Category Archives: Research Papers

Research & summaries discussion question

  1. Identify and address the distinctive traits of the main character.

    1. Begin by describing the setting, the historical context, and the main themes covered by the book. (Make sure you introduce apartheid and explain what it meant, also explain why the book is titled Kaffir Boy and explain what the term “Kaffir” meant in the context of apartheid South Africa).

  1. In what ways was the author and the black people of South Africa in general impacted by apartheid laws (explain with specific examples from the book and my article. Provide at least three instances/examples from both sources. At least two from the book and one from the article).

  1. In what ways does living under apartheid rule in South Africa compare with the historical experiences of black people in the United States? Why did the world allow apartheid regime to survive for so long?

  1. What have you learnt (if anything) from reading Kaffir Boy? Does the book teach any life lesson? If it does what is the lesson.

  1. Conclude by stating your opinion about the book.

NOTE: The review should be written in a narrative essay form. The essay should be 3-4 pages long. The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced, and paginated. There should be at least, two (2) direct quotes from the novel, integrated in the body of the essay. Your quotes should come from different parts of the book. The book is divided into three main parts: Part 1-“The Road to Alexandra” (pg. 1-120), Part 2 – “Passport to Knowledge” (pg.121-212), and Part 3-“Passport to Freedom” (pg. 213-350). Make sure you derive your quotes from at least 2 of the 3 parts of the book. In addition you should have at least one quote from the article. Quotes should be cited accordingly. This is an example of how to quote and cite:


MathLab question

INTRODUCTION This project will explore the pdf of functions of a random variable include the pdf of a mixture random variable. Warning #1: Thinking is required! Warning #2: Follow directions! Warning #3: It isn’t on the web, so don’t bother looking. You may, however, look up background material, such as the definition of terms, etc. All of the terms are well-defined in your textbook and the lectures. This project involves concepts spread across the various lectures in Module 2, and on the solution to Project 1. It is, however, perfectly acceptable (and desirable) to start early, to do what you can and then go back and do more as the course content expands. Remember, there are no exams in S21 CMPE320, so I’m looking for you to develop and explain concepts we have developed in class. This project involves analytical computation as well as simulation. Express your math well! If necessary, you may hand-write your equations and insert them as pictures in your write-up.


Marketing Question

Please first provide a SWOT Analysis for Starbucks, then a Porter Five Forces Analysis, and then lastly a Business Model Canvas. Please provide a recommendation BOTH for and against investing in Starbucks based on your analysis.


Car seat infant

  1. Research at least 4 sources on a selected topic on infant or toddler development, or curriculum. List the titles of 4 articles that you have read in your Bibliography, These must be from differentreliable sources on the internet: medical journals, child psychology, parenting sites, or textbooks etc.


Statistics question

Progress Check

Check your progress. Use this activity to assess whether you can:

  • Describe blinding in an experiment design.

  • Explain why blinding is necessary for a given experiment.

Learn by Doing

Use the rubric at the bottom of this page as a guide for completing this assignment.


Submit your work:

  • Carefully read all sections below (beginning with the Context section and ending with the Prompt section).

  • Commit a good-faith effort to address all items in the Prompt section below. Please be sure to number your responses.

Complete your assigned peer reviews:

  • After you submit your initial good-faith attempt, continue to the ANSWER(S) page and review your instructor’s response. But please do not submit your corrected work yet.

  • Within three days after the due date, return to this assignment and complete your assigned peer reviews (directions (Links to an external site.)).

Submit your corrected work:

  • We all learn from mistakes (our own and our classmates’ mistakes). So please do not immediately correct your own mistakes. If possible, wait until you receive feedback from at least one of your peers.

  • If necessary, correct your work and resubmit the entire assignment. Your instructor will only review and grade your most recent submission, so please do not refer to a previous submission.


A newspaper story in Knight Ridder Newspapers described an experiment in an article with the headline “Doctor Dogs Diagnose Cancer by Sniffing It Out.”

