IT 625 Final Project Case Study: Medical Informatics

IT 625 Final Project Case Study: Medical Informatics

Overview: In this milestone, you will analyze the Medical Informatics case study in order to complete a draft of the scope, cost, and quality planning report. The
detailed guidelines for what should be included in your scope, cost, and quality planning report draft are outlined below. In addition, you may need to use MS
Project to generate documents which support your ideas. You should use the headings provided in the outline as headings in your draft to ensure that you have
considered all of the required elements. The purpose of these milestones is to provide the opportunity to complete pieces of your final project through the
course of the term, and obtain instructor feedback as part of grading that you can then apply to your final submission. Keep in mind that your final project,
submitted in Module Nine, will be composed of the information you have gathered in each of the five milestones, crafted into a comprehensive, cohesive, well written, and professional project proposal.



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