Category Archives: Research Papers

Macro Economics question


a. Using the quantity equation, derive the negative relationship between real GDP (Y) and the Price Level (P).

b. This negative relationship underlies the aggregate demand (AD) curve. List two factors that shift this curve. Explain how each factor shifts the AD curve.


a. Explain why the Classical model is characterized by a vertical aggregate supply (AS) curve. Be sure to explain the important assumption that underlies this vertical relationship.

b. Given this vertical AS curve, explain how the AD-AS framework can be used to depict the quantity theory of money.

c. What policy conclusions follow from the Classical model as far as the need for aggregate demand management is concerned?


a. Why is the Keynesian model characterized by a horizontal or upward sloping AS curve? Explain.

b. What is the significance of the upward sloping or horizontal AS curve for the Keynesian model? Explain using a leftward shift of the AD curve.

c. What policy conclusions follow from the Keynesian model as far as the need for aggregate demand management is concerned?

Ch. 2 (Mankiw)

1. Provide an explanation of the circular flow of income and expenditure.

2. Define the construct of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Does it include all the goods and services produced in an economy? If not, why does it leave out some goods and services? What types of goods are included in GDP calculations? Please answer and explain.

3. Differentiate between GDP and per capital GDP. Similarly, differentiate between nominal and real GDP. When studying economic growth, which metric should we focus on?

4. Provide a brief explanation of the income and expenditure methods for calculating GDP. Focusing on the expenditure method, provide an equation that lists out the different components of GDP and also explain what these different components include.

5. List out and explain three shortcomings of the GDP construct.

6. Explain how the output of governments (at all levels) within a country is calculated while calculating the GDP of a country. Analyze whether the inclusion of government output can distort the meaning of GDP numbers.

7. What is the unemployment rate? What does it seek to measure and how is it calculated?

8. Explain the meaning of the labor force participation rate and explain the differences between the unemployment rate and the labor force participation rate.

Chs. 3 and 7 (Mankiw), Ch. 2 (Snowden and Vane)

1. Provide an explanation of the aggregate production function that defines the production possibilities that are open to firms in an economy in the short run.

2. Use this short run production function and provide an explanation of the law of diminishing returns.

3. In the context of the labor market, explain and differentiate between frictional, structural and cyclical unemployment. Also provide a definition of the natural rate of unemployment.

Chs. 4 and 5 (Mankiw), Ch. 2 (Snowden and Vane)

1. Money is a universal medium of exchange. Explain. In the process, also differentiate between direct and indirect exchange and explain why the process of indirect exchange is welfare-enhancing and more productive.

2. Provide an explanation of the concept of the velocity of circulation of money. Making use of this concept, provide a statement of the Quantity Equation. Explain why the two sides of this equation must always be equal.

3. Making use of the Quantity Equation, state and explain the Quantity Theory of Money.


Shakespeare exercise

1- Who are the two main characters ( names, occupations, anything we know about them?

2- What is the setting of the play ? How does it affect the action/plot ?

3- A-Briefly describe what we mean by Modernism.

B- What are some of the ideas and currents that underpin Modernism and why were they so revolutionary in their impact on the world?

4- How does Godot fit as ; Theater of the Absurd?;

What philosophical system is often associated with Theater of the Absurd?

5- If Godot truly is ‘’ a play in which nothing happens,’’ how is it still appealing and entertaining for audiences today?

6- Ex. Cred when lucky does his long convoluted monologue how do the other lads finally get him to stop?


Write a Strategic Marketing Case

Analyze and write a professional marketing case report.


Communications question

1. In a few sentences, explain the author’s theoretical stance and methodology. Then, discuss how the author tailors his methods to the different individuals he writes about.

2. The road to self-destruction is paved by multiple traumas, be they personal, social, cultural and historical. Drawing on at least three of the ten case studies you read, explore how these traumas intersect in the life of the individual.

3. The individuals profiled in the book have used creativity in various ways to navigate trauma and loss. Identify and explain three or four of creativity’s restitutive functions.

4. What dominant discourses on mental health, creativity, and suicide does the book challenge, and what alternative perspectives does the book offer?

