Computer Science question

Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (under assignments, in your group session) 1) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the specifications you provided for phase 1, complete the project report following the structure described below. If you need to extend the scope of your project with additional requirements and features to complete the diagrams, feel free to do so. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both completeness and correctness of each diagram. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided in the course book (check Chapter 10). If you have questions or comments, please contact the instructor or TA. 2) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard under assignments. Do not forget to add the project title, the name of each student in your group, and the answers to each item defined in the project structure (as described below). Use comments and annotations, as well as graphs, tables, figures or external references whenever needed to illustrate your work. Report Structure Using Unified Modeling Language to Design and Analyze a System – Behavioral and Structural Aspects [100 points] 1) Define a class diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of classes and objects (at least 5), methods and attributes b. Examples of different relationships and constraints, including inheritance, aggregation, and associations 2) Define a sequence diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of classes, objects and lifelines (at least 3) b. Examples of calls, methods, messages (synchronous and asynchronous) and parameters 3) Define a statechart diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of states (at least 4) b. Examples of transitions 4) Define a use case diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of actors (at least 2) and use cases (at least 5) b. Examples of inclusion and extensions c. Examples of packages (at least 2) 5) Define an activity diagram for the use case(s) you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of forks and joins b. Examples of swimlanes (at least 2

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