SCIE 241 Principles of Human Nutrition
Q1. State two reasons why there should be regulations, standards and policies that regulate food production and manufacturing. (2 points)
Q2. According to the FDA, as part of food labelling regulation, state two nutrients that should be labelled on the packaging of food labels in the USA. (2 points)
Q3. Sodium is a nutrient that has important functions in the human body, but could be harmful if it is consumed in high quantities.
- State the RDA of Sodium for an adult male (age 19-30 years). (1 point)
- What is one harmful effect of too much Sodium consumption in the diet? (1 point)
The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is an effective diet designed to reduce and manage hypertension. Explain two features of the DASH diet i.e. what is reduced or omitted, and/orwhat is encouraged to be eaten or included in the DASH diet. (2 points
BIOL2410 Assignment 2 (25 marks total)
1. Starting with the action potential on the sarcolemma, create a flow chart that describes
the events of excitation contraction coupling and the contraction cycle in skeletal muscle.
Which of these events is prevented from occurring during rigor mortis and why? (8
2. Explain why the corneal reflex can be considered a cranial somatic reflex that is both
ipsilateral and contralateral (3 marks)
3. For the following hormones, identify their site of production (name the gland, tissue or
structure that produces them), their classification (peptide, steroid or amine) their primary
targets, and their main effects. Which of the hormones listed is/are considered a
neurohormone? (5 marks)
Hormone Site of production Classification Targets Main Effect
Hormone (GnRH)
4. A person has a genetic disorder that causes a malfunction in the pendrin transporter in
thyroid follicular cells.
a) How would synthesis of thyroid hormones be affected and what one word would
you use to describe the resulting condition? (2 marks)
b) Would you describe the pathology of this condition as a primary or secondary or
tertiary pathology? Explain why. (2 marks)
c) What specific process involved in thyroid hormone synthesis is affected? (1 mark)
5. During the ovarian cycle what feedback mechanism causes the LH surge that results in
ovulation and which endocrine glands, hormones, and target cells are involved? (4 marks)
6. Be certain to attach a completed Honesty Declaration form as the final page of your
assignment. Assignments submitted without this form will not be graded.
FIN 470
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize the student with the different sources of funds that are commonly used in a publicly traded companies in the Saudi Stock Market and to relate it to the agency theory.
* Choose any two stocks from the same sector in the Saudi traded stock market except banks or insurance co. and perform the following:
1.calculate the commonly known basic financial ratios analysis. ( all catagories).
2-Calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for each stock using recent data.
- Compare your calculated WACC to the average of the chosen companies/sector.
- Interpret your findings where you compare each stock with the sector within the context of Debt- to- Equity ratios and leverage benefits to shareholders.
EEL 3705: Fundamental of Digital Circuit
1) A sequential circuit with two D flip-flops A and B, two inputs, x and y, and one output z is
specified by the following next-state and output equations: (10 point)
??+1 = ??
′ + ??
??+1 = ?? + ??
? = ?
a) Draw the logic diagram of the circuit.
b) List the state table for the sequential circuit.
c) Draw the corresponding state diagram.
2) A sequential circuit has two JK flip-flop A and B and one input x. The circuit is described by the
following flip-flop input equations: (15 point)
?? = ? ?? = ?
?? = ? ?? = ?
a) Derive the state equations ??+1 and ??+1 by substituting the input equations for the J
and K variables.
b) Draw the state diagram of the circuit.
3) A sequential circuit has three flip-flops A, B, C; one
input ???; and one output ????. The state diagram is
shown in next figure. The circuit is to be designed by
treating the unused states as don’t care conditions.
