Engineering Question

The topic that I choose is about Intelligent Transportation System (ITS).

Your paper will focus on contemporary Transportation challenges and solutions. The following three general themes will be used to select the topics in the class. There will be an opportunity to strive for the best group report. Winners will receive special bonus.

The themes are:

a.Transportation Safety

b.Transportation Efficiency

c.Environmental Impacts of Transportation

2.Information Sources – Information is collected from library/internet sources and also from the local agencies (CALTRANS, SANDAG) and consulting firms. A number of journals available online are an excellent place to start.

3.Paper Structure 

It is important for your paper to be well structured. Although each paper will be different, papers usually should have:

a.Problem Statement, including the significance of the problem (some form of statistical figures is encouraged)

b.Presentation of the most important solutions (technologies, results, challenges)

c.Evaluation of the current solutions (some form of an original Summary Table or Chart is encouraged), and discussion on any promising futuristic solutions


4.Paper Size – The paper should be about ten (10) pages typed double spaced, 12 font (including figures and tables). Try to be succinct and to the point but be careful not to leave out important information.

5.Paper Grading – The paper’s grade will be based on the following components:

a.Merit (accuracy and completeness of information, wise use of sources, originality) 60%

b.Attractiveness of the presentation (use of pictures, tables; graphics; paper structure) 10%

c.Language (use of English, grammar, spelling) 10%

d.References (depth of the literature review; professional, journal-like format 20%

Use at least one source from these links below along with other resources.

Identify Open Educational Resources (OER) available on your topic to an external site.19721480Links to an external site.

Identify OneSeach ebook on your topic

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