course to the hypotheticals listed below.
You may discuss this assignment with other students, but you must answer with language that is completely your own, so do not share any text/sentences/phrases with each other.
Part 1—Vaccines against the coronavirus are currently in scarce supply. In the US, the vaccine is being given to people by priority tiers that depend on occupation and age. Some have argued that it would be more economically efficient to allocate the vaccine by willingness to pay.
Suppose that 80% of the vaccine continued to be distributed according to the current system, but the remaining 20% of the vaccine supply was separately allocated via an auction under which people could bid an amount that they would be willing to pay, and those vaccines would go to the people with the highest bids.
Prompt 1.a (150 word limit, 10 points) Claim: The 20% of vaccines distributed through auction would be allocated in an economically efficient manner from the point of view of society.
Evaluate this claim.
Prompt 1.b (150 word limit, 10 points) Some worry that it would be unfair to allocate vaccines by auction because the rich might get all the vaccines. In response, others suggest that we could randomly allocate permits that give someone the right to get a vaccine as part of the 20% allocation, but they would be able to sell this permit to another person if they wanted. Claim:
The vaccines allocated in this way would be allocated both efficiently and fairly. Evaluate this claim.



Marketing Question

3. What are the most important KPis, and what impact will campaign changes have on theseKPis?

4. How should future SEM campaigns be structured? In the past, Media Contacts had concentrated on Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo; was there now an opportunity to optimize search advertising with metasearch companies such as Kayak?


Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food

  1. Use the image of the overall equation of photosynthesis on page 109 of your textbook to answer the following questions:

  2. A) Why are there multiple arrows in the equation?


  1. B) Where are the carbon atoms in glucose coming from?


  1. C) What provides the energy to drive photosynthesis?


  1. The main point of photosynthesis is the production of _________.

  2. True or false: During photosynthesis, CO2 is split to release oxygen gas. If false, make it a correct statement.

  1. Complete the following table regarding photosynthesis.

Location within the cell

Basic inputs

Basic outputs

  1. In Latin, Stoma means mouth. Briefly explain why the use of stomata is a good term for this particular leaf structure.

  1. A toxin is found to inhibit the uptake of CO2 into plant leaves. This toxin would most directly affect the _______________________.

  2. A) light reactions

  3. B) splitting of H2O

  4. C) Calvin cycle

  5. D) absorption of solar energy

  6. The Calvin cycle is also referred to as the light-independent reactions. Briefly explain why referring to the chemical reactions of the Calvin cycle as the light-independent reaction is only partially accurate.

  1. Complete the following table regarding the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.




Light reactions



Calvin cycle





Urban Development

Hi, I need an extended memo written on topics in Urban development at the Masters level. There are 5 topics and each topic has a set of 3 or 4 articles/ readings. Each reading from the article set must be mentioned in the memos. The memo would summarize the readings while also providing your interpretation of the reading. Each topic would need about 500 words so 2500 in total. Is this something you’d be able to do? I have samples I’ve done I can send.


Writing question

  • What life experiences and personal qualities will make you an outstanding professional nurse.

  • Describe a situation or time when you practiced empathy and relate how you will apply it to nursing.

  • What type of personal support system do you plan to have while completing your degree at UST?


Programming Question

This assignment has two parts (Lab 7 and Lab 8), first part (Lab 7) is done, I need help doing Lab 8 by adding GUI as described in the word file attached (Lab 8), you will add it to Lab7 code.

Please only bid if you are good with Java and GUI in specific, so we don’t waste each other time.


Sociology question

Option 1: Topic at the top of your post: The Benefits of Theory

Watch the video on Major Paradigms. We know there is no single theory of marriages and families, as each varies in what they see as important and significant about families.

  1. Which theoretical perspective are you most likely to use as you look at family life?

  2. How does that theory suit your particular view of life? Can you recognize your own “blinders of personal experience?”

  3. Which theoretical perspective do you have the most difficulty with? Why?

All your posts should end with your references.

Example :

Reference : Lamanna, M., Reidmann, A., Stewart, S. (2018). Marriages, Families, and Relationships (13th ed.). Cengage Learning Inc.

Half page in length



Request for a client-facing feasibility study using Generative Design
You are employed by one of the major consultancies (e.g. McKinsey & Company, BCG, PA Consulting) and have been tasked with undertaking a feasibility study for one of their clients (see options below). You have one week of chargeable time (40 hrs). As part of the submission, you are required to complete a timesheet with 30 min intervals accounted for.
Your hourly charge rate as a junior consultant is £180/hr.
You are required to produce a 10-page report. For each section you should succinctly
describe your approach/method, any assumptions you have made and preliminary
findings/results. The major tasks include:
• Review the client and their current portfolio and identify any industry drivers/trends relevant to them.
• Establish, summarise and prioritise potential opportunities/benefits of Generative
Design for the client including design/redesign.
• Select one or more areas/opportunities and undertake some more in-depth analysis
using a Generative Design tool.
• Evaluate your results and critically appraise them.
• Draw recommendations for the client, identify the next steps which might include
timescale, cost and expected benefits.



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