Analyze the circuit obtained from the design to
determine the effect of unused states. (15 point)
a) Using D flip-flops
b) Using T flip-flops
4) Design a sequential circuit with two D flip-flops A
and B, and one input ???. (15 point)
a) When ??? = 0, the state of the circuit remains the same. When ??? = 1, the circuit goes
through the state transitions from ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? and repeats the
b) When ??? = 0, the state of the circuit remains the same. When ??? = 1, the circuit
goes through the state transitions from ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? and repeats the
5) Design a four-bitshift register with parallel load using D flip-flops. There are two control inputs:
shift and load. When shift = 1, the content of the register is shifted by one position. New data are
transferred into the register when load = 1 and shift = 0. If both control inputs are equal to 0, the
content of the register does not change. (10 point)
6) Draw the logic diagram: (15 point)
a) A four-bit register with four D flip-flops and four
4 × 1 multiplexers with mode selection inputs 1 and 0.
The register operates according to the following
function table.
b) A four-bit binary ripple countdown counter using
flip-flops that trigger on the positive-edge of the clock.
c) A timing circuit that provides an output signal that stays on for exactly twelve clock
cycles. A start signal sends the output to the 1 state, and after twelve clock cycles the
signal returns to o state.
7) Using D flip-flops: (20 point)
a) Design a counter with the following repeating binary sequence ? → ? → ? → ? → ?.
Draw the logic diagram of the counter.
c) Design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence 0 → ? → ? → ? → ?.
Draw the logic diagram of the counter
Lab Project: PI Controller for a Single Tank System
technical report and power point presentation
The project is to design a PI controller for the head of a tank system. The simple model of the system is shown. All the sensors and actuators are voltage based. The block diagram for the model is:
Note that, and are related to the head by: , where h is in mm and is in
Part A: Obtaining System Parameters:
- Use a proportional controller only () and unit step input () in the experiment, find the system parameters (and ). Hint: the system can be reduced to the block diagram shown below, where and are new parameters obtained from the CLTF, and they are functions of and . Use the slope method and the final value theorem to obtain these parameters.
- Plot on the same graph the experiment data of Kp=1 and Ki=0 with the simulation from Simulink for the obtained parameters. Compare between the plots.
- Plot on the same graph the experiment data of Kp=7 and Ki=1 with the simulation from Simulink for the obtained parameters. Compare between the plots.
Part B: PI Design (Use Simulink and MATLAB only):
(For the analysis, consider and maximum allowed head in the tank=250 mm)
- For the following conditions, test the system for different parameters, and discuss the steady state error and whether there is overflow of the fluid in each case.
- Using P controller only
- Using I controller only
- Using PI controller
- Give brief conclusion with optimum values for Kp and Ki.
Project Instructions:
- This project is teamwork of 2-3 members. All groups should finalize their group members within 24 hours from the assignment date of the project.
- A technical report, Word processed, must be submitted in week 15 and power point presentation is required for all groups
Ç language program
1 . Write a program to accept number of seconds and display its corresponding hours, minutes and seconds. #include #include void main() { int sec,h,m,s; clrscr(); printf(“Enter seconds : “); scanf(“%d”,&sec); h = (sec/3600); m = (sec – (3600*h))/60; s = (sec – (3600*h)-(m*60)); printf(“%d:%d:%d”,h,m,s); getch(); }
2. Write a C program to find the maximum from given three numbers (Using Nested IF). #include #include void main() { int num1,num2,num3; clrscr(); printf(“Enter three numbers “); scanf(“%d%d%d”,&num1,&num2,&num3); if(num1>num2) { if(num1>num3) { printf(“\n Num1 is max : %d”,num1); } else { printf(“\n Num3 is max : %d”,num3); } } else { if(num2>num3) { printf(“\n Num2 is max : %d”,num2); } else { printf(“\n Num3 is max : %d” , num3); } } getch(); }
