Category Archives: Research Papers

ECON 3161: Economics Question

Econometrics Research Paper. Need a draft by 3/20/2021. I attached a form to fill out about the project info and a paper sketch to follow for guidelines of what the professor is looking for. I would like to get the project info form back ASAP so i can make sure the professor is okay with the topic. Can pick any topic, but try to make it a topic easy to talk about because i will have to present the paper. I need the completed paper by 3/27/2021. I will provide feed back after the draft.


Distribution of Sample Proportions

Progress Check

Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can:

  • Calculate the Z-score for a sample proportion.

  • Use probability to interpret the Z-score for a sample proportion.

  • Identify usual and unusual sample proportions in a sampling distribution.

Learn by Doing

Use the rubric at the bottom of this page as a guide for completing this assignment.


Submit your work:

  • Commit a good-faith effort to address all items in the Prompt section below.

Complete your assigned peer reviews:

  • After you submit your initial good-faith attempt, continue to the ANSWER(S) page and review your instructor’s response. But please do not submit your corrected work yet.

  • Within three days after the due date, return to this assignment and complete your assigned peer reviews (directions (Links to an external site.)).

Submit your corrected work:

  • We all learn from mistakes (our own and our classmates’ mistakes). So please do not immediately correct your own mistakes. If possible, wait until you receive feedback from at least one of your peers.

  • If necessary, correct your work and resubmit the entire assignment. Your instructor will only review and grade your most recent submission, so please do not refer to a previous submission.


In the 2008 presidential election, newspapers reported that Obama received 40% of the white male vote. If this is true, what is the probability that a random sample of 200 white male voters had less than 35% voting for Obama?


Business Question

1) What is the purpose of dummy tasks, and on what types of project would you use them for budgeting purposes?

2) Define and describe known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. Give one example of each you have encountered on previous projects.

3) Identify and define the eight common risk responses that are used and describe how you might use two or three of them together on a project.


Business Question

Using only secondary sources, identify a multinational corporation (MNC) which recently engaged in a foreign direct investment (FDI) decision.

Upload to Canvas a Word document in which you provide link(s) to the secondary source(s), and your answers to the following questions:

  1. Provide a brief description of the MNC and its recent FDI decision

  2. Identify the main features of the FDI decision:

    • Investment size (if information is available)

    • FDI motive (e.g. market seeking, resource seeking, etc.)

    • Establishment mode used by the MNC (e.g. greenfield, brownfield, etc.)

    • FDI location.

  3. Apply Dunning’s OLI (Ownership, Location, Internalization) paradigm to answer the following questions:

    • What are the ownership advantages which enabled the MNC to engage in this FDI?

    • What are the internalization advantages that the MNC will gain from engaging in this FDI?

    • What are the location advantages that the MNC will access through this FDI?

  • Format: The document should be typed, in 1.5 spacing, and approximately 1000 words (+/- 10%) in length (excluding references).

    Please write your answer in essay format.

    Appropriate referencing is required. Follow the APA style for referencing.


Health & Medical question

I want a beautifully designed PPT presentation with visuals and effectsIt consists of 14 slides

The first title and names

(Topic: vibrio chlera)

The last slides references

Requirements: 14-16 slides


Theater Question

Please use specific examples, using characters’ names and enough detail to let me know you have watched a specific episode of a show to answer the questions. So, for this assignment, you’ll watch a total of three TV shows in order to complete all the questions.

1. Watch both a situation comedy (1/2 hour) and a drama (1 hour). Please choose from the show suggestions I give on the syllabus, and choose different shows than you’ve already used for previous assignments. The green (high scores) on Metacritic are a useful list: (Links to an external site.) Be sure to tell me the names of the shows (and episodes, if possible). But first, please the following articles (you can refer to the articles in your response, and main insights from the articles may show up in an exam):

Read these short NewYorker articles on the best new TV shows: Emily Nussbaum- The Best TV Shows of 2017 | The New Yorker.pdf


undefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedthis article on the TV comedy Unbreakableundefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedrecent TV comediesundefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedThe Americans:undefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedBetter Call Saul undefined Breaking Badundefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedbest TV shows since 2000undefined (Links to an external site.)undefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedThe Sopranosundefined (Links to an external site.)

