Category Archives: Research Papers

Writing question

Please reflect on the discussion with our guest speakers Todd and Katherine Lehr from Jump Cutters Production, on Thursday, March 4th. If you missed or need to review the discussion, please look and listen to it in the Canvas Media Gallery under “COMM 101 Recorded Lectures” for the course (It will be at the bottom of the playlist). You must respond to at least 2 of the following 5 questions AND meaningfully reply to at least 2 classmates to receive full credit for this discussion participation. Click “Reply” below to write a response. After you post your entry, you will be able to view your classmate’s responses.

1. What were your takeaways from the discussion? List at least 2 specific themes that resonated with you from what they discussed being a transfer student and adapting to UCSD, their education at UCSD, learning media production, building a production company outside of Hollywood, and working and building a family. These are possible themes, but you can, of course, comment on other themes as well. This response should be at least a paragraph long; more is fine.

2. Todd was precise about how he defined success; accomplishment through hard work and collaboration, adapting and changing to his clients’ technology and needs, and caring about the work that Jumpcutters makes as a company. What do you think about these ideas about success? Do you think you might apply them?

3. Katherine and Todd both stressed how they made community through media practice. Even though it is challenging to do this under current circumstances, have you been able to do it, and/or do you look forward to making community through media practice in the future?

4. What are your thoughts on the Guide Dogs for the Blind promotion campaign video? Did the piece resonate with you? Why or why not? What did you observe about the specific production techniques that were mentioned by them while creating the video. What new insights about production and post-production did you gain from their discussion?

5. How did Katherine and Todd’s visit influence the way you might think about working with and within media if you think you will continue with media after this course?


Chinese Question

• The purpose of the final paper is to measure students’ ability to evaluate diverse perspectives
on China and arrive at an informed judgment of different issues.
• Task: (i) State an issue; (ii) discuss and evaluate the status quo (and the current relevant policies
or laws); (iii) offer future prospects if the status quo or the current policies/laws were continued;
and (iv) give reasonable and justified recommendations



Computer Science question

Agile project management is introduced and compared with the traditional, more rigid, sequential, waterfall project management approach. Agile is an incremental, iterative planning methodology that works well when the scope is likely to change during the development cycle. Expanding on the customer responsiveness of Agile, Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development technique that emphasizes keeping the code simple and reviewing it frequently. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) was developed to allow managers to identify and resolve system constraints using five steps: identify the constraint, exploit the constraint, subordinate everything else to the constraint, elevate the constraint, and determine if a new constraint has been uncovered. The critical path is the network system’s constraint. Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) was developed as an alternative to PERT to develop more effective and accurate schedules by identifying and eliminating resource conflicts. CCPM can also be applied at the project portfolio level by creating capacity constraint buffers (CCBs) to control the transition between projects.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand why Agile Project Management was developed and its advantages in planning for certain types of projects.

  2. Understand the key features of the Extreme Programming (X P) planning process for software projects.

  3. Understand the logic behind Theory of Constraints and its implications for Critical Chain scheduling.

  4. Distinguish between critical path and critical chain project scheduling techniques.

  5. Understand how critical chain methodology resolves project resource conflicts.

  6. Apply critical chain project management to project portfolios.

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. What are the practical implications internally (in terms of team motivation) and externally (for the customer) of making overly optimistic project delivery promises?


CMPSC 461: Programming Language Concepts

Problem 1 [6pt] For the following term:
(λx. λy. y x) (λz. y)
a) Calculate its free variables FV() and connect all bound variables to their definitions with lines. For
example, the bound variables for this term, λx. x x y should be λ x. x x y.
b) Do reduction on the term until no more β-reduction is possible. Show every steps.
Problem 2 [8pt] In hw6, you have defined a few functions on church numerals on paper. Please implement
ISZERO, PRED and MINUS functions in hw7.rkt file that works on church numerals. We have already
implemented some helper functions to help you get started with your implementation. Your implementation
can only use (lambda …), function application of the form (a b c) and predefined constants/constructs such
The ENCODE and DECODE functions are strictly for testing. Your implementation should not involve
either of these two functions.
a) (2pt) Define a function ISZERO so that given a church numeral n, it returns TRUE (the encoding of true)
if n = 0; FALSE (the encoding of false) if n 6= 0.



Concert Review and Extra Credit

  • This is Concert Review #1 for the first of TWO concerts you will STREAM ONLINE this term. Find concerts HERE.

  • BOTH concerts MUST be “classical”. No stadium/festival concerts or concerts featuring pop artists (EDM, pop rock, hip hop, modern country, etc). Music should reflect the course’s content.

  • Appropriate genres include:

    • traditional jazz

    • opera

    • symphony orchestra

    • chamber music (like a string quartet or piano recital)

    • “world” music (i.e. Japanese classical, Indonesian gamelan, etc), experimental, etc.

