Statistics project


AT6 is a single, extended synoptic, summative assessment delivered over the course of three weeks, in weeks 10, and 11. Portfolio Project assess your QASS learning skills from all TLAs and ATs starting with week 1 through week 9, and to put that into action, which demonstrates your summative work towards meeting this course four intended learning outcomes. You will utilize your knowledge and skills they developed in this course to use applicable QASS software applications and web-based research skills to develop your project and not limited to MS PowerPoint and MS Word documents. The product of this AT from course topics, problem solving, and the use of software applications are aligned with this course four CILOs. You will also create an ePortfolio in Blackboard. This is the step you ONLY DO ONCE. You can add more materials to it later on.


For this task, you will answer questions through a Blackboard Assignment. The output is a report, submitted through blackboard, that describes the entirety of the your work include the formulation of a question, data planning and collection, check assumptions, data transformation, and statistical tests calculations, perform statistical tests using multiple software applications and evaluate hypotheses. You will submit individual portfolio projects as files that get uploaded into blackboard.

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