
LEDs are small, energy efficient sources of light found extensively in electrical circuitry. As with any circuit component, it is crucial to understand the operating specifications of the LED to have it function both safely and properly. If not enough current is supplied, then the LED may not shine as bright as intended. On the opposite hand, too much current can cause the LED to burn out. Let’s say that we have a certain LED with an ideal operating current of 20mA and a tolerance range of ±5%. We would like to see if we can incorporate the LED into either of the two circuits shown below. For this problem, treat the LED as if it has no influence on the current or voltage in the circuit (i.e. treat it like a section of plain wire). Would either of these circuits provide a suitable current to power the LED? If not, suggest a change that would move the current to within tolerance. (Hint: Make use of the percent error in your analysis. How does this compare to the tolerance?)

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