Statistics Question

MindTap Descriptive Statistics Excel Learning Activities & Assignments

[WLOS: 1, 2, 3] [CLOS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Prior to beginning work on the MindTap Excel Activities, read Chapter 1: Data and Statistics, Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Displays, and Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures by clicking Week 1 MindTap Descriptive Statistics. In MindTap, click on the Getting Ready link to access the assigned chapters for the week.

Excel’s resources Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.) or XLMiner Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.) will be used to complete the MindTap activities, which allow you to conduct statistical analysis from within your internet browser. The MindTap activities consist of (1) Videos and Practice, (2) Exploring Statistics, and (3) Review and Assignments.

Before you start working on the MindTap activities, please review the following video:

Click on the Week 1 MindTap Descriptive Statistics link to complete the assigned Microsoft Excel Online activities, which are (1) Videos and Practice, (2) Exploring Statistics, and (3) Review and Assignments for Chapters 1, 2, and 3 using Excel’s resources Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.) or XLMiner Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.).

Please note: It is recommended that you zoom in to 200% while watching the videos in Cengage.

The breakdown of the activities is as follows:

  • In the Microsoft Excel Online activities (1) Videos and Practice, you will be using Microsoft Excel Online files to work in the spreadsheets, completing structured (Links to an external site.) and free-form (Links to an external site.) activities, and then answering the questions. Structured activities use templated Excel spreadsheets and color-coded cells to show inputs that are needed to solve the problems. Free-form activities offer little structure and require you to build the spreadsheet independently, using only the starting data and problem narrative.

  • The Microsoft Excel Online activities (2) Exploring Statistics offer interactive visualizations that engage with the Lean Forward interactivity to help you see the statistical concepts being presented directly within MindTap.

  • In the Microsoft Excel Online activities (3) Review and Assignments, you will use the book’s DATAfiles as a content base to complete each Chapter Assignments and Interpreting the Results. Students can download all Excel DATAfiles (Excel) by clicking on the MindTap link, Course Materials: Access DATAfiles, Tip Sheets, and More.

Chapter Assignments

For the Chapter Assignments, you identify the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and data type. Then, you compute the statistics using the Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.) or XLMiner Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.), and, ultimately, interpret results in the context of the problem. You examine functional areas of business, as data-driven examples demonstrate how marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants, and economists use statistical applications.

Interpreting the Results

The Interpreting the Results activity assesses your ability to analyze data and interpret the results. These activities are modeled after Chapter 3, Case Problem 3: Business Schools of Asia-Pacific from the ebook, and they showcase the same company example introduced in the Week 1 Introduction video and the Descriptive Statistics: Case Problem Business Schools of Asia-Pacific discussion forum.

The weekly MindTap activities have a similar format consisting of (1) Videos and Practice, (2) Exploring Statistics, and (3) Review and Assignments. You have unlimited attempts to complete the MindTap activities. Unlimited feedback is provided during the assignments by clicking on “Check My Work.” Feedback after the assignment is submitted shows question details, your responses, and question scores.

You can learn more about a specific statistics function by visiting the Microsoft Office Help & Training (Links to an external site.) website and typing the function into the search box at the top-right corner of the website. When you search for “data analysis” in the search bar, you will return a guide for using the Data Analysis ToolPak titled Use the Analysis ToolPak to Perform Complex Data Analysis (Links to an external site.).

How to Add Excel’s Data Analysis ToolPak

Watch the video: How to Add Excel’s Data Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.).

How to Add Excel’s XLMiner Analysis ToolPak:

  • Open an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Click the INSERT tab in the navigation menu.

  • Click the STOREadd-ons button.

  • Browse the window that will pop up.

  • Type “XLMiner Analysis ToolPak” in the search box.

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