Emergency Management in Saudi Arabia

  • Read “Emergency Management in Saudi Arabia: Past Present and Future”

  • Choose 3 of the Emergency Management topics from the reading including: Human-related risks (terrorist, motor vehicle, crashes, fires, Ramadan and Hajj seasons risks) Technological hazards (Oil spills, Blackouts, Nuclear), Natural Disasters (sandstorms, heat waves, flooding, drought). *** DO NOT USE THE SAME SPECIFIC TOPIC***

  • Apply the Course Intended Learning Outcomes to your paper:

  • Plan MITIGATION and RESPONSE measures appropriate to specific problems in KSA. [CILO 1]

  • Support KSA emergency management proposals and conclusions with theory and experience (Use Emergency Management Cycle and previous case studies). [CILO 2]

  • Critique plans of Emergency Management in KSA (Reading- Emergency Management in Saudi Arabia: Past, Present and Future). [CILO 3]

  • Write YOUR KSA emergency management reports in conformance with industry standards. [CILO 4]

  • Your Report should be minimum of 2500-3000 words

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