Category Archives: Research Papers

Psychology question

Think about a future group that has 6 members and the purpose of the group is to facilitate psychosocial adjustment to a recent diagnosis. What kinds of beginning exercises might be useful? Please describe an exercise and how you would implement it in this group.


Nursing Question


This assignment requires students to define physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and discuss their ability to influence one another.


Students will approach this assignment by first defining and describing the following four domains of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Students will then discuss the influence of a patient’s physical health status on each of the other three assigned domains (mental, emotional, and spiritual); and, conversely, the potential for each of those domains (mental, emotional, and spiritual) to affect a person’s physical health status.


Using your course materials (textbook readings, articles, videos, lecture notes) to support your discussion, write an academic paper (4-6 pages, not including cover and reference pages), that addresses the following:

– Section 1 – definitions of four assigned health domains: Provide a definition and brief explanation of physical health, mental health, emotional health, and spiritual health. Be clear in the distinctions/differences between mental, emotional, and spiritual health. (1 page)

– Section 2 – influence of physical illness on the other health domains: Share what you have learned or discovered about how a patient’s physical illness may affect their mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Cite at least one source to support your claims. (1-2 pages)

Example: how does physical illness cause symptoms of mental, emotional, or spiritual distress?

– Section 3 – influence of distress/illness in other health domains, on physical health: Share what you have learned or discovered about how ill health in the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms, may manifest in physical illness or symptoms. Cite at least one source to support your claims. (1-2 pages)

Example: how does mental illness, emotional distress, or spiritual distress, cause symptoms of physical illness?

– Section 4 – address what this means in the context of holistic health care: Discuss what you believe to be the most important takeaways from the influence that exists between these domains of health, and how it relates to the role of the nurse. (1-2 pages)

– Format and submit your paper using APA style, 7th Edition (see your APA style manual and additional resources provided via the Stritch Library). Upload to the submission link provided in Canvas.


History Question

Please write a research paper about the Book Of Certitude. I need 3-4 outside sources and 5 pages double spaced. Please attach a 6th page that is a citations page. Please use quotes from The Book of Certitude as well. Be sure to mention sovereignty and detachment.

This is something I put together to make the research paper a little easier for you:

The Book of Certitude has two parts. Part one is detachment (with 3 meanings) part two is sovereignty. Detachment has 3 meanings to it and focuses on the method of understanding truth- particularly spiritual truth which is extremely important for Baha’u’llah. The first one is the idea of Baha’u’llah which is that a human being should be aware of the spiritual truth of all that they see and experience and that everything is a reflection of God, therefore we should become detached and removed spiritually from any person or specific thing. Furthermore, a being should be focusing on service to God and humanity. A person’s life should have a spiritual goal rather than a goal for realizing our selfish needs. A person who is attached to this is a person who isn’t in a state of detachment.

The second meaning of detachment is being detached from the dependence of other human beings, as well as financial dependence from others. Therefore, detachment requires that people work to be productive and also be able to provide for themselves and their necessities rather than becoming dependent on others. People should be like God and work for themselves self and do their best to create for themselves and not be dependent on others. This is detachment of dependence on people, on financial dependence and it requires that everyone who can work, to work, and do it for service of humanity.

The third meaning, which is the most important meaning as well is that this is offered only by Baha’u’llah. In our judgment of our reality and our world, we shouldn’t become dependent on anybody else. Rather, we have to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions. Independent thinking and investigation of truth. That is the essence of detachment. Being able to detach from anything else which a human is dependent on and make decisions for themselves.

In summary, Baha’u’llah says that no one has true understanding except he who is detached from all that is on heaven and earth. Therefore, we sanctify and purify our soul in order to attain such knowledge. We must think for ourselves and rely on ourselves. This is the meaning of detachment. To purify a being’s heart and become a moral person, therefore morality and universal love become preconditions of the attainment of truth.

The second part is sovereignty, he says this because the problem in religious consciousness is that when people expect the promise one, they have assumptions that the promise one comes with absolute sovereignty. This becomes the single most obstacle for the recognition of the prophets and manifestations of God.

