Category Archives: Research Papers

Writing an experiment summary

In this assignment, I want you to write a summary of the experiment to show you understand what the researcher did.

  1. Summarize the research background

  2. Write the research question.

  3. Write the research hypothesis

  4. Describe how they collected the data

  5. Identify the Independent and Dependent variables


Programming class

ICSI 333 Programming at the Hardware Software Interface lab project


Computer programming with MATLAB.

I need an explanation for this Programming question to help me study.

I have attached the exercises.



Accounting question

need an accounting discussion post question done. simple, will provide once tutor selected


Engineering Question

The topic that I choose is about Intelligent Transportation System (ITS).

Your paper will focus on contemporary Transportation challenges and solutions. The following three general themes will be used to select the topics in the class. There will be an opportunity to strive for the best group report. Winners will receive special bonus.

The themes are:

a.Transportation Safety

b.Transportation Efficiency

c.Environmental Impacts of Transportation

2.Information Sources – Information is collected from library/internet sources and also from the local agencies (CALTRANS, SANDAG) and consulting firms. A number of journals available online are an excellent place to start.

3.Paper Structure 

It is important for your paper to be well structured. Although each paper will be different, papers usually should have:

a.Problem Statement, including the significance of the problem (some form of statistical figures is encouraged)

b.Presentation of the most important solutions (technologies, results, challenges)

c.Evaluation of the current solutions (some form of an original Summary Table or Chart is encouraged), and discussion on any promising futuristic solutions


4.Paper Size – The paper should be about ten (10) pages typed double spaced, 12 font (including figures and tables). Try to be succinct and to the point but be careful not to leave out important information.

5.Paper Grading – The paper’s grade will be based on the following components:

a.Merit (accuracy and completeness of information, wise use of sources, originality) 60%

b.Attractiveness of the presentation (use of pictures, tables; graphics; paper structure) 10%

c.Language (use of English, grammar, spelling) 10%

d.References (depth of the literature review; professional, journal-like format 20%

Use at least one source from these links below along with other resources.

Identify Open Educational Resources (OER) available on your topic to an external site.19721480Links to an external site.

Identify OneSeach ebook on your topic


English question

Please watch the YouTube Video below, presented by Dr. Atul Gawande entitled How Do We Heal Medicine?

Dr. Atul Gawande is one of the champions of quality and patient safety today. He is a surgeon, a researcher and a prolific speaker and author. He contends that in order to “heal medicine”, we need to go, as an industry, from “being cowboys to pit crews”.

Using APA format, please write a 100 – 200 word essay on the following question. After you are finished answering the question, attach the exercise and click on the “Submit” button located at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

Explain what he means by this, and how can the CQI methods and tools that you have been learning can contribute to the changes that we need to make in health care?

The link


English Question

I need a memoir assignment written. The topic is “An incident in which a conflict or serious misunderstanding with someone made you feel unjustly mistreated or caused you to mistreat someone else

I already have the story that I want to use and will give the details to whichever bid I accept.

Overall an easy assignment, must pass the plagiarism check.


Electrical Engineering question.

1. Expand the idea presented by this block diagram to design a 16 bit rotator and
draw the block diagram.
2. Design a 2×1 multiplexer using simple gates.
3. Instantiate the multiplexer in the top level design as many times as necessary to
design a combinational rotator of length 16 bits.
4. Simulate your design for the correct functionality. Write testbenches for 2×1
multiplexer as well as 16 bit combinational rotator.



Chemistry multi-part question

2. Examine the conjugated molecule below.
a. Are all eight atoms in the octatriene involved in the conjugated pi system? Which
ones are not? How do you know? Make a generalization about atoms that cannot
be involved in pi systems.
b. Draw the frontier molecular orbital (FMO) diagram for (all trans)-2,4-6-octatriene.
Be sure to appropriately label all axes and relative energy levels. Elucidate
how/where the FMO diagram indicates that conjugation is a stabilizing

3. While conjugation is relatively easy to recognize in simple linear chains of
conjugated pi bonds, it can be difficult to see in more complicated systems such as
those with heteroatoms, cations, anions, and/or cycles. One must diligently examine
molecules according to the rules you listed in #1 and #2a above in order to
determine the extent of conjugation. For example, examine the three conjugated pi
systems below:
a. Devise a stepwise strategy that will allow you to determine the number of atoms
and electrons in complicated pi systems. Then apply your strategy to determine
the number of atoms and electrons in each of the pi systems above.
b. Hopefully, your strategy from #3a helped you conclude that each of the
cycloheptene systems above are conjugated, yet differ in the number of atoms
and/or electrons in their pi systems. If not, revise your strategy until you are able
to arrive at the correct answers



Stat ST465/665, Assignment 4

1. (14 points) Read in data matrix “assignment4_data1.txt” to create a data matrix X.
The assignment is to use the matrix scatter plot, a plot of the statistical distances to
the sample mean, and the univariate q-q plots to detect outliers in the data set. Hint:
There are 3 or less outliers in the data.
(a) Compute and display the sample covariance matrix and mean vector S and
(b) Show a matrix scatter plot and univariate q-q plots.
(c) Compute the statistical distance
D vector between the data points and the sample
means where
Di = (
i −
xi −
x) with
i denoting the ith row vector of
X. Show a plot of the values versus index.
(d) Use the graphs and
D to identify outliers. Explain your choices. Each outlier should
have at least two indicators.
(e) Remove the outliers to get a new data set, then compute and display sample covariance matrix and mean vector S and
x for the cleaned data set. Describe the
effect of removing outliers on the sample covariance and mean.
(f) Show a matrix scatter plot and univariate q-q plots. Is this evidence consistent with
a normal distribution? Explain.



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