Wellness Question


Students will create a 10-page evidence-based paper describing:

  • the social determinants of health,

  • articulate how the social determinants of health influence health and well-being,

  • and how the social determinants of health impact the health and wellness profession.

Students will then reflect on the Unnatural Causes episodes by answering the following questions:

  • What did you learn by watching the Unnatural Causes episodes? (https://unnaturalcauses.org/assets/uploads/file/UC…)

  • What impacted you the most and why?

  • Considering what you have learned throughout the IHW curriculum about health and well-being, what did the Unnatural Causes episodes validate, contradict, or reinforce?

  • What questions do you still have regarding the social determinants of health that still need to be answered?

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