Cyber Security Question

Cracking a password can involve different schemes, which involve several different approaches and strategies. This usually includes database access with protected passwords. Serval classic approaches include data dictionary, brute-force, and rainbow attacks.  Although there are numerous tools such as Hextools and Hashcat, your job is to come up with strategy that is based on a (subset) of industry-related software deliverables that address this security breach. Use the following parameters to guide you:

  • A Conceptual Approach that should include a Problem Domain Statament (e.g.  Government Security domain) and the associated Requirements.

  • Design Part1, which should include a Visual Representation Diagram such as UML, Use-Case, Logic Flow Diagram, or other pictorial view.

  • Design Part2, which should include Pseudo- Code and your Algorithmic Process (i.e. algorithm).  These can be combined.

  • Implementation: Optional. Can include code snipt(s) such as Java, Python, JavaScript, etc., examples.

Your solution should also utilize a classic area of research and deployment: user authentication via keystroke recognition. Consider the following patterns:

  1. Key-up/Key-down: The time it takes to release one key vs the press of the next one.

  2. Key-down/Key-up: The overall time it takes to release the key pressure of the next consecutive key where the use of a two simultaneous key pattern can occur such as double ASCII (or Unicode) code is entered or two or more devices (independent standalone CPUs).

  3. Wait-period: The time that it takes to press and release from one key to another, but has a longer period of time when compared to 1 or 2 (i.e. user/software may be waiting to complete or guess at a password w.r.t.  a hash/technique).

Assumption 1: Password attempt must exactly match (stored) user password with respect to ASCII key code.

Assumption 2: There does not exist a software hack that can defeat this problem.



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