Category Archives: Research Papers

Business Courier Traffic Issues Paper

Your final assignment will require the development of a business research proposal that includes the core elements of research. As presented in the textbook, “the key purpose of any [full] research report is to offer a clear description of what has been done in the various stages of the research process” (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016, p. 353). The research proposal represents the initial stage of the research process where both the study and researcher are properly authorized and the methodology, cost and duration of the study are determined to ensure the research process is carried out as smoothly as possible. The research proposal also provides the purpose of the study and the research design details of the investigation to be carried out by the researcher. Upon completion, the research proposal will be approved by the sponsor who will issue a letter of authorization to proceed with the study.

The research proposal will typically contain the elements below (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016, p. 45):

  1. A working title – anchors the focus of the study in a similar way as the research problem and keeps the researcher oriented to the main purpose of the study; a final title may be selected later in the study to more accurately reflect the subject and scope of the study (Sacred Heart University Library, 2019).

  2. Background of the study/Literature Review – identifies and describes the history and nature of the research problem with reference to existing literature and shows that the researcher has a basic understanding of the research problem (Sacred Heart University Library, 2019).

  3. The problem statement – a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation (Sacred Heart University Library, 2019).

      1. The purpose of the study – introduces readers to the importance of the topic being studied.

      2. Research questions – The research problem posed in the form of questions.

  1. The scope of the study – the extent to which the topic will be covered in the study.

  2. The relevance of the study – shows how meaningful the topic studied is in the context of a larger body of research.

  3. The research design – a blueprint or plan for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data, created to answer research questions (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016, p. 108). The research design should address these areas:

  1. Type of study – exploratory and descriptive

  2. Data collection methods – established manner in which data or information will be collected to answer the research question or test a hypothesis.

  3. The sampling design – the method that supports the process of selecting the right individuals, objects, or events as representatives or a subset of the population to be studied.

  4. Data analysis – using statistical methods to organize, represent, describe, evaluate and interpret data.

  1. Time frame of the study – includes information on when the written report will be handed over to the sponsors.

  2. The budget – details the costs, with reference to specific items of expenditure.

  3. Selected bibliography/Reference List – A listing of all sources used in the research process that acknowledges and gives credit to the contributions of the authors whose sources were used in the study.

In Part 1 of your Business Research Proposal, you identified a business problem, selected a working title, provided background on the proposed study, developed your problem statement, and described the scope and relevance of the study. By now, you should have also received feedback on the Business Research Proposal assignment you submitted at the end of Week 4. For the Business Research Proposal Part 2 assignment, you will finalize your proposal by completing the remaining elements of the business research proposal process and submit a full research proposal.

Complete the following requirements for the Business Research Proposal – Part 2 assignment:

    1. Make edits to Part 1 of the Business Research Proposal based on the feedback received from the instructor for the assignment submitted at the end of Week 4. Also, make adjustments to your working title as needed so that it corresponds with the research study as closely as possible.

    2. Describe the research design, showing how you will plan for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data, created to answer the research questions. The research design should address these areas:

    1. Type of study – exploratory and descriptive;

    2. Data collection methods – established manner in which data or information will be collected to answer the research question or test a hypothesis;

    3. The sampling design – the method that supports the process of selecting the right individuals, objects, or events as representatives or a subset of the population to be studied; and

    4. Data analysis – using statistical methods to organize, represent, describe, evaluate and interpret data.

    1. Describe the proposed time frame of the study, including information on when the written report will be handed over to the sponsors.

    2. Create a budget that details the anticipated costs of specific items of expenditure related to the proposed study.

    3. Include a “Reference List” of all sources used that is formatted in APA writing style.


Strategic Management Project Background

Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, complete with speaker notes for Caterpillar Inc.’s leadership team, in which you summarize your key findings, propose recommendations, and provide rationale for your recommendations.

Address the following topics and prompts in your presentation:

Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision

  • Summarize your evaluation of the alignment between what Caterpillar Inc. is currently doing and their mission, vision, or values statement.

  • Recommend any changes you would make to Caterpillar Inc.’s mission, vision, or values statements to improve organizational goals.

Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Summarize your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and disadvantages.

  • Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and business performance.

  • Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes in Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages to achieve organizational goals.

Topic: Caterpillar’s Global Strategy

  • Summarize your assessment of Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy.

  • Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy and business performance.

  • Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes to Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy to achieve organizational goals.