Baha’u’llah says manifestations of God have absolute sovereignty. He begins by saying such even if no one respects them. Baha’u’llah explains that this sovereignty which he speaks about means the absolute existence of sovereignty that the prophets have are reflections of the sovereignty of God which is the real sovereignty. Attaining the presence of God is a problem that will be solved from this. Since prophets of God are reflections of divine attributes, therefore since God can’t be seen, therefore attaining the presence of profits is attaining the presence of God. Likewise for the day of resurrection, which is a day that any profit of God would come and a new stage of humanity begins as an old stage ends. Baha’u’llah emphasizes the idea that all prophets are one, the word of God takes different forms.


MathLab Plotting

  1. Take or find a digital image and save it to your local machine. Load the image in MATLAB/Octave by using the imread() function, ie: image = imread(‘pathToImage\selfie.jpg’); See the script on the Basic Image Processing page to see an example.

  2. Create a new image called “grayImage” and store in it a version of the original image, but in gray scale (black and white). To convert, use the command grayImage = rgb2gray(image);

  3. Create a cropped image called “croppedImage.” To perform the cropping, compute 10% of the original x and y dimensions and take that amount of pixels off the left, right, top and bottom. Remember, you should not be modifying your original image, but just copy over the desired pixels to croppedImage.

  4. Create a new image called “redRemoved” and store in it just the blue and green components of the original image.

  5. Create a subplot with all images properly labeled that contains the original image and all of your modified image. Organize your subplots into a 2×2 grid.


English Question

  1. Pre-Write: Consider the different perspectives on your topic. Why do they think this issue is important? What do they have to gain or lose? What are the main arguments of each perspective? How are their positions similar and/or different from one another? What are their goals or desired outcomes regarding the topic? Look at this topic from their various perspectives, and examine what these voices have to say.

  2. Write:

    • Introduction: Your introduction should describe the issue or topic. You should explain why the topic is significant and why it warrants a solution. Your thesis should clearly show the solution you will present in the essay.

    • Body Section 1: The first section of your essay should explain one of the sides of the issue. Fairly represent their arguments, concerns, and desired outcomes.

    • Body Section 2: The second section of your essay should explain the opposing side of the issue. Fairly represent their arguments, concerns, and desired outcomes.

    • Body Section 3: The third section of your essay should explain the shared beliefs and goals of the two perspectives. What do they have in common? Synthesize the two viewpoints to show how they will be able to build on their common goals.

    • Body Section 4: The fourth section of your essay should detail your proposed solution or alternate position. Show how to solve the problem in a way that will benefit both parties. Draw on the common ground between the parties to find a reasonable way to create a third perspective on the issue. Show your readers how this third perspective is preferable to the two opposing sides.

    • Conclusion: Your conclusion should restate the significance of the issue and synthesize the benefits of your proposed solution/third perspective.

  3. Tips for Success:

    • Be fair and credible. Show your understanding of both sides of the issue by comparing and contrasting the ideas presented in your sources.

    • Use a neutral tone. Consider yourself the mediator between the two parties.

    • Consider your own rhetorical choices. Will you appeal to logos? Pathos? Ethos? How will you communicate effectively to your readers?

    • Each body section may be more than one paragraph. For example, it is likely that you will need at least two paragraphs to fully develop Body Section 4.

    • Support your ideas with quotations and paraphrases from the sources you considered in your research. You should use 2-3 quotations and paraphrase other main ideas. Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations appropriately and responsibly.

    • Create a correctly formatted Works Cited page with an entry for each source you cite within your essay.

    • Your essay should be approximately 1,100-1,200 words, not inclusive of the Works Cited page.

  4. Be sure to use MLA Style to format this assignment. Apply MLA Style to all aspects of the paper, including the heading, title page, proper paragraph indentation and spacing, font, margins, size, etc. Need help with MLA?

  5. Proofread your work before submission and also every single words must be your own unless you’re quotating the others

The article is below. The topic is on feminism. No other source is allowed expect for the article

Here is the topic and only source you must use!!Feminism is defined as the belief in social, political and economic equality between the sexes. In practice and in history, feminist social movements and academic theories have defined the relationship between the sexes in general and the liberation of women in particular.

