Category Archives: Research Papers

MAT 230 Module Two Problem Set

Problem 1
Part 1. Indicate whether the argument is valid or invalid. For valid
arguments, prove that the argument is valid using a truth table. For
invalid arguments, give truth values for the variables showing that the
argument is not valid.

Part 2. Converse and inverse errors are typical forms of invalid arguments. Prove that each argument is invalid by giving truth values for
the variables showing that the argument is invalid. You may find it easier to find the truth values by constructing a truth table.

Part 3. Which of the following arguments are invalid and which are
valid? Prove your answer by replacing each proposition with a variable
to obtain the form of the argument. Then prove that the form is valid
or invalid.



Information economics question

The Bureau of Economic Analysis measures gross domestic product of an each state, which is the market value of goods and services produced by the labor and property located in a state.

Our national real GDP growth rate is 33.4% from the second quarter to the third quarter in 2020. Real GDP growth rate in Oklahoma is 24.2%, which is below the national growth rate.

Question 1 (5 points). If you are an economic advisor to the state governor of Oklahoma, Mr. Kevin Stitt, explain your policy recommendation to increase real GDP growth rate of Oklahoma.

Question 2 (5 points). Leave your comments to at least two students’ policy recommendation. (e.g., discuss strengths of their suggestions or suggest ideas to improve their suggestions).


Law question


  1. The Supreme Court reduced law enforcement’s authority to search the passenger compartment of a vehicle incident to arrest in:


Arizona v. Gant.

Carroll v. United States.

United States v. Simmons.

New York v. Belton.


  1. Which case concerns the plain view doctrine?

Bell v. Wolfish

Katz v. United States

Horton v. California

Arizona v. Gant


  1. Which of the following is not one of the criteria that must be met for plain view?

The original intrusion is legal only because it is pursuant to a valid warrant.

The items are plainly observed while in the permissible scope of the original intrusion.

The original intrusion is legal because the officers are present legally.

The items are immediately recognizable as evidence or contraband.


  1. Searches of vehicles during an arrest of an occupant are allowed only if the officer has a reasonable belief that the arrestee can gain access to the vehicle or that __________ will be found in the vehicle.



evidence of the crime of arrest

evidence of any crime


  1. When government agents are lawfully executing a warrant, they:

must obtain another warrant if they find additional illegal items.

can seize any contraband, even if not specified in the warrant.

will continue searching the premises even after finding the items specified in the warrant.

can take anything they want for any reason.


  • 1.

Discuss the relationship between electronic surveillance and one’s reasonable expectation of privacy.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.


  • 1.

Discuss at least three exceptions to the search warrant requirement.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.


  • 1.

Discuss what might constitute exigent circumstances. Give specific examples.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length


  • 1.

Using the three criteria for the plain view doctrine, provide one scenario involving illegal drugs in the trunk of a car that properly utilizes this doctrine and one with similar facts that fails to meet the test.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.


MATH 1342: Elementary Statistics

Problem 2 (8 points) Write True or False after each of the following statements.
1. For the two variables: depth of tire tread and number of miles driven on the tires, we expect the
association to be negative.
2. We wish to determine if the weekly Grocery bill changes based on the Number of family members.
The explanatory variable is Grocery bill, and the response variable is Number of family members.
3. Suppose that the original sample is: 12, 15, 15, 15, 28, 49.
The following values constitute a possible bootstrap sample: 12, 12, 12, 15, 28, 49
4. The margin of error of the confidence interval CI = (10, 40) is equal to 15.
Problem 3 (12 points) Write the letter in front of the best answer after each of the following questions.
1. A study was designed to answer the following question: How much difference is there in the
mean protein level between organic and non-organic eggs sold at HEB? Give the notation for
the parameter of interest.
A. ?1 − ?2 B. ?̂1 − ?̂2 C. µ1 − µ2 D. ?̅1 − ?̅2 E. ?1 − ?2 F. ?1 − ?2
2. The points on a scatterplot lie very close to the line whose equation is y = 4 − 3x.
The correlation between x and y is close to:
A. –1 B. 0 C. 1 D. –3



Software Architecture

A television system has a regular TV class that has a field “-price: int” to store the MSRP, and can be set by the “~setPrice(price: int)” method. It has two subclasses: Smart_TV and UltraHD_TV. The default prices are $200 for TV, $300 for Smart_TV, and $400 for UltraHD_TV. Let the Smart_TV and UltraHD_TV be declared as final, i.e., accepting no subclasses.

There is a Retailer class stored in a different package (or assembly in C#) from that of the three television classes. It has an association link with just the regular TV class and can replenish a television object of those three types through this association relationship. The replenishment is done by the TV’s “+replenishTV(budget: int): TV” method to obtain a TV object. The returned object should have its MSRP closest to and below the budget. For example, budget of $350 will return a Smart_TV of $300. If no TV is available for a low budget, the method returns null. The Retailer can also call the “+getInfo()” method of the returned TV object to invoke all of its get??? methods. The get??? methods include one “~getPrice(): int” to return the MSRP, and a “~getType(): String” method to know the type (Regular, Smart, or UltraHD). A Smart_TV object further has a “~getPowerUsage(): double” method to display 5.5 watts power usage per hour.

Today, two name brands Vizio and Sony are integrated into the same package of the TV system. Both brands have their own regular TV, Smart_TV, and UltraHD_TV. The MSRP of Vizio_TV is $250, Vizio_Smart_TV is $350 and Vizio_UltraHD_TV is $450. Sony_TV is $280, Sony_Smart_TV is $380 and Sony_UltraHD_TV is $480. Besides those get??? methods defined in no brand products, these two brands further have a “~getBrand(): String” method to show the brand. For power consumption, the Vizio_Smart_TV consumes 6.35 watts per hour while the Sony_Smart_TV uses 5.15 watts per hour.