5. Western media privilege stories that end in triumph, but the case studies featured in the book end in tragedy. What lessons can we as a society learn from examining tragic narratives?

6. How can we use the insights offered by the book to better care for, and extend help to, people in crises? Propose three to four changes to current treatment models, and provide a rationale for each change.


Management Question

I have attached assignment info in word file. first three assignment was 1.Business model in which i choose Subway restaurant.

2. Feasibility of Subway Restaurant

3. Marketing for Subway Restaurant.

This time it’s 4th assignment about operational plan about subway restaurant.


Video editing presentation

what is space? space is a small word but has a huge meaning in real life . many astronaut visit the space by NASA ,there are so many planets in space


CRIJ-3304-93L Research methods

Writing Assignment: As noted in the syllabus, this course requires one (1) writing assignment. For this assignment you will need to find five (5) articles from academic, peer-reviewed journals on a topic of your choice, read the articles, briefly summarize the articles, develop a hypothesis (with one independent and one dependent variable) and null hypothesis on the same topic as the articles you read.

For example, if you read and summarized five (5) articles on violence within prisons, your hypothesis should be related to violence in prisons (e.g., Inmates in prison gangs are more likely to use violence against other inmates than inmates not involved with prison gangs).

Attached (in the “To-Do List”) are two copies of instructions: a short version and a long version. They provide the same basic instructions, but the long version provides greater detail. If you are comfortable completing this assignment using just the basic (short) instructions, there is no need for you to read the long version. If you want detailed instructions on how to complete the assignment, then please see the full instructions.

Also attached is an example of what your paper should look like. There are two (2) copies of all of the aforementioned documents (one copy in MS Word and one PDF copy, you may open and read whichever file format you prefer).


Operation Analytics

Columbia Pizza has one oven that can make a whole pie in about 10 minutes. Their late-night business among hungry college students is booming, and from 9 pm – 11 pm, they average 5 pie orders per hour. However, from 5 pm – 9 pm, they average only 3 pie orders per hour. Both order rates can be assumed arrive according to a Poisson distribution.

The owner of Columbia Pizza has observed over time that if people have to wait for more than 20 minutes from when they enter to when they receive their pie, they go next door to University Falafel, and Columbia Pizza loses the $20 sale.

The owner is thinking of buying a second pizza oven and register (e.g. a second channel) that he estimates would cost $75 per night to operate (assume that $75 is the total cost of ownership).


Set theory

1. Let X be the set of 2 × 2 matrices. Define
d : X × X → R; d(x, y) = max
{|xi,j − yi,j |}
where xi,j is the i, j-th entry of x. Prove or disprove that this is a metric on X.
2. Let A =
: n ∈ Z

. Does A have a supremum and/or an infimum? If so, prove it.
3. Let A =
: n ∈ Z

. Determine if A is a closed set. Prove or disprove from the
definition of a closed set.
4. Let X be a set. Define
d : X × X → {0, 1} ⊆ R
d(x, y) = 
0 x = y
1 x 6= y
Let x0 ∈ X, consider the open ball of radius 1 around x0,
B(x0, 1) = {x ∈ X : d(x, x0) < 1}
the closed ball of radius 1 around x0,
B¯(x0, 1) = {x ∈ X : d(x, x0) ≤ 1}
and the closure of the open ball of radius 1 around x0, denoted B(x0, 1). Determine,
explicit descriptions of these sets and prove your answers.



Management Question

1. summarised ppt and explain how Life cycle-costing is important in society or business.

2. American businesses have often been criticized for short-term thinking that places too much emphasis on the payback period and ROR. When Honda started making cars in the early 1970s, for example, the chief executive officer stated that the firm would be “willing to accept a ROR no greater than 2% or 3% for as long as it took to be recognized as the best car maker in the world.” In light of the success of many Japanese firms, is the criticism of American business justified?

3.Most countries have a progressive income tax system whereby each dollar earned in incrementally higher tax brackets is taxed at an increasingly higher rate. Do you think that a flat tax system would be more fair? How about a proportional tax system? Explain your answer.

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