Feminist movements have attempted to influence politics and social policies through research, education, activism and legislation. The modern feminist movement addresses issues such as women’s rights in the workplace, reproductive rights (including abortion and birth control), sexual harassment and discrimination, and gender stereotypes.

In the United States, there are differing opinions regarding the state of the feminist movement. Some critics believe that modern feminists have become increasingly radical, and that societal changes have reduced the need for an active feminist movement. Feminists and their supporters argue that there are still significant inequalities between the sexes; however, it is also acknowledged that feminist ideals have become more commonly accepted in American culture.

In other cultures, women are not permitted to take part in the political process and receive little protection under the law. Some believe that the greatest challenge for feminists is to address institutionalized sexism, discrimination, misogyny and stereotypes regarding gender roles in other parts of the world.


Discrimination: Behavior either for or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs.

Feminism: Belief in the political, social and economic equality of the sexes.

Misogyny: Hatred or distrust of women.

New Social Movement: A social movement that arose from the conflicts in the post-industrial revolution society and economy.

Sexism: Behavior based on traditional stereotypes regarding sexual roles, or discrimination based on a person’s gender.

Social Movement: A deliberate voluntary effort to organize individuals to act in concert to achieve group influence to make or block changes.

Suffrage: The right to vote in political elections and on social issues.


Throughout history, women have joined together in male-dominated societies to gain political and social influence. One of the earliest documented women’s movements originated in the Roman Republic (500-20 BCE). In medieval Europe and Asia, women were considered subordinate to men; however, because those governments were based on royalty, women were able to ascend to leadership by becoming an empress or queen. In addition, because of rigid social structures, women from elite families were dominant over men of lower social classes.

Colonial Americans rejected the idea of royalty and therefore abolished the possibility of women attaining leadership through familial ascendancy. Women in the American colonies were considered subordinate to men and were expected to concentrate on childrearing and domestic duties.

During the 1700s, women’s movements originated in France and England. In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, one of the first examples of feminist literature. Though early women’s movements inspired future generations of feminists, significant political changes did not occur until the nineteenth century.

During the drafting of the United States Constitution, feminists like Abigail Adams lobbied to have women’s rights included in the document. The movement ultimately failed, but the unifying purpose helped the growth of feminism.

In 1848, a convention of women was held at Seneca Falls, New York, headed by Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. The meeting resulted in a Declaration of Women’s Rights, a document that called for equal rights between the sexes, including voting privileges, legal protection, and equal employment and wages.

During the early twentieth century, the feminist movement began to focus on women’s suffrage. Several territories and states, including Wyoming and New Jersey, granted voting rights to women before a constitutional amendment was in place. The amendment for women’s suffrage was proposed in every session of Congress beginning in 1878, before the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1919.

Following the success of the suffrage movement, feminism declined in the United States but remained a powerful lobby. Feminists made some gains during the 1940s and ’50s, including the establishment of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in 1946.

The American feminist movement grew during the 1960s and ’70s, as a reaction to inequalities in employment and educational opportunities, pay rates, reproductive rights, and government representation. The feminist movement of the 1960s is often referred to as the “women’s liberation” movement, during which theorists and political activists urged women to take an active role in politics and economics. The 1960s feminist movement is an example of a new social movement. New social movements, in contrast to traditional social movements, refer to social movements that arise from the conflicts in post-industrial revolution society and economy. New social movements, such as the feminist movement, the civil rights movements and the environmental movement, engage in social and political protest as a means of creating large-scale global change.

During the 1960s, several states passed laws regarding workplace and educational discrimination and reproductive rights. In 1972, the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Roe v. Wade officially gave women the right to undergo abortion, seen as a major victory for the feminist movement. That year, schools were prohibited from denying educational opportunities on the basis of gender.

Also in 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment was proposed in Congress. The ERA called for absolute legal equality, and would have made any discriminatory laws unconstitutional. Opponents of the ERA argued that the amendment would remove some laws that are in place to protect women, and would require women to register with the Selective Service in case of a military draft.

The ERA was passed by Congress but was not ratified by a sufficient portion of state governments. Despite the failure of the ERA, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 achieved some of the same goals regarding antidiscrimination laws. For instance, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, or national origin. In addition, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in wage compensation for similar work under similar conditions.

