First, you need to read Hogg, R & Brown, D 1998, Re-thinking Law & Order, Pluto Press, Annandale,
pp. 18-42 (this is one of your required readings in Week 5).

Second, choose ONE newspaper article from the selection of newspaper articles available on the LOJ
LMS site. You will find these in the ‘Newspaper Articles for Media Analysis’ folder in the Assessments
block under the label ‘Assessment 3 – Media Analysis.’

Third, identify TWO of the common-sense elements that are described by Hogg and Brown and which
are evident in the newspaper article you have selected.

Fourth, write a 1,000-word essay. In your essay, you are required to:

1. Explain, in your own words, two of the commonsense elements of law and order thinking
identified by Hogg and Brown.
2. Demonstrate precisely how these two commonsense elements are evident in the newspaper
article that you have selected.
3. Structure your essay properly: introduction, discussion, and conclusion.
4. Reference (Harvard style) both the selected newspaper article and the Hogg and Brown in
your essay and include a reference list at the end of your essay. Reference list is NOT counted
toward the overall word count!



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