In the experiment researchers trained dogs to identify people with breast or lung cancer. The dogs were trained to lay down if they detected cancer in a breath sample. After the training, dogs sniffed different breath samples of people with and without cancer. Impartial observers watched the dogs and decided when the dog identified a person as having cancer. Researchers then revealed the condition of the person who gave the breath sample and determined if the dog had correctly identified the presence of cancer.

The newspaper states, “The researchers blinded both the dog handlers and the experimental observers to the identity of the breath samples.”


  1. Explain what the following sentence means. “The researchers blinded both the dog handlers and the experimental observers to the identity of the breath samples.”

  2. Explain why blinding in this experiment is important.


English Question

The Final Research Essay, Purpose and Audience

For the final assignment, you will write an analytical essay of 6-8 pages (not including the Works Cited page) that presents an argument supported by research.

Your purpose is to present an analytical argument about your selected topic that provides supporting evidence from appropriately weighty and credible secondary sources. Your purpose is NOT to simply report on those sources—they are to be used as support for your own thesis.


· All essays should follow the Classical Model.

· The final paper should be 6-8 pages in length.

· You must cite at least five weighty and credible sources.

· All sources must be properly documented according to MLA style—consult the course text and other course materials for information on documentation.







HRM 6180 – Human Resource Management


How can an organization maintain its image while dealing with a talent surplus? If layoffs are necessary, what would you recommend managers do to ensure that survivors remain committed and productive? You have seen what COVID-19 has done to the economy and companies, what do you think is the best solution for companies to somehow keep their most valuable human capital while having to deal with their talent surplus?


As you know all companies are facing challenges regarding talent surplus. COVID 19 has made it very difficult to plan for talent management. The decrease in market activity has been devastating for most companies. There are so many discussions in the media and the academic world regarding this particular issue. You must stay relevant to the topic! Please make sure you look into the subject by studying academic as well and news releases concerning the LE’s chosen theme. Look at what is happening as the unemployment numbers are increasing day by day. Keep in mind that talent is a company’s capital, and losing a company’s capital is very costly and counterintuitive.


Writing Question

Watch the video provided at the link below. After viewing the content, write a 1-2 page (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 11-point font) reflection paper addressing the following items:

  1. Briefly summarize the main purpose of the workshop.

  2. What are the most important lessons you took away from the workshop AND how will you apply them in your future career?



Prince Shotoku, Prince Genji, Chomei and Hideyoshi

Imagine a discussion between Prince Shotoku, Prince Genji, Chomei and Hideyoshi around the following central questions, “What type of life is worth living? What should be the objectives and approaches of a leader?”

Write out how you think this discussion might proceed, and also, in the answers/reflections of each of the four participants, reflect their historical period and the nature of Japanese culture at the time. You can write your essay either in the first person (as a dialogue between the four figures) or in the third person (more as a traditional essay.) Whichever structure you use make sure your refer to/use specifics from the primary texts and reflect the historical period and the nature of Japanese culture at the specific time period.



1)         In the Hughes et al. (2014) paper, what was the observed difference between acoustic and chemical cues? What environmental conditions might affect the chemical cues? (4 pts)

2)         In Hughes et al. (2014), what explanation do the authors give for the black drum and catfish acoustic cues having a greater effect on crab foraging behavior than the toadfish or snapping shrimp? (4 pts)

3)         What physiological mechanisms within crabs allowed them to detect acoustic cues from marine fish? (2 pt)

4)         What are non-consumptive effects? From your reading of Hughes et al. (2014), what aspects of prey can we measure to understand if non-consumptive effects are influencing prey populations? What would we need to measure to understand consumptive effects? (6 pts)

5)         Define “trophic cascades” and explain an example of these effects from Hughes et al. (2014). (2pts)

6)         Write out the citation for the journal article of Hughes et al. (2014) using Journal of Ecology formatting. (2 pts)

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