3. Write a C program to find that the accepted no is Negative, Positive or Zero. #include #include void main() { int num; clrscr(); printf(“Enter Number : “); scanf(“%d”,&num); if(num>=0) { if(num>0) { printf(“Number is Positive : %d”,num); } else { printf(“Number is Zero : %d”,num); } } else { printf(“Number is Negative : %d”,num); } getch(); }
4. Write a program to check given year is a Leap year or not. #include #include void main() { int year; clrscr(); printf(“\n Enter year : “); scanf(“%d”,&year); if(year%4==0) { printf(“\n Year is leap year %d”,year); } else { printf(“It Year is not leap year %d”,year); } getch(); }
5. Write a C program to find minimum from given 3 numbers (Using Conditional Operator). #include #include void main() { int ans,num1,num2,num3; clrscr(); printf(“Enter number 1,2,3 : “); scanf(“%d%d%d”,&num1,&num2,&num3); ans=((num1<num2)?((num1<num3)?num1:num3):((num2<num3)?num2:num3)); printf(“Minimum number is : %d”,ans); getch(); }
6. Write a C program to find the maximum from given three numbers (Without using Nested if, or Logical Operator, Or Conditional operators). #include #include void main() { int max,num1,num2,num3; clrscr(); printf(“Enter number 1 , 2 ,3 :”); scanf(“%d%d%d”,&num1,&num2,&num3); max=num1; (max<num2)&&(max=num2); (max<num3)&&(max=num3); printf(“The maximum number is : %d”,max); getch(); }
7. Take marks from the user and print grade accordingly( >=75 marks – Distinction, <75 and >=60 marks – First, <60 and >=50 – Second, <50 and >=35 – Pass, <35 – Fail) using if … else if….else statement and also by using logical operators) #include #include void main() { int mark; clrscr(); printf(“Enter Marks : “); scanf(“%d”,&mark); if(mark>=75) printf(“This is disinction”); else if(mark>=60) printf(“This is first class”); else if(mark>=50) printf(“This is second class”); else if(mark>=35) printf(“Your is Pass Maks”); else printf(“Your Fail”); getch(); }
8. Take 2 numbers from the user and print the greater number (Number can be equal). #include #include void main() { int num1,num2; clrscr(); printf(“Enter Number 1 :”); scanf(“%d”,&num1); printf(“Enter Number 2 : “); scanf(“%d”,&num2); if(num1=num2) { if(num1>num2) { printf(“\n number 1 is Maximum : %d”,num1); } else { printf(“\n number1 and number 2 is Equal %d – %d”,num1,num2); } } else { printf(“\n number 2 is Maximum : %d”,num2); } getch();
} 9. Write a program to check whether the blood donor is eligible or not for donating blood. The conditions laid down are as under. Use if statement. a) Age should be above 18 yrs but not more than 55 yrs. #include #include void main() { int age; clrscr(); printf(“\nEnter age of blood donor\n”); scanf(“%d”,&age); if(age>18 && age<=55) printf(“\n The age of blood donor is %d and is eligible”,age); else printf(“The age of blood donor is %d and not eligible”,age); getch(); }
10. Write a program to calculate bill of a job work done as follows. Use if else statement. a) Rate of typing 3 Rs/page b) Printing of 1st copy 5Rs/pages & later every copy 3Rs/page. The user should enter the number of pages and print out copies he/she wants #include #include void main() { int pages,copies; long int bill; clrscr(); printf(“Enter number of pages and copies of print outs”); scanf(“%d%d”,&pages,&copies); bill=(pages*3)+((copies-1)*3*pages)+(pages*5); printf(“The bill amount is %ld”,bill); getch(); }
11. The ABC Insurance Company Ltd. Offers the following three categories of car insurance policy to car owners: • Category A, here the basic premium is calculated as 2% of the car’s value. • Category B, here the basic premium is calculated as 3% of the car’s value. • Category C, here the basic premium is calculated as 5% of the car’s value. #include #include void main() { char ch; long int carvalue,premium; clrscr(); printf(“\n Select car insurance policy thpe from a,b,c : “); scanf(“%c”,&ch); printf(“Enter car value : “); scanf(“%ld”,&carvalue); switch(ch) { case’a’: case’A’: premium=(carvalue*2)/100; printf(“premium is : %ld”,premium); break; case’b’: case’B’: premium=(carvalue*3)/100; printf(“premium is : %ld”,premium); break; case’c’: case’C’: premium=(carvalue*5)/100; printf(“premium is : %ld”,premium); break; default: printf(“Wrong choice of premium type”); } getch(); }
