Computer Science class

Here is the code you need you fill in:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <limits.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <float.h>

#define NORM 0

#define DNORM 1

#define SPEC 2

#define BIAS 127


Declare a “typedef struct {} flt;” to contain data for a float

The data should include:

An integer for the sign

(1 for positive, -1 for negative)

An integer for the exponent value

(should be bit value to integer minus BIAS or -126 for denormalized)

A float to contain the value of the mantissa

(Actual float value extracted from the binary value)

An integer to contain the mode using the defines above


Example after processing: -15.375 = 1 10000010 11101100000000000000000

sign = -1

exp = 3

man = 0.9218750000

mode = NORM



Write a function get_flt_bits_int to return an integer with the

bits copied from a float.


for f = -15.375,

the bits of int n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

Look at the slides and code from the float lectures and use the

indirection trick. This can easily be done in one line of code.

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function that returns the sign of a float as a char.

You should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return ‘1’ if the sign is negative else return ‘0’. The

function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function that returns the sign of a float as an integer.

You should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return -1 if the sign is negative else return 1. The function

should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return a string containing the

actual binary value of the exponent of a float in a

char array. You should call get_flt_bits_int to get

the bits in an int and return the string.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the exponent bits are “10000010”

The function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function to return an integer containing the

actual integer value of the exponent of a float. You

should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return the int with the exponent value.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the exponent bits are 10000010

the actual value of the exponent is 3

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return an integer containing the

mode of the exponent of a float. You should call

get_flt_exp_val to get the bits in an int and return

the int with the mode value.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the exponent bits are 10000010

the mode is NORM

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return a string containing the

actual binary value of the mantissa of a float in a

char array. You should call get_flt_bits_int to get

the bits in an int and return the string.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the mantissa bits are “11101100000000000000000”

The function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function to return a float containing the

actual float value of the mantissa of a float. You

should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return the int with the mantissa value.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the mantissa bits are 11101100000000000000000

the actual value of the mantissa is 0.9218750000

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return a string containing the

actual binary value of a float in a char array. You

should call get_flt_sign_char, get_flt_exp_str and

get_flt_man_str to get the bits in an char and two

strings and return the concatenated string.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

The sign is ‘1’

the exponent is “10000010”

and the mantissa bits are “11101100000000000000000”

The string should be formatted as:

“1 10000010 11101100000000000000000” to clearly

separate the 3 parts.

The function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function to separate the parts of a float

into a flt struct as described above. You should

call get_flt_sign_val, get_flt_exp_mode,

get_flt_exp_val and get_flt_man_val.

Hint: make sure to set exponent to -126 for

DNORM mode.



Write a function to print a flt struct to screen.

It should accept a flt struct and return nothing.

Hint: Use if statement to print mode.



Write a function to get the actual float value back

out of a flt struct.


The float value produced will depend on the mode.

To set a float to infinity use the math library constant INFINITY

To set a float to not-a-number use the math library constant NAN

Check the slides and text for conditions for NORN, DNORM and SPEC

You need to return (sign) * M * 2^e



Write a main function that calls an prints results for

each function when completed.












int main(){

return 0;




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