commmunication question
November 19, 2022
- The paper is based on this scene: The Devil Wears Prada Movie Clip
- Identify two types of nonverbal messages used by the interviewee when she was the sender. What is one example of her nonverbal messages that you see as evidence that her nonverbal messages were intentional in this interview? What is one example of her nonverbal messages that you see as evidence of unconscious use?
- What is the communication goal of the interviewee (the young woman walking into the office) when she is in the role of the sender at the beginning of this interview? What is one example of evidence that this young woman made decisions for step 2 in DECIDE, evaluating the receiver and the context? Did her use of nonverbal messages help her to accomplish her communication goal? Why or why not?
- What was one function of nonverbal communication the young woman used that guided the use of nonverbal messages when she was the sender and was talking to the interviewer (the executive woman seated at her desk)? Explain evidence of the interviewee accomplishing or not accomplishing this function. How did this function relate to her communication goal?
- Observe the nonverbal messages used by the interviewer (the executive woman seated at her desk) when she was the receiver in the situation. Identify one type of nonverbal message used by the interviewer when she was the receiver and identify and explain one example of evidence you observed where she consciously made a decision to use this nonverbal message as the listener/receiver. Identify and explain one example of evidence you observed of a type of nonverbal message used by the interviewer when she was the receiver where she may not have been conscious of using and sending this nonverbal message.
- Analyze the effectiveness of the nonverbal messages in this interpersonal communication situation. What are two specific examples of strategies used by either person to decode the nonverbal messages used by the other person? If you were observing this specific situation what meaning would you have decoded from the use of one of these nonverbal messages? Why?
- 4.1 Principles and Functions of Nonverbal Communication – Communication in the Real World (