ENGL 102 Sultan Qaboos University Academic Writing Discussion Board

Q1: Read this two articles then answer the answer the following discussion questions.the answer must be between 100-200 words



As you’ve read this week, stasis plays an important role in crafting an effective argument. Arguments must interact with one another in order to be successful. First, consider the interaction between Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid” and Bowman’s “Is Stupid Making Us Google?”. How does Bowman take up and respond to Carr’s argument? In other words, how does Bowman use his response to Carr’s argument to make a point of his own? Next, think about the texts from the point of view of stasis theory. Do you think these two arguments reach stasis? If so, where in the different levels of stasis would you put them? Why? If you don’t believe they reach stasis, why? Make sure to use details from the text to support your answer.

you don’t need to answer EVERY part of the discussion question above, just some of them!

Q2: read this paragraph and write a comment, what did you like and why… (50 words)

In the first article we read this week “Is Google Making us Stupid” the author Mr Carr talks about how different people now a days think and how they approach situations where they need information. He explains that by being able to google every little question that one may have it takes away how things used to work and shows a change in the way things including school are done. He talks about how many people now a days just google the answers to things instead of reading books and finding information in ways that were used in previous generations. He also talks about how he struggled with reading and writing because it was so easy just to look up the answers on google and find the information he was looking for. Now the second article we read “Is Stupid Making us Google” By mr Bowman agrees with a lot of what Carr is saying but he doesnt think that its googles fault he beleives that society and the way things are being taught now a days it makes it very easy to be able to google things and find the answer for what needs to be learned. I do think that both of these articles reach stasis because they are both strongly backed by evidence and strong data.

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