History question

a five page, double spaced, 12 pt font

Your second paper is an oral history: Interview a woman over the age of 50. While the focus is on women’s history, the topics can be approached individually and tailored to present your subject in relation to her space and agency in the world today.

Questions to consider:

1. Was she able to participate in the women’s movement of the 1960-70s? if so, how?

2. What is her interpretation or understanding of feminism, and is it important to her?

3. Has she had experience with the Ledbetter fair pay act? What has she found the structure at work to be: i.e., are men promoted more easily than women, or is it a largely female structure? Has she entered a field which is traditionally male-oriented, and if so, what were her experiences?

4. What experiences did she have in education regarding Title IX or Affirmative Action? Has she entered a field which is traditionally male-oriented, and if so, what were her experiences?

5. What is her opinion of the portrayal of women in media, both from childhood as well as currently?

6. What changes has she seen in today’s society that were seen as “forbidden” in her day (example: like the issue with women speaking politically in the mid-19th century)? Are these values societal, religious, or politically oriented?

7. What issues does she see as being relevant to women today? These can be legal, health, economic, etc.

Feel free to ask your own questions to shape your portrait.

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