The integration is requested not to modify code of the original three classes. The only association link from the Retailer to only the regular TV class must be maintained. Another request is to ensure that the design achieves the best software reuse for methods and fields. For example, the field “-price: int” and certain getter and setter methods in the TV class should be shared by all other television classes without code duplication.

Draw the UML class diagram for the new system design. (5 pts)

Implement a C# program for the user to input a budget and run the +getInfo() method for the received non-null object. (5 pts)


Business Question

HW#1-(Project Proposal) – EXAMPLE

HW#1-(Project Proposal) – EXAMPLE

  1. Service/Product (What kind of business will you have, what are you selling?)

I am opening a used bike store and repair shop. I repair bikes and I also sell used or refurbished bikes for an affordable price.

  1. Mission Statement (Present Tense, Paragraph)

As the premiere used bike shop and repair store in North Hollywood, CA, we provide fast service and unbeatable prices. Our shop provides top notch bikes for those who can’t generally afford retail prices while creating a comfortable and nonjudgmental environment for our customers. If a bike comes in for a repair, we repair it quickly, and for relatively low prices.

3.Vision Statement (2 – 3 Bullet Points) (Present Tense, Complete Sentence)

●We sell used but quality bikes for a fraction of the original price.
●We are a friend to our environment and use top quality, eco-friendly materials.
●We work quickly and get the customers their repaired bikes in under 24 hours.

4.Motto (short & memorable)


Mathematics Question

1. Empirical Study: Cross-Validation Method 1
Load the mnist.csv dataset. This is exactly the training dataset that you used in HW1, where you fit several knn models to this dataset and found a “best” value of k. In this problem, you will estimate the error of this procedure using cross-validation:
(1) Do 3-fold cross-validation, using this single value of k for the knn model.
Report the estimated error.
(2) Open HW1, where you trained on the same dataset and found the test error. How do these results compare? How would you expect them to compare in general?
Note: Doing this question and the question from HW1 is a little bit silly. It is intended as a bit of a warmup for cross-validation.



Communications Question

Assignment Description

Studying communication and the various theories that apply to human interaction can be a valuable asset in your personal and professional lives. If used properly you can improve your relationships, your ability to persuade others, your chances at career advancement, and a host of other benefits that becoming a better communicator provides. In order for you to gain a deeper understanding of these concepts, it will be important for you to begin applying them. Theory without application will not allow you to use what you’ve learned and thus, you are less likely to benefit from it. Therefore, this assignment is designed to give you a hands-on experience with going out into a natural setting and using some of what you have learned in class.To aid you in this process you will be required to choose a setting in which others are communicating with one another. The form of communication you choose to observe depends on your own preference. You can observe people interacting directly through conversation, playing sports, working together, etc. or you can observe examples of indirect communication such as strangers in crowded places, intimate partners spending time with each other without actually speaking to one another, or someone reacting to something they have witnessed.You will observe the people interacting in this setting, and provide your analysis regarding what you thought to be significant about the communication that took place, in the form of a term paper. To aid you in your writing you will need to choose three specific course conceptsor theories that relates to your observations. Examples include: Selection – what forms of stimuli were present in the situation and how did the communicators respond or negotiate those stimuli? Social Roles – what social roles did you pick up on and what was it about the interaction that communicated those roles? Nonverbal Communication – Repeating: did you notice any particular gestures that the communicators used to reinforce what they were saying verbally? Once you have selected the concepts to work with and explained how they functioned in the situation you observed, you will then need to provide an analysis of what you learned from this experience. For example: what are your thoughts about what you witnessed? Did it confirm or disconfirm any of your assumptions about communication? Was there anything that surprised you? If so, what was it and why did it surprise you? Since you will be choosing a textbook concept for this assignment, you will need to provide a reference page including in-text citations in APA style. Your paper will be judged according to the following criteria:

1. Your ability to support your analysis through the use of relevant examples

2. Your ability to connect classroom learning to your observations

3. The application of appropriate communication concepts and/or terminology from lecture or the textbook

4. The demonstrated ability to think critically about what you observed (quality of your writing/insights)

5. Proper grammar, spelling, and overall format

Learning ObjectivesThis assignment is designed to help you:

1. Apply interpersonal communication concepts to real-world scenarios and personal observations

2. Organize information and facts into a cohesive, coherent essay

3. Improve your critical thinking and writing skills


Health & Medical question

Imagine you have been hired to oversee the human resources department of a large hospital system. The hospital board of directors has requested that you provide a presentation to them on the strategies you want to implement in the human resources department.

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 15 slides addressing human resources strategies within the health care industry for effective employee recruitment, selection, training, development, and performance appraisal.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Section 1

  • Identify five recruitment strategies or methods.

  • Indicate whether the strategy is internally or externally focused.

  • Describe the strategy and why it is appropriate to health care

  • Section 2

  • Create a graphic differentiating between the following:

  • Job analysis

  • Job description

  • Job specifications

  • Examples of a graphic include flowcharts, Venn diagrams, graphs, and slides. There are a variety of tools in the Microsoft Office© Suite suitable for creating graphics. Additionally, .pdf, .jpg, and other file formats are acceptable.

  • Section 3

  • Explain why training and education are vital in health care.

  • Explain the importance of measuring competencies.

  • Describe the process for tracking and evaluating training effectiveness.

  • Describe performance appraisal standards within the health care industry.

  • Identify guidelines for effective performance appraisals.

  • Include possible barriers and their effect on the appraisal process.

  • Describe the due diligence of progressive discipline of employees within the health care field.


Excel question

Need a gap analysis table created on excel, i provided exact layout i want in the attachment. use blue and grey background instead of the green and orange if possible.

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