Category Archives: Research Papers

Discussion Questions Process Costing

This assignment involves three questions that must be answered with a minimum of 400 words and two references. There is no need for a cover page or reference page, but please add the particular references following the question they pertain to.

(1) What is the difference between a theory and a model?

(2) Discuss the IoT. What do you think are the main concerns that a business would have? Do you think the advantages of IoT outweigh the disadvantages?

(3) Compare and contrast process costing systems. How can events in a job-order costing systems affect financial statements.? How can events in a process costing system affect financial statements. Provide specific examples of each type.



Immunology – How do can I calculate the volume of each plasmid I need to get 2.5 ug of DNA? 

How to fill this table? I need to calculate group CKK:0.40ug/ul. How do can I calculate the volume of each plasmid I need to get 2.5 ug of DNA? The needed information is provided.


Construction Management: DT117

In this assignment you will carry out an analysis and design of a beam with the loads shown below. The results of the analysis will then be used to perform the design on the beam in both steel and reinforced concrete.
Part 1:
• Each person in the class will get their own factored load and span combination assigned to them, see below.
• Using the loads and the equations of statics, find the Reactions at A and C.
• Find the shear force and bending moment values at all the pertinent points: A, B, C, D & at the point of max bending moment.
• Find the point of contraflexure.



Find two quotes from Lao-Tzu

Find two statements in this translation of Lao-Tzu’s text.

Write out each entire statement and in a sentence or two explain why you like it or how you connect with it.

Watch out for language errors and missquotes.


English class

 Introduce yourself (10 sec)2. Introduce your piece (1 min)a. Tell us title, performer and/or composerb. Give us information that will be helpful in relating to the piece, i.e; time period, genre, style, background/story behind piece, something interesting and unique that gets us interested in the piece3. Play the piece (2-3 min) 4. Tell us why you like the piece (1 min)a. What does it mean to you?b. What does it express?


Prevention Draft

  1. Describe the Problem (~ 1 page)

    1. Identify the type of abuse and state prevalence statistics – use our course readings or additional references here. State why this is an important issue to address (e.g., typical outcomes of abuse, impact on the family, etc.)

  2. Include summaries on TWO prevention and/or intervention programs: (~ 1 page)

    1. Who is the program developed for (parents, children)?

    2. Describe what the program does. Be specific enough for the reader to understand what the program entails.

    3. Summarize research findings on the effectiveness on the program from the peer reviewed, empirical article.

  3. Summarize, compare, and contrast the two programs (~ 2 pages)

    1. Discuss similarities and differences of the programs.

    2. Thoughtfully critique the programs – what are the strengths and limitations of each? Think of at least a 2-3 strengths and 2-3 limitations of each program and include them in your analysis. Make sure to explain why they are strengths and limitations.

  4. Conclude with recommendations for prevention/intervention programs for the type of abuse that you chose. (~ 1 page)

    1. Based on your analysis, what do you think an ideal prevention/intervention program would look like? Explain why, based on the research and analysis that you conducted. This section should also incorporate what we have covered in class in addition to your analysis. Be clear that your analysis provided evidence for your recommendations and be specific in your recommendations.


Computer Science

I. Introduction and Goals
This project involves the building of a simple, extremely streamlined CPU. It was designed in the interests of smooth implementation, rather than accuracy, so there are certain inherent design flaws in it, mostly related to high-speed timing; for our purposes, however, it works quite well.
I highly recommend reading this document carefully. If I saw a need to spend time writing something, it’ll probably help you. With that said, there are many ways to implement a design project, some of which are objectively better than what’s been tested, so keep an open mind.
I strongly advise you to write a testbench for each module, but the only ones which are strictly required will be listed in the deliverables section. You are going to need separate Block Designs for synthesis and simulation for the reasons described below in Simulation Considerations.
Also, read section XI of this document please. Those aren’t binding instructions, but will help you quite a bit should you choose to follow them.
The goals of this project are:
• Develop high-level design skills while working on a relatively modestly sized system
• Practice creating, simulating, and synthesizing Vivado Block Designs
• Learn to use IP; both predefined Xilinx IP and your own packaged designs.
• Use Verilog to develop a register simulation
• Demonstrate the ability to perfect behavioral designs and multiplexing in Verilog (the meaning of this will become clear later in this document)
• Understand the function and implementation of basic CPU arithmetic instructions
• 7-Segment Display Control and Clock Division
• Button Debouncing and Input Filtering



ECON 325 – Advanced Microeconomics

2. [25 marks] In an economy there are many identical price-taking firms, using a constant returns to scale technology, in which labor is the only input. The price of every firm’s output is 1 such that the profit per worker is θ − w, where θ is the worker’s productivity (i.e. the number of units of output this worker can produce) and w is the wage.
There are two types of workers: type-a workers have productivity θa = 3 and type-b workers have productivity θb = 1. Workers’ productivities are unobservable by firms but they know that the proportion of type-b workers is π. Both types of workers have a reservation wage of zero.
(a) What is the equilibrium wage set by the firms? What types of workers are going to
accept an employment offer? [5 marks]
Suppose workers can spend their own resources to acquire educational certificates in order to signal their productivity. It is common knowledge that the cost of acquiring an education level z equals z2 for type-b workers and z 2 2
for type-a workers.
(b) Characterize the set of separating Perfect Bayesian equilibria. For what values of π will the type-a and type-b workers be better off under the no-signalling outcome in part (a) than under the least-cost separating equilibrium? [10 marks]
Suppose now that workers don’t have access to educational certificates, but firms create jobs with different task levels t ≥ 0. Let the proportion of type-b workers be π =34
. The output produced by a worker of type i is θi (i = a, b) regardless of the worker’s task level, i.e. t is used as a screening mechanism and does not affect profit directly. Task levels affect workers’ utility: ua = w −14t2 and ub = w −12t2
. In stage 1, firms simultaneously announce a menu of contracts (w, t). In stage 2, workers decide whether they want to sign a contract and which one to sign:



Environmental Science Question

The content will include ocean & fisheries, freshwater resources and water pollution, biodiversity and conservation & mineral and soil resources, agriculture and food, and energy. The difficulty level is basically the same as AP Environmental Science. The time limit is 90 minutes and there are 50 questions including 20 true and false questions and 30 multiple choices questions. Need a tutor who is professional at the subject and help me succeed. If you don’t think you can help me out, please don’t bid on the question. Thanks


Product design project

OURSEWORK PROJECT TASK (10 marks): Design of the Dice Output Section

The output section of the dice will need to convert a binary value into the correct port pins being active to generate the right codes on the probes.

You need to consider the following:

  1. The relationship between the binary value and the port pin values

  2. Whether you handle the output as a single 8-bit output or two four-bit outputs (and if the latter how do you join the two together on the same port)

  3. How do you convert the binary values to the port values?

Consider all these and write the assembly language code to achieve this.

Test your code on Keil but feeding values into the input for this code, and monitor the output.

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