Marketing Question

I would like you to pass out your questionnaire (sample questionnaires are included in the POWEROINT PRESENTATION Week 2) to a total of 30 people, 15 who represent consumers who use the products/services sold by the company you chose, and 15 who represent consumers who do not use the products/services sold by the company you chose. You can collect the data either in person or on the Internet. You should summarize the results from the data you collect, and compare the 2 groups of consumers on each question asked. You can use simple percentages, a bar chart, or any other format that you choose to compare the 2 groups of consumers. These results should then be listed in a Table that is presented as an Appendix. The research project should be a 10 double-spaced typed page report (not less than 10 pages and not to exceed 12 pages) not including Appendices. It should include the following sections:

Section I: Introduction to project

  1. Company chosen (Example: McDonalds)/support with description of products and services sold

  2. Problem identified (Example: Health trends moving away from fried foods)/support with data/information

  3. 2 Groups of Consumers chosen (Example: McDonalds Users and Nonusers)/rationale for the choice. Total pages: 1-2

Section II: The Questionnaire: A discussion of the results of your research study. This should be based on the Table you put together in the Appendix. Total pages 2-3

Section III: Marketing Analysis: This should include a discussion of the way in which the company should segment their market; position and target their products and/or services; and develop their 4P’s. Total pages 3-4.

Section IV: Conclusion: Identify 3 alternative solutions to respond to the problem you identified in Section 1. For each solution, identify 3 pros and 3 cons for each solution and pick a best solution and defend it (You will find a short section at the end of this syllabus that discusses both the choice of a problem and alternative solutions). Total pages 2-3


Writing question

Need Help in Filling i983 form please find attached document, and example format , the student role is Java developer and Goals and Objectives should be in Java Developer technology area.

need to fill

A.Training Goals & Objectives

B. Student role.


Civil engineering

I need help in my senior design project. It requires someone who is expert in concrete design , steel design, foundation.


Global Health course



    Imagine that you are a senior consultant at Practical Health Care Consulting. Your supervisor has instructed you to spend three months at the Caring Angel Hospital to help improve the quality of care, add value to the organization, improve employee morale, design an efficient organizational chart, create a strong team environment, and create the hospital’s competitive advantage. The hospital has traditionally made losses year after year. Furthermore, it is not performing well financially, and the banks are not willing to lend it large sums of money for more effective marketing.After spending two months within the hospital, you are very happy with your progress, and you think you are capable of acquiring more patient base and expanding the hospital market. However, with a closer look, you notice that your patients are still hopping from one specialized hospital to another in search of various specialized treatments. You also notice that the seats are not comfortable in the waiting area, and the patients continuously show up for appointments on the wrong dates. The nurses and the employees are not smiling during patient conversations, and everyone looks for ways to blame others for failures in the patient treatment process. Everyone seems to work alone and hide what they do from their colleagues.At the end of the 3-month period, you must provide a report with your recommended strategies designed to help Caring Angel Hospital achieve its goals.Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


    Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

    • From a consulting perspective, propose the major steps that Caring Angel Hospital could take to achieve each of the following goals:

      • Improve the quality of care.

      • Add value to the organization.

      • Improve employee morale.

      • Design an efficient organizational chart.

      • Create a strong team environment.

      • Create the hospital’s competitive edge.

    • Recommend one approach that the hospital could use for acquiring a larger market share given the prevailing financial circumstances. Justify your recommendation.

    • Investigate at least two value-added services that Caring Angel Hospital could offer to strengthen its value proposition. Provide at least two examples of the advantages of these value-added services to the hospital.

    • Include four recent (within the last five years) quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as quality academic resources


ACC 556: Liability and Stockholders Equity Excel Task

I have attached the homework assignment. It is 20 questions multiple choice and 3 fill in for account statements. Please correspond answers to their correct pages and questions. Thanks



Statistics Question

MindTap Descriptive Statistics Excel Learning Activities & Assignments

[WLOS: 1, 2, 3] [CLOS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Prior to beginning work on the MindTap Excel Activities, read Chapter 1: Data and Statistics, Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Displays, and Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures by clicking Week 1 MindTap Descriptive Statistics. In MindTap, click on the Getting Ready link to access the assigned chapters for the week.

Excel’s resources Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.) or XLMiner Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.) will be used to complete the MindTap activities, which allow you to conduct statistical analysis from within your internet browser. The MindTap activities consist of (1) Videos and Practice, (2) Exploring Statistics, and (3) Review and Assignments.