Finally, read this article on the Netflix show Russian Doll (Links to an external site.) pdf: The Clever Thrill Ride of “Russian Doll” | The New Yorker.pdf


undefinedVeepundefined (Links to an external site.)undefined

a. From each program (both the comedy and drama you’ve watched), decide whether it deals more with social, political, religious ideas, or none of the three. Only choose one idea/issue per show. Relate to me why you feel this way and give specific examples from the episodes you watch to support your choice.

b. Choose a character from each of the 2 shows you watched that exemplifies your answer from (a) and talk about what he or she is trying to accomplish (his/her objective) throughout the show. Relate a specific incident that relates the objective to your previous answer.

c. Talk about the obstacles that made it difficult for your character to meet his/her objective or goal.

2. Now, choose an episode of a different show from the previous two you watched. You must be able to watch it at least two times before writing about it. Discuss one of the characters who you think has difficulty fitting in with society. Analyze the following social aspects of this character.

a) Name one thing the character does in this episode that causes him/her some type of social difficulty, whether it is a problem that involves one other person or society in general.

b) In your opinion, does the show itself seem to defend the character’s attitude toward this social difficulty or does it use the character to teach us that the social difficulty portrayed is harmful or undesirableUse specific examples.


Art Question

Please I need help with my essay quiz please I will you the remaining details if you agree with my offer


Chemistry question.

Separating Sand and SaltPurpose:The purpose of this experiment is to study the physical properties of salt and sand and to carry out a procedure to separate a mixture of these substances. The percent recovery of the salt in the mixture and the percent error will be calculated from the mass of the recovered components.Background:A mixture is a combination of two or more pure substances that retain their separate chemical identities and properties. Since the amounts of each substance making up a mixture can be changed, the physical properties of a mixture depend on its composition. In contrast, the composition of a pure substance is constant, and thus pure substances have characteristic physical properties that do not change. Examples of physical properties that can be used to describe pure substances include solubility, conductivity, magnetism, density, boiling point, and melting point.By taking advantage of the unique physical properties of individual components within a mixture, it should be possible to separate a mixture into its components. For example, if one component in a mixture of two solids dissolves in water, while a second component does not, the components can be separated by adding water to the mixture and then decanting the solution into a separate container.???????????=?????????????????????????????????×100???????????????=???????????????????????????????????????????????×100Percent Error=experimental masstrue mass????????×100Materials Salt. Most households have table salt in the kitchen. If you’re in a pinch, you can get salt packets from a fast food restaurant. Sand. Although it depends on where you live, sand should be very easy to find. A pan and heating element. A second pan  Disposable cups DI Water from the storeNotes for SubmissionIf you have access to a printer, please print out any sheets on which you write down numbers, calculations, and answers to questions. If you do not have a printer, be prepared to neatly write your data, analysis, and responses to all questions on sheets of paper. Most likely, you will be asked to take photos

of your written pages, turn them into a single pdf file, and upload them in Canvas for your instructor to grade. Be sure to follow any specific directions given to you by your instructor.ProcedureExact measurements are not needed, but multiple trials will help you assess precision. Several steps in this procedure require you to use an electronic kitchen scale. If you were not able to get a scale, your instructor might ask you to work in a group with a student who does have a kitchen scale. Or, your instructor might ask you to perform the experiment without collecting masses (and they might give you sample data to work with). Please consult with your instructor regarding expectations for this lab. Before you begin this procedure, it is recommended that you read all steps carefully and then draw a flowchart of what you will be doing. In your flowchart, draw pictures of the pans that you will use, as well as indications of when water is added, when components are separated, etc. 1. You should have between 15 g and 16 g of salt and sand each. This roughly equates to 1 tablespoon of each. a. If the sand has a lot of chunks it, you should sift those out first using a strainer. b. Weigh the mass of salt and sand separately in a tared disposable cup on the electronic scale. c. In the data table, record your observations of how the salt and sand look.2. Salt and sand mix together very well, and you can mix them together by shaking the pan around. If that doesn’t work, stir it around until the two are thoroughly mixed.a. Take mass of this first empty pan on the electronic balance. b. Take mass of the first pan with dry salt/ sand mixturec. Record the appearance of the mixture in the data table. 3. Add DI water to the sand and salt. a. Add just enough water to cover the salt and sand. b. Too much water will make the experiment take too long, as you will then have a lot of water that you will need to boil off later.c. Take a picture of your work so far. This is image SS014. Heat the mixture. Heat is the active ingredient when it comes to stirring up particles. A bit of heat will cause the salt to dissolve in the water. a. Use low to medium heat on a stovetop for about 3 minutes.b. Make sure not to heat the water to the point of boiling! This will simply cause the water to evaporate, and we want to avoid evaporation at this point. 5. Take the mass of a second, empty pan. Then decant (pour off) the water solution (water with salt dissolved) into a second pan.6. Repeat steps 3 and 4. (Go back to the original salt and sand mixture in the first pan, add more DI water, heat, and decant into the same second pan that you decanted into above.)a. This is to make sure all the salt was pulled out of the original mixture.7. Boil the saltwater in the second pan. a. You need to return the salt to its original state. This can be done by boiling the water. Put the (second) pan on a stovetop and let the water boil. Wait until the water has boiled away completely. Turn off the heat. From there, you should be able to see the salt remaining in your pan.b. The boiling temperature of salt is much higher than water. So, the water will boil off, but the salt will remain in the pan. For the sake of protecting your pot, you should keep the