12. Write a program to implement calculator using switch case #include #include void main() { int num1,num2,ans; char ch; printf(“Enter your choice + for addition,- for subtraction,* for multiplication,/ for division”); scanf(“%c”,&ch); printf(“Enter Number1 and Number2”); scanf(“%d%d”,&num1,&num2); switch(ch) { case’+’: ans=num1+num2; printf(“Ans is %d”,ans); break; case’-‘: ans=num1-num2; printf(“Ans is %d”,ans); break; case’*’: ans=num1*num2; printf(“Ans is %d”,ans); break; case’/’: ans=num1/num2; printf(“Ans is %d”,ans); break; default: printf(“worng choice”); } getch(
Programming Assignment #4: classes, composition, subclasses, inheritance (10
- Write the code for the following classes of employees
All attributes in all classes must be private; “decorator” or explicit constructor may be used in the definition of classes, but @property cannot be used ( -50% if those rules are not followed)
Emp (short for Employee)
The class Emp has 3 subclasses: 1. SalEmp (short for Salaried Employe), 2. HourlyEmp,
- CommEmp (short for commission employee).
The class CommEmp has one subclass, BpCommEmp (short for base plus commission
There is also a BusinessCar class
Class Emp
Attributes: empName, minSalary (short for minimum salary)
Methods: besides the usual methods (if needed), the class Emp has the
following 2 methods:
earnings(), which returns minSalary
displayInfo(), which displays name and minSalary
class SalEmp
Attribute: monthlySalary
Methods: besides the usual methods (if needed), the class EmpSal
has the following 2 methods:
earnings(), which returns the greater of minSalary and monthlySalary
displayInfo(), which displays name, monthlySalary, earnings()
class HourlyEmp
Attribute: hours, rate
Methods: besides the usual methods (if needed), the class EmpSal
has the following 2 methods:
earnings(), which returns the greater of minSalary and hours*rate
displayInfo(), which displays name, hours, rate , earnings()
class CommEmp
Attribute: sales, rate
Methods: besides the usual methods (if needed , the class EmpSal
has the following 2 methods:
earnings(), which returns the greater of minSalary and sales*rate
displayInfo(), which displays name, sales, rate , earnings()
class BpCommEmp
Attribute: baseSalary, car (car is a BusinessCar object )
Methods: besides the usual methods (if needed), the class EmpSal
has the following 2 methods:
earnings(), which returns sales*rate+ baseSalary
displayInfo(), which displays name, sales, rate , earnings(), car info
class BusinessCar
attributes: make, model, year
methods: as needed
- Instantiate (that is create) the following objects (in main()) and display the information for all objects, using the method dispayInfo() (car info to be provided via displayInfo())
Class Emp (empName,minSalary)
Amy 1500
Brie 1500
SalEmp (empName,monthlySalary, minSalary)
Carol 2000 1200
Jean 2000 1200
HourlyEmp (empName,hours, rate, minSalary)
Gloria 200 15 1000
CommEmp (empName,sales, rate, minSalary)
Doug 200000 0.10 1000
BpCommEmp (empName, sales, rate, baseSalary, car)
Grace 300000 0.2 1500 car: Toyota Lexus 2015
Luke 200000 0.2 3000 car: Toyota Camry 2015
Linda 300000 0.2 1500 car: Ford Taurus 1900 (extra credit if Linda has no car)
Please, do not clutter your code with getters and setters and any other methods that are not used.
media and emotion
The topic I chose to cover is Media and Emotion. This chapter begins with a definition of the term “emotion,” then looks at theoretical approaches and lines of inquiry that have looked at emotion as (a) a factor in message selection, (b) a result of message exposure, and (c) a mechanism through which other media impacts manifest (Nabi, 2019). The topic is essential to the target audience because most human experiences are centered on emotions. Moreover, the historical bias in favor of cognition in studying media effects and emotions has been the subject of relatively little research. On the topic of Media and Emotion, I will teach that there should be a fast focus on the part that emotions play in the choice, processing, and influence of media information. Through the topic, my goal will be; to provide an overview of how emotion has been incorporated into media impacts research and how future studies can profit from more methodical incorporation of components related to emotion.
