History Question

Please write a research paper about the Book Of Certitude. I need 3-4 outside sources and 5 pages double spaced. Please attach a 6th page that is a citations page. Please use quotes from The Book of Certitude as well. Be sure to mention sovereignty and detachment.

This is something I put together to make the research paper a little easier for you:

The Book of Certitude has two parts. Part one is detachment (with 3 meanings) part two is sovereignty. Detachment has 3 meanings to it and focuses on the method of understanding truth- particularly spiritual truth which is extremely important for Baha’u’llah. The first one is the idea of Baha’u’llah which is that a human being should be aware of the spiritual truth of all that they see and experience and that everything is a reflection of God, therefore we should become detached and removed spiritually from any person or specific thing. Furthermore, a being should be focusing on service to God and humanity. A person’s life should have a spiritual goal rather than a goal for realizing our selfish needs. A person who is attached to this is a person who isn’t in a state of detachment.

The second meaning of detachment is being detached from the dependence of other human beings, as well as financial dependence from others. Therefore, detachment requires that people work to be productive and also be able to provide for themselves and their necessities rather than becoming dependent on others. People should be like God and work for themselves self and do their best to create for themselves and not be dependent on others. This is detachment of dependence on people, on financial dependence and it requires that everyone who can work, to work, and do it for service of humanity.

The third meaning, which is the most important meaning as well is that this is offered only by Baha’u’llah. In our judgment of our reality and our world, we shouldn’t become dependent on anybody else. Rather, we have to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions. Independent thinking and investigation of truth. That is the essence of detachment. Being able to detach from anything else which a human is dependent on and make decisions for themselves.

In summary, Baha’u’llah says that no one has true understanding except he who is detached from all that is on heaven and earth. Therefore, we sanctify and purify our soul in order to attain such knowledge. We must think for ourselves and rely on ourselves. This is the meaning of detachment. To purify a being’s heart and become a moral person, therefore morality and universal love become preconditions of the attainment of truth.

The second part is sovereignty, he says this because the problem in religious consciousness is that when people expect the promise one, they have assumptions that the promise one comes with absolute sovereignty. This becomes the single most obstacle for the recognition of the prophets and manifestations of God.

Baha’u’llah says manifestations of God have absolute sovereignty. He begins by saying such even if no one respects them. Baha’u’llah explains that this sovereignty which he speaks about means the absolute existence of sovereignty that the prophets have are reflections of the sovereignty of God which is the real sovereignty. Attaining the presence of God is a problem that will be solved from this. Since prophets of God are reflections of divine attributes, therefore since God can’t be seen, therefore attaining the presence of profits is attaining the presence of God. Likewise for the day of resurrection, which is a day that any profit of God would come and a new stage of humanity begins as an old stage ends. Baha’u’llah emphasizes the idea that all prophets are one, the word of God takes different forms.

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