Nursing Question


This assignment requires students to define physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and discuss their ability to influence one another.


Students will approach this assignment by first defining and describing the following four domains of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Students will then discuss the influence of a patient’s physical health status on each of the other three assigned domains (mental, emotional, and spiritual); and, conversely, the potential for each of those domains (mental, emotional, and spiritual) to affect a person’s physical health status.


Using your course materials (textbook readings, articles, videos, lecture notes) to support your discussion, write an academic paper (4-6 pages, not including cover and reference pages), that addresses the following:

– Section 1 – definitions of four assigned health domains: Provide a definition and brief explanation of physical health, mental health, emotional health, and spiritual health. Be clear in the distinctions/differences between mental, emotional, and spiritual health. (1 page)

– Section 2 – influence of physical illness on the other health domains: Share what you have learned or discovered about how a patient’s physical illness may affect their mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Cite at least one source to support your claims. (1-2 pages)

Example: how does physical illness cause symptoms of mental, emotional, or spiritual distress?

– Section 3 – influence of distress/illness in other health domains, on physical health: Share what you have learned or discovered about how ill health in the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms, may manifest in physical illness or symptoms. Cite at least one source to support your claims. (1-2 pages)

Example: how does mental illness, emotional distress, or spiritual distress, cause symptoms of physical illness?

– Section 4 – address what this means in the context of holistic health care: Discuss what you believe to be the most important takeaways from the influence that exists between these domains of health, and how it relates to the role of the nurse. (1-2 pages)

– Format and submit your paper using APA style, 7th Edition (see your APA style manual and additional resources provided via the Stritch Library). Upload to the submission link provided in Canvas.

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