Micro Economics question

Suppose that we are in the table salt (salt for food) market and the U.S. Federal Government wants to raise tax revenue by implementing an excise tax on packets of table salt. Use the graph to answer the following questions:


1) How much is the excise tax per packet of salt? Who actually remits the tax and how do we know which entity actually remits or physically pays the tax (Clearly articulate your answer in a sentence or two.)

2) Suppose that the U.S. Federal Government assumes that the exact same number of packets of table salt will be sold after the tax than as before the tax was implemented. How much revenue is the U.S. Federal Government projected to collect?

3) What is the actual excise tax revenue? Why is the actual excise tax revenue less than the projected tax revenue? What was the U.S. Federal Government assuming about consumers? (Clearly articulate your answer in a few sentences for full points.)

4) What is the fraction of the tax borne by demanders? What is the fraction of the tax borne by suppliers? (Provide and submit the the elasticity calculations into the textbox below as a PDF file. Please ignore the endpoint problem)

5) How realistic are the tax burden calculations in part 4, given the market we are in and the good we are analyzing? (Fully articulate your answers in at least a paragraph using economic concepts and logic.)

6) What is the deadweight loss from the implementation of the tax? (Fully articulate and explain why deadweight loss occurs from the implementation of a tax in at least a couple sentences)

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