  • Pop, rock, hip hop, reggae, and other popular style concerts, and outdoor, cafe/restaurant performances are NOT acceptable (with the exception of pop concerts on the Cuyamaca College Performing Arts Concert Series).

  • Try to get outside your comfort zone – the idea is to try something new! Questions? Please email me!


1. Provide 1-2 paragraphs describing the concert you attended and the music performed in formal, academic language.

2. Give TITLES of pieces/songs and GENRE or type of music played (jazz, baroque, opera, romantic, etc).

3. Give the HISTORY of the music played.

4. What instruments were played?

5. Write about the performers themselves: where are they from, what is their background, what do they play?

6. What is your own response to the performance and the music? Like it? Love it or Hate it? Why?

7. Write about the substance of the performance and the music and your response to it ONLY. (I don’t need to know what you had for dinner or how traffic was getting to the venue.)


and that’s the Extra Credit

There are the ways to earn extra credit. You can:

  1. view a full-length concert (like an opera) on youtube and write a concert review of that. Include the link and be sure to include details from the entire video.


Cuyamaca College Uniform Commercial Code for Housing Contracts Questions

Contract Analysis Assignment – Part 1

The contracts for both Parts 1 and 2 are in the Contracts Module. Part 1 consists of essays and will be submitted here as one submission. Part 2 is objective style questions and will be submitted in Contract Analysis Part 2.

Please proof read. Please try your best to send the essays to me for review well before you submit This pertains to your Part 1 essays. Part 2 can be completed without reference to Part 1 except as the questions pertain to the same contracts.

See the grading rubric for scoring. Support your answers with law from your text (cases; statutes) and properly cite that law, including the page number. State your legal argument in IRAC format (identify the Issue; then state the applicable Rule(s); Apply the facts to the rule; then state a Conclusion).

Residential House Lease

The following questions are based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the question

Essays (2-3 complete paragraphs per question with text references to support your answers)

  • 1) Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that results in mold forming in the premises. Juan, the tenant, still has significant time remaining on his lease. Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the repairs?

  • 2) Shortly after moving in but with significant time remaining on the lease, Bill, the tenant, finds a much better apartment for the same price. Bill notifies Zuzanne, the Landlord, that he is moving out immediately and signs a new lease for the new apartment. What recourse does Zuzanne have against Bill?

UCC Sales Contract

The following questions are based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions.

Essays (2-3 complete paragraphs per essay with text references to support your answers)

  • UCC Sales ContractThe following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.You contend that you received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking you would get a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters. That was the original oral communication when you first contacted the selling merchant. You both talked about and agreed on Razor scooters. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just used the phrase scooters. The seller prepared a written contract. The contract was signed by both parties. The selling merchant then shipped scooters that are in perfect condition but they are not Razor scooters. The selling merchant believes the goods are conforming.

  • 3) Upon immediate receipt and inspection of the goods, what are all your merchant options under the contract and at law?

  • 4) Under this scenario, you discover an employee signed for the receipt of the scooters over (90) days ago and they have just been sitting in a warehouse. What are your options now as the Buyer pursuant to the contract?


Management Question

Read chapter 1 in the text, International Human Resource by Harzing, Anne-Wil. Read the closing case titled, “Not the way we do business around here”, in chapter. Work to analyze the case and answer the following question.

  • “With globalization, people’s behavior and values are increasingly becoming similar, and especially so in organizations. Therefore, in about ten years’ time, the International Human Resource Management of multinational organizations will be conducted globally.”


Excel Question

Below are 2 Word and 1 Excel files: follow the Directions (1) to complete the assignment using the provided Sample Data (2) and then submit your work using the Assignment Submission Form (3) via the appropriate link — 



Music Question


Choose a piece of music encountered in the course textbook or lectures from the Romantic period onwards.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The piece of music I choose is “Liszt’s Les Préludes aligns”)

Write a research paper that discusses how it relates to broader developments in music and society of the time.


1500 words (footnotes and bibliography do not count towards the word count)

Style and format:

  • The paper must be typed

  • Your paper should have a title

  • Use the Chicago citation system (footnotes), and include a bibliography at the end of the paper. The bibliography should contain relevant, scholarly texts. Avoid citing from websites and other non-academic sources

General pointers

  • This is a deliberately broad essay questions, allowing you to focus on a topic that particularly interests you

  • Aim to include at least six sources in your bibliography. You may use the course textbook as one of your sources


Research paper rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrectly following and answering questions, prompts, guidelines, and length requirements

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy of content

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality, originality and detail of content

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality and neatness of presentation

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of appropriate sources, and correct academic referencing using the Chicago referencing style (Notes & Bibliography)

5 pts

Total Points: 25


R Question

I hope you enjoyed the R demonstration today. You can see it again in the class recording at

Download and open the R tutorial in the Resources section.

Install R and RStudio on your computer.

Do basic exercise of adding a and b into c.

Upload the Houses.csv file into R.

Do descriptive statistics on the data; and the regression model.

You are free to work with your partner, if you so choose, to do the exercise.

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