My target audience will comprise mostly k-12 grade teachers. A teacher with the designation “K-12” teaches students in the Kindergarten through the twelfth grades. K-12 grade teachers are in charge of helping pupils study independently and impart knowledge and skills that will help them achieve their goals in the future. The unique attributes of the k-12 grade teachers as target audience include; Critical thinking, problem solution, flexibility, and the ability to initiate projects. The target audience comprises k-12 grade teachers who consume media through various sources (Oliver et al., 2019). Most of the teachers have access to the internet through mobile devices and laptops. Moreover, some of the target audience has access to social media websites and print media such as newspapers and television. To design media content for the k-12 grade teachers, I will consider various factors such as; their student’s age, gender, educational specialization and school curriculum.
Psychopathology and Diagnostic reasoning
In many realms of medicine, objective diagnoses can be made: A clavicula is broken. An infection is present. TSH levels meet the diagnostic criteria for hypothyroidism. Psychiatry, on the other hand, deals with psychological phenomena and behaviors. Can these, too, be “defined objectively and by scientific criteria (Gergen, 1985), or are they social constructions?” (Sadock et al., 2015).
Thanks to myriad advances during recent decades, we know that psychopathology is caused by many interacting factors. Theoretical and clinical contributions to the field have come from the neural sciences, genetics, psychology, and social-cultural sciences. How do these factors impact the expression, classification, diagnosis, and prevalence of psychopathology, and why might it be important for a nurse practitioner to take a multidimensional, integrative approach?
Explain the biological (genetic and neuroscientific); psychological (behavioral and cognitive processes, emotional, developmental); and social, cultural, and interpersonal factors that influence the development of psychopathology.
explain the implications of why, as an advanced practice nurse, it is important to adopt a multidimensional, integrative model of psychopathology.
Dipeptide Report
- Introduction
- Discuss the purpose for protecting group strategy and activation of carboxyl group in this experiment. Include schemes for all reactions performed.
- Why the starting amino acid exists as a Zwitterion? Explain?
Why does the final product of part I is not a Zwitterion? Explain?
- Results and Discussion
- Reaction II: Coupling of N-acetyl phenylalanine.
- Determine on the purity achieved in each step by analyzing the crude and pure NMR spectra – by interpreting all signals, including integrations and assigning to structures – and compare with the spectra of the pure product.
- Discuss the mechanism by which the peptide was formed by using TBTU
- Reaction II: Coupling of N-acetyl phenylalanine.
- Determine if racemization is present in crude product and discuss how the stereoisomers could have formed by proposing a reasonable mechanism of this racemization.
- Introduction
- Discuss the purpose for protecting group strategy and activation of carboxyl group in this experiment. Include schemes for all reactions performed.
- Why the starting amino acid exists as a Zwitterion? Explain?
Why does the final product of part I is not a Zwitterion? Explain?
- Results and Discussion
- Reaction II: Coupling of N-acetyl phenylalanine.
- Determine on the purity achieved in each step by analyzing the crude and pure NMR spectra – by interpreting all signals, including integrations and assigning to structures – and compare with the spectra of the pure product.
- Discuss the mechanism by which the peptide was formed by using TBTU
- Reaction II: Coupling of N-acetyl phenylalanine.
- Determine if racemization is present in crude product and discuss how the stereoisomers could have formed by proposing a reasonable mechanism of this racemization.