temperature relatively low on the stovetop. It may take longer to boil, but speed isn’t worth the risk of damage.c. Once the salt looks dry and has cooled to room temperature, get the mass of the second pan with salt.d. Take a picture of your work so far. This is image SS028. Cook the sand in the first pan until it looks dry.a. Once the sand looks dry and has come down to room temperature, get the mass of the first pan with sand. b. Take a picture of your work so far. This is image SS039. Reheat the salt and sand in their respective pans for 5 minutes.a. Reweigh both pans with salt and sand when they have cooled to room temperature.b. Describe how the separated salt and sand look. Record your observations in the data table.10. Let both pans sit 24 hours with the separated salt and sand, and then take the mass of each.a. At this point all the water should be removed and the separated materials should be at constant mass.b. Describe how the separated salt and sand look. Record your observations in the data table.c. Take a picture of your work so far. This is image SS04Space for Flowchart of Procedure:

Sample Data and Calculations:True mass Percent of salt in mixture % = true mass of salt/ (true mass of salt and sand) x 10015 g/ 30. g x 100 = 50. %Mass of salt and sand mixture (g) = Mass of first pan with mixture (g) – Mass of first empty pan (g)174 g -145 g = 29 gMass of Salt recovered (g) = Mass of pan with salt after 24 hours (g) – Mass of first empty pan (g)181 g -168 g = 13 gMass of Sand recovered (g) = Mass of pan with sand after 24 hours (g) – Mass of first empty pan (g)160 g – 145 g = 15 g% salt recovered in separation (%) = Mass of Salt recovered (g) / True mass of salt (g) x 100(13 g / 15 g) x 100 = 87% % salt error = (Mass of Salt recovered – True mass of salt) / True mass of salt x 100(13 g – 15 g)/ 15 g x 100% = -10%True mass of salt (g) and appearance15 g crystalline, white, specs True mass of sand (g) and appearance15 g grainy, kind of clumpy, brown specsTrue mass Percent of salt in mixture %50. %Mass of first empty pan (g)145 gMass of first pan with salt / sand mixture (g)174 gMass of salt / sand mixture (g) and appearance29 g fairly uniform mix, brown and white specsTake mass of second empty pan (g)168 gTake mass of pan with salt first heating (g)184 gTake mass of pan with sand first heating (g)160 gMass and appearance of pan with salt second heating (g)182 g white, clumpy, wetMass and appearance of pan with sand second heating (g)160 g tan, clumpy, some white specsMass and appearance of pan with salt after 24 hours (g)181 g white, flaky, some brown specs present, clumpy; much drier than yesterdayMass and appearance of pan with sand after 24 hours (g)160 g lighter brown color than original sand, clumpy; much drier than yesterdayDetermine Mass of Salt recovered (g)13 gDetermine Mass of Sand recovered (g)15 gDetermine % salt recovered in separation (%)87%Determine % salt error-10%

Data and Calculations:True mass of salt (g)True mass of sand (g)True mass Percent of salt in mixture %Mass of first empty pan (g)Mass of first pan with salt / sand mixture (g)Observation of salt / sand mixtureMass of salt / sand mixture (g)Take mass of second empty pan (g)Take mass of pan with salt first heating (g)Take mass of pan with sand first heating (g)Mass and appearance of pan with salt second heating (g)Mass and appearance of pan with sand second heating (g)Observation of dry saltObservation of dry sandMass and appearance of pan with salt after 24 hours (g)Mass and appearance of pan with sand after 24 hours (g)Determine Mass of Salt recovered (g)Determine Mass of Sand recovered (g)Determine % salt recovered in separation (%)Determine % errorCalculations:


Linear Project

Curve-fitting Project – Linear Model


For this assignment, collect data exhibiting a relatively linear trend, find the line of best fit, plot the data and the line, interpret the slope, and use the linear equation to make a prediction. Also, find r2 (coefficient of determination) and r (correlation coefficient). Discuss your findings. Your topic may be that is related to sports, your work, a hobby, or something you find interesting. If you choose, you may use the suggestions described below.