During the 1980s and 1990s, feminist activism became less common, while academic feminism, also referred to as women’s studies or gender studies, grew into a significant discipline involving political science, philosophy, psychology, and ethics. The number of women involved in United States politics grew significantly during the 1990s. The presidential administrations of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton set records in terms of the number of women appointed to federal office.


The modern feminist movement seeks to increase representation of women in politics and to remove obstacles preventing women from achieving higher office and leading corporations. Modern American feminists are concerned with combating existing misogyny and prejudices regarding the suitability of women for leadership.

Some critics believe the feminist movement has limited the choices available to women and damaged family stability by discouraging women from making childcare their primary goal. In addition, some have criticized feminists for supporting what opponents consider morally questionable legislation, especially regarding abortion and reproductive rights.

In addition to political representation, modern feminists are engaged in the global state of feminism. Groups in the United States and Europe have formed a lobby asking for Western governments to exert political influence on nations that do not grant political or social equality to women. Additionally, independent feminist movements have emerged in countries that have historically oppressed female citizens. In 2011, for instance, dozens of women in Saudi Arabia publicly defied bans on driving after a woman named Shema was sentenced to lashing for breaking the driving laws. Her sentencing–which King Abdullah eventually overturned–came just days after it was declared that, beginning in 2015, Saudi women would be allowed to vote for the first time in the nation’s history. In December of that year, Saudi women cast their first ballots for municipal councillors and nearly a thousand even ran for office in that country’s third election. And in India, public outrage mounted throughout the 2010s over the high rate of rape and sexual assault against women and perpetrators’ relative impunity in society and in the legal system.

Yet some American feminists argue that the movement should not focus on influencing the governments and cultures of other nations until women have achieved domestic goals, including the abolition of discrimination and sexism. Feminist interests played an integral role in the political landscape leading up to the 2012 election cycle. Congressional races yielded momentous wins for the women-in-government movement, with a record twenty women elected to US Senate seats, including Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin, the nation’s first openly lesbian senator. In the presidential race, women voted primarily Democratic, with 55 percent of women voting for Barack Obama, and 44 percent voting for Mitt Romney, according to CNN exit polls.

The 2016 presidential campaign marked a historic milestone in US women’s political leadership, with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton becoming the first woman to be nominated by a major political party. The campaign championed such “women’s issues” as equal pay for equal work, three months’ paid family leave, child-care assistance, and universal preschool. Yet Clinton enjoyed only qualified support even from self-identified feminists, many of whom saw her as representative of so-called corporate feminism, which critics alleges only helps white, middle-class women who are already advantaged by their race and social class. (Many modern feminists subscribe to intersectionality, a view that gender is only one social hierarchy and that it is enmeshed with others such as race, class, and sexual orientation.) Nevertheless, the campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump appealed far more to white male voters, while Clinton polled better among women of all races. Some observers noted that the 2016 presidential election appeared to be a contest between feminists on one hand and antifeminists on the other, thus debate about the role and relevancy of feminism in America lives on.


Management question

Critical Thinking Case studies:

Mr. Khaled is the HR manager in Alkhalili Company. Alkhalili Company is in construction business. In COVID-19, construction industry were affected a lot.   Alkhalili Company were also affected and lost several projects. Some projects were gone in heavy loss. Company has decided to downsize its work force.

KHALID was in such a situation that telling the truth about staff layoff to his friends will make him disloyal to the company. At the same time hiding about staff layoff from his close friend will make Khaled disloyal towards his friend. In this case, Khaled may find it difficult to find out all facts especially the time workers would take to find a new Job .Khaled, the workers, His Boss, society, the company are the affected stakeholders.  The right of both the workers and company to know and hide about layoff and the loyalty that company and workers expect from Khaled are the main ethical issues Khaled face. The consequences of telling and hiding about the staff layoff would be, Khaled may lose his job, workers will get time to find other placement, Khaled will remain in good book of management or workers have to suffer from sudden job loss. Anyway, before reaching a conclusion Khaled should have to think about the duties towards company as an employee also about how society is going to value him by the decision he take. However, Khaled can warn both employees and management like not to make any big financial commitment or about the after effect of hiding the layoff truth from employees. At last Khaled must take a decision considering all these factors and should have the gut to stand on the decision taken by him.

