MIS – Create Enterprise Level Support within Microsoft Access and Executive Summary in Word

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Compile the Excel spreadsheets you have analyzed with the information at the bottom and load them into Access in order to create a table.

B. Create a query to maintain the integrity of the original data and clean the data. For example, if you have different names within your table that actually mean the same thing, you will use the query to make the necessary changes.

C. While cleaning the data, be sure to look for and fix any incorrect, incomplete, and erroneous data.

V. Report for Management

A. Using Microsoft Access, generate an enterprise-level report to submit along with your executive summary.

B. Alter labels (identifiers) that appear in the report so they are consumable for management to comprehend.

VI. Executive Summary:

Compose an executive summary in which you explain what your process was to create the enterprise level report as well as why you performed the actions you did. Within your summary, provide a detailed description of the report in which you explain the identifiers used. You will also need to anticipate questions management may ask, so be sure that your explanation is as detailed as possible but also uses audience-appropriate language.

These are the problems I discovered in the Excel documents that need to be fixed:

Column named County Number in table 52337, this is the only table that has this particular column and should be removed so there is no confusion.

Table 52358 has no field for sale dollars and should have one created with a working equation using state bottle retail multiplied by bottles sold.

Table 52772 has a different date format from the rest of the tables and should be matched with the rest of them.

Table 52216 has an incorrect equation that is used to calculate the total sales and should use the equation state bottle retail multiplied by bottles sold.

Table 52747 has a wrong category code for Blended Whiskies that needs to be fixed to 1011100. This data set also has no data for the month of December 2015.

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