Linear Model Example and Technology Tips are provided in separate documents.

Tasks for Linear Regression Model (LR)

(LR-1) Describe your topic, provide your data, and cite your source. Collect at least 8 data points. Label appropriately. (Highly recommended: Post this information in the Linear Model Project discussion as well as in your completed project. Include a brief informative description in the title of your posting. Each student must use different data.)

The idea with the discussion posting is two-fold: (1) To share your interesting project idea with your classmates, and (2) To give me a chance to give you a brief thumbs-up or thumbs-down about your proposed topic and data. Sometimes students get off on the wrong foot or misunderstand the intent of the project, and your posting provides an opportunity for some feedback. Remark: Students may choose similar topics, but must have different data sets. For example, several students may be interested in a particular Olympic sport, and that is fine, but they must collect different data, perhaps from different events or different gender.

(LR-2) Plot the points (x, y) to obtain a scatterplot. Use an appropriate scale on the horizontal and vertical axes and be sure to label carefully. Visually judge whether the data points exhibit a relatively linear trend. (If so, proceed. If not, try a different topic or data set.)

(LR-3) Find the line of best fit (regression line) and graph it on the scatterplot. State the equation of the line.

(LR-4) State the slope of the line of best fit. Carefully interpret the meaning of the slope in a sentence or two.

(LR-5) Find and state the value of r2, the coefficient of determination, and r, the correlation coefficient. Discuss your findings in a few sentences. Is r positive or negative? Why? Is a line a good curve to fit to this data? Why or why not? Is the linear relationship very strong, moderately strong, weak, or nonexistent?

(LR-6) Choose a value of interest and use the line of best fit to make an estimate or prediction. Show calculation work.

(LR-7) Write a brief narrative of a paragraph or two. Summarize your findings and be sure to mention any aspect of the linear model project (topic, data, scatterplot, line, r, or estimate, etc.) that you found particularly important or interesting.

You may submit all of your project in one document or a combination of documents, which may consist of word processing documents or spreadsheets or scanned handwritten work, provided it is clearly labeled where each task can be found. Be sure to include your name. Projects are graded on the basis of completeness, correctness, ease in locating all of the checklist items, and strength of the narrative portions.

Topic: Choose a particular type of food. (Examples: Fish sandwich at fast-food chains, cheese pizza, breakfast cereal) For at least 8 brands, look up the fat content and the associated calorie total per serving. Make a quick plot for yourself to “eyeball” whether the data exhibit a relatively linear trend. (If so, proceed. If not, try a different type of food.) After you find the line of best fit, use your line to make a prediction corresponding to a fat amount not occurring in your data set.) Alternative: Look up carbohydrate content and associated calorie total per serving.


Writing Question

What is an Exploratory Research Essay and why am I doing this?

The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to learn about the time period in which the veteran (or service member) you will interview for our Veterans Oral History Project served in the U.S. military. If you know the branch of the military your interviewee served in—many of you will not—that is also something you will want to learn about. Your job is to conduct secondary research and write an essay about what you learned. For this assignment, I want to see your journey as a student and researcher in this process. To do this, it’s imperative that you begin by identifying questions you want to answer through your research; then, explain to the reader how those questions are answered, how more questions arise as a result of what you learn, and/or how your original questions are complicated by what you read. Put another way, the point of this essay is to tell the story of what you’ve learned through your secondary research.

What else would be helpful for me to know?

Your essay must be 5-6 pages in length and include five sources. Of those five, two must be scholarly. As you will recall, you are working with a partner to interview a veteran or service member for our Veterans Oral History Project; as a result, both of you will be researching the same time period in which your interviewee served. Each of you must include unique sources in your essay. In other words, you cannot use the same sources in your essays.

How should I format my essay and how long should it be?

Your essay needs to be consistent with APA (American Psychological Association) formatting: typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, and twelve-point, Times New Roman font. Additionally, you will need to incorporate in-text citations, as well as a References page.

And my veteran is a national guard

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