Before you start working on the MindTap activities, please review the following video:

Click on the Week 1 MindTap Descriptive Statistics link to complete the assigned Microsoft Excel Online activities, which are (1) Videos and Practice, (2) Exploring Statistics, and (3) Review and Assignments for Chapters 1, 2, and 3 using Excel’s resources Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.) or XLMiner Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.).

Please note: It is recommended that you zoom in to 200% while watching the videos in Cengage.

The breakdown of the activities is as follows:

  • In the Microsoft Excel Online activities (1) Videos and Practice, you will be using Microsoft Excel Online files to work in the spreadsheets, completing structured (Links to an external site.) and free-form (Links to an external site.) activities, and then answering the questions. Structured activities use templated Excel spreadsheets and color-coded cells to show inputs that are needed to solve the problems. Free-form activities offer little structure and require you to build the spreadsheet independently, using only the starting data and problem narrative.

  • The Microsoft Excel Online activities (2) Exploring Statistics offer interactive visualizations that engage with the Lean Forward interactivity to help you see the statistical concepts being presented directly within MindTap.

  • In the Microsoft Excel Online activities (3) Review and Assignments, you will use the book’s DATAfiles as a content base to complete each Chapter Assignments and Interpreting the Results. Students can download all Excel DATAfiles (Excel) by clicking on the MindTap link, Course Materials: Access DATAfiles, Tip Sheets, and More.

Chapter Assignments

For the Chapter Assignments, you identify the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and data type. Then, you compute the statistics using the Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.) or XLMiner Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.), and, ultimately, interpret results in the context of the problem. You examine functional areas of business, as data-driven examples demonstrate how marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants, and economists use statistical applications.

Interpreting the Results

The Interpreting the Results activity assesses your ability to analyze data and interpret the results. These activities are modeled after Chapter 3, Case Problem 3: Business Schools of Asia-Pacific from the ebook, and they showcase the same company example introduced in the Week 1 Introduction video and the Descriptive Statistics: Case Problem Business Schools of Asia-Pacific discussion forum.

The weekly MindTap activities have a similar format consisting of (1) Videos and Practice, (2) Exploring Statistics, and (3) Review and Assignments. You have unlimited attempts to complete the MindTap activities. Unlimited feedback is provided during the assignments by clicking on “Check My Work.” Feedback after the assignment is submitted shows question details, your responses, and question scores.

You can learn more about a specific statistics function by visiting the Microsoft Office Help & Training (Links to an external site.) website and typing the function into the search box at the top-right corner of the website. When you search for “data analysis” in the search bar, you will return a guide for using the Data Analysis ToolPak titled Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.).

How to Add Excel’s Data Analysis ToolPak

Watch the video: How to Add Excel’s Data Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.).

How to Add Excel’s XLMiner Analysis ToolPak:

  • Open an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Click the INSERT tab in the navigation menu.

  • Click the STOREadd-ons button.

  • Browse the window that will pop up.

  • Type “XLMiner Analysis ToolPak” in the search box.


Research on Amazon corporate social responsibility

One page paper that talks about Amazon former CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiative. With in text citation, bibliography, also add links to websites used as references page ( as seprate page )


What is Human Computer Interaction (HCI)?

  1. What is Human Computer Interaction (HCI)?

  1. Name three professionals whose knowledge and methods are associated with HCI?

  1. What is done to ensure reliability of a system?

  1. Give an example of a Life-critical system and describe what it does?

  1. What is Universal Usability?

  1. Name a cultural and international difference that needs to be considered in a program and describe why? For example: characters, numbers and special characters on a keyboard?

  1. Name three concerns the ANSI/HFES100-2007 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations (2007) lists?

  2. Name 4 design ways that help getting a user’s attention?

  1. Give an example of a system that needs supervisory control and describe what it is used for?

  1. Name 3 interaction styles?

  1. List the 8 Golden Rules of Interface Design

  1. List Norman’s seven stages of action?

  1. List the scenario-based design characterization from Rosson and Caroll?

  1. In the design process name 3 design frameworks?

  1. List 3 sample guidelines that are listed in the IOS Human Interface Guidelines?

  1. Research a Design Case Study that was done by using Big Data and explain?

In Chapter 6 you were introduced to design case studies, in this discussion we will try to understand a user satisfaction of their cell phone.

: Case study about your personal cell phone, answer the following example case study questions?

  1. What model cell phone do you have and how did you first hear about it?

  2. What feature of our product was most appealing?

  3. What made this cell phone stand out over others that you researched?

  4. What have you been most impressed with?

  5. What challenges did you have with your phone?

  6. What would you change about it?


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