Category Archives: Research Papers

Statistics Question

Including 10-15 True/ False/Multiple choice , 1-2writing/explaining , and around 10 calculations questions (need steps). I will send you more information later. Please make sure you are good at Elem Statistics/ Probabiloty.

Time: California time March 11, 4pm.


CRIJ-3304-93L Research methods

Writing Assignment: As noted in the syllabus, this course requires one (1) writing assignment. For this assignment you will need to find five (5) articles from academic, peer-reviewed journals on a topic of your choice, read the articles, briefly summarize the articles, develop a hypothesis (with one independent and one dependent variable) and null hypothesis on the same topic as the articles you read.

For example, if you read and summarized five (5) articles on violence within prisons, your hypothesis should be related to violence in prisons (e.g., Inmates in prison gangs are more likely to use violence against other inmates than inmates not involved with prison gangs).

Attached (in the “To-Do List”) are two copies of instructions: a short version and a long version. They provide the same basic instructions, but the long version provides greater detail. If you are comfortable completing this assignment using just the basic (short) instructions, there is no need for you to read the long version. If you want detailed instructions on how to complete the assignment, then please see the full instructions.

Also attached is an example of what your paper should look like. There are two (2) copies of all of the aforementioned documents (one copy in MS Word and one PDF copy, you may open and read whichever file format you prefer).


Economics Question

As part of this course, each student will write two short papers on economic thought. Thought papers are distinct from summaries of the readings, like a book report, but rather engage critically with the ideas. The first paper will reflect on and discuss the ideas covered in Section 1, “Microeconomics” Each paper must be submitted to Canvas and must be 2 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1 inch margins in a Word Document (.doc or .docx). References and the title page do not contribute to the page count. Students will then discuss and give feedback on the thought papers in their breakout group in the following week’s seminar.


Physics Question

Read the complete question carefully. The accuracy of the assignment must be 98%+. Only bid if you are very confident that you can answer.Once accept plz, do not cancle. Thank you.



(2) You should have found some suspicious datapoints in the first part
of this question. Create two copies of the dataset: one with the suspicious points removed, the other with them retained. Try training
both LASSO and standard regression models on the training dataset
using the numerical covariates, optimizing the parameters using crossvalidation with the optimization dataset. In the end you should have
four models: standard and LASSO regression, with and without suspicious points. Test their accuracy on the test dataset.
(3) Which of the models in the previous question is best? Was it OK to
remove the suspicious datapoints from the training dataset? Were the
error estimates from the optimization dataset accurate?
(4) Some of the features, such as “description” and “amenities,” are text
fields or text lists. Choose a collection of words W that appear somewhere in these variables. For each word w 2 W, create a {0, 1}-valued
dummy variable that indicates the presence of a given word in a given
listing’s text field. For a word w, denote by p(w) the percentage of
listings containing that word. Denote by n the number of listings in
the training set. Ensure that your collection of words W satisfies:
(a) P
w2W p(w) n
2 (that is, the words appear in some nontrivial
fraction of all listings).
(b) |W| 12 (that is, there are many words in the collection).
(c) Very common words such as “the” or “and” should not appear in
the collection.
In order to extract words from a text field in R, you may find the the
command grepl useful.
(5) Repeat model-training for both standard and LASSO regression on
this larger collection of covariates (with outliers removed or not per
the results of the previous part of the question). How do the results



Linear algebra question

Please answer the question with specific details.



​NUR3805 Nursing Role and Scope

The paper should address the following:

1. Describe the dimensions of Patient-Centered Care and how do you apply PCC in your current practice.

2. Effective communications between health care providers and the patient is an essential component of PCC, why?

3. Describe an interprofessional healthcare team in your area of work.

Do the members work collaboratively?

Do they improve patients’ outcomes, how?

4. Think about your experience as a nurse student, have you observed effective communication improve patients’ outcomes? Have you observed the impact of poor communication on patients’ outcomes?


Electrical engineering question

Logic Function:


Derive minimum SOP expressions for the above function. Design implementations for the function using 2-input AND and OR gates and inverters. Note that you may have to manipulate the logic functions in order to implement them using only 2-input gates.


Biology Question

The topicThe effect of diabetes Type 2 on Cellular Respiration

1- Format: (2 pages, excluding references)

I.Background: Describe the difference between diabetes type 1 and type 2 (1/2 page) (2.5 points).

II.Discussion: Discuss how type 2 diabetes interferes with cellular respiration (1 page) (6.5 points).

III.Conclusion: Propose the strategies to limit diabetes type 2 (1/2 page) (2.5 points).

2-References (1 point): Include at least FOUR PEER-REVIEWED REFERENCES (the source of the information you used to write your report) in the following Format:

Stanchev S, Stamenov N, Kirkov V, Dzhambazova E, Nikolov D, Paloff A. 2020.

Differential collagen expression in kidney and heart during hypertension. Nature


3-Additional instructions:

  • You should write your name, student ID number and THE SECTION you belong to at the top of your report.

  • You need to include the subtitles above (Background, Discussion and Conclusion).

  • It is encouraged to include 1 figure with legend, which helps to explain the mechanism of interference of type 2 diabetes with cellular respiration. The figure should be included in the third page along with the references.

  • Your report (2 pages + 1 page with references and figure) should be written using Arial Font (size: 11) with single space.

  • References should be introduced in the text as numbers, and listed in full on a second page along with the figure as indicated above.

  • Please make every effort to make the report your own. Any reports found to have more than 20% matching score will receive points deductions as described below.


Website Development Question

Website Development Question



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