Assignment Question(s):                                                    (Marks 05)


  1. Identify the problem. What are the other sub problems? [Word count: 100-300]   [0.5 Marks]

  2. Main problem: ……………………………………..

  3. Other problems:

  4. Write the problem statement document?      [Word count: 200-400]      [1 Mark]

  5. Identify the Cause of the problem through 5 Why Technique [Word count: 150-300]  [1.5 Mark]

    1. Why-1

    2. Why-2

    3. Why-3

    4. Why-4

    5. Why-5

  1. Gather information: What information should you gather that would be helpful to know before making a decision? [Word count: 200-400]   [0.5 Marks]

  1. Consider the various choices of solution? [Word count: 100-300]   [0.5 Marks]

  1. What are ethical issues in this case? How you can resolve these ethical issues? [Word count: 200-400]                                                      [1 Mark]


ENGL 102 Sultan Qaboos University Academic Writing Discussion Board

Q1: Read this two articles then answer the answer the following discussion questions.the answer must be between 100-200 words

As you’ve read this week, stasis plays an important role in crafting an effective argument. Arguments must interact with one another in order to be successful. First, consider the interaction between Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid” and Bowman’s “Is Stupid Making Us Google?”. How does Bowman take up and respond to Carr’s argument? In other words, how does Bowman use his response to Carr’s argument to make a point of his own? Next, think about the texts from the point of view of stasis theory. Do you think these two arguments reach stasis? If so, where in the different levels of stasis would you put them? Why? If you don’t believe they reach stasis, why? Make sure to use details from the text to support your answer.

you don’t need to answer EVERY part of the discussion question above, just some of them!

Q2: read this paragraph and write a comment, what did you like and why… (50 words)

In the first article we read this week “Is Google Making us Stupid” the author Mr Carr talks about how different people now a days think and how they approach situations where they need information. He explains that by being able to google every little question that one may have it takes away how things used to work and shows a change in the way things including school are done. He talks about how many people now a days just google the answers to things instead of reading books and finding information in ways that were used in previous generations. He also talks about how he struggled with reading and writing because it was so easy just to look up the answers on google and find the information he was looking for. Now the second article we read “Is Stupid Making us Google” By mr Bowman agrees with a lot of what Carr is saying but he doesnt think that its googles fault he beleives that society and the way things are being taught now a days it makes it very easy to be able to google things and find the answer for what needs to be learned. I do think that both of these articles reach stasis because they are both strongly backed by evidence and strong data.


Leadership Case

Your Case 2 is on page 204 – You make the Call – James Mathew. You will need to identify and discuss what James should and could have done differently. Reference materials from the chapters and convince me on what James’ approach should have been.

Define communication and explain its importance in today’s culture.

Discuss the implications of the new communications age.

Analyze the channels of communication available to the supervisor.

Identify and discuss the barriers to effective communication.

Describe ways to overcome communication barriers.

Explain how supervisors can better manage meetings with their own managers

Above are the questions needs to be answered. and must be answered from below case. not out side reference read thoroughly and answer from this case only.

You Make the Call!

James Matthews is the departmental supervisor in the water maintenance department in the city of Middletown. Middletown is a medium-sized community that has renovated itself in the twenty-first century by aggressively pursuing new industry and businesses and by providing economic incentives to support expansions of the existing firms. The town has built a new high school and a new elementary school and demolished many structures and homes that had fallen into disrepair. However, the cost to city residents for services and taxes is now much higher than that of comparable cities. Nevertheless, the city is viewed to be a great place to live.

Three months ago, James was promoted to day shift supervisor. His management style is MBWA (‘Management by Wandering Around’). He is in his office from 8 to 4 Monday through Friday. But the employees know that as he wanders around he may show up at any of the four shifts—weekdays (7 a.m. to 3 p.m.), evenings (3 to 11 p.m.), mornings (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.), or weekends (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.). Seventy-five percent of the workforce is on the day shift with the remainder evenly divided among the skeletal crews in the evening, morning, and weekend shifts. Backup crews supplement these skeletal crews as needed.

James believes that he is familiar with all employees and knows their strengths and weaknesses. His employees know that he is willing to help out when needed even though he prefers to let employees work out their problems on their own.

One of his first actions was to move Alphonso Robas from evening shift supervisor to the day shift position and promote George Harris to the position of evening shift supervisor. About a month ago, James heard through the grapevine that Thomas Smith, an employee on the evening crew, had threatened Harris during a virtual confrontation witnessed by several employees. When James discussed the incident with Harris, Harris felt that he had resolved the disagreement. Harris further explained that Smith appeared to have some personal problems that were negatively affecting his work performance, and in the discussion about performance, Smith became angry. But Harris assured James that as he was extremely busy with his new supervisory responsibilities and the increasing workload of the evening shift, he had not bothered James with the incident.

Late yesterday (Wednesday), James again heard through the grapevine that Smith had been overheard to say, “I will shoot Harris!” Immediately, James went to Harris and divulged what he had heard through the grapevine. Harris assured him that the grapevine had blown the situation out of proportion. James was concerned and called Deborah Barnes, the director of human resources, but she would not be in her office till Friday. He pondered what actions he should take.

Shortly after midnight on Thursday, a ringing cell phone woke James from a sound sleep. The call was from the hospital emergency room police informing him that George Harris had been shot in the water maintenance parking lot and was pronounced dead at the scene.

A subsequent call from the desk sergeant informed James that Thomas Smith had strolled into the jail, admitting the shooting, and turned himself in. Smith, a 25-year city employee, had alleged waiting in the parking lot with a .22-caliber handgun. Police reported that Smith shot Harris three times, twice at close range and once—the fatal shot—while standing over Harris, who had fallen on the ground. Smith told police that Harris “was ruining his life and giving him a hard time.”

Later on Friday, when James interviewed several employees, he realized that he did not know his workers as well as he thought. Not only were both Smith and Harris separated from their wives, but most employees knew more about the situation than he did. They knew both Smith and Harris had argued not about work-related issues but about women.

The local newspapers detailed additional information. Smith’s attorney announced that a set of mitigating circumstances would weigh in his client’s favor when the case went to trial. Smith had turned himself in almost immediately and had no past criminal record. Even though Smith and Harris had been friends for many years, Smith had accused Harris of having a relationship with his wife and had been hostile toward him since becoming a supervisor. Smith claimed that Harris was “obsessive” about Smith’s wife and had sent her flowers on the day of the murder.

Now James is having trouble sleeping at night and wonders what he might have done to have prevented this tragedy.


Biology Question

Assignment (12.5 Points)

The topicThe effect of diabetes Type 2 on Cellular Respiration

1- Format: (2 pages, excluding references)

I.Background: Describe the difference between diabetes type 1 and type 2 (1/2 page) (2.5 points).

II.Discussion: Discuss how type 2 diabetes interferes with cellular respiration (1 page) (6.5 points).

III.Conclusion: Propose the strategies to limit diabetes type 2 (1/2 page) (2.5 points).

2-References (1 point): Include at least FOUR PEER-REVIEWED REFERENCES (the source of the information you used to write your report) in the following Format:

Stanchev S, Stamenov N, Kirkov V, Dzhambazova E, Nikolov D, Paloff A. 2020.

Differential collagen expression in kidney and heart during hypertension. Nature


3-Additional instructions:

  • You should write your name, student ID number and THE SECTION you belong to at the top of your report.

  • You need to include the subtitles above (Background, Discussion and Conclusion).

  • It is encouraged to include 1 figure with legend, which helps to explain the mechanism of interference of type 2 diabetes with cellular respiration. The figure should be included in the third page along with the references.

  • Your report (2 pages + 1 page with references and figure) should be written using Arial Font (size: 11) with single space.

  • References should be introduced in the text as numbers, and listed in full on a second page along with the figure as indicated above.

  • Please make every effort to make the report your own. Any reports found to have more than 20% matching score will receive points deductions as described below.


English presentation

